My leisurely life live in the countryside

Chapter 38 How about your manners!

Chapter 38 How about your manners!

Feeling the indifference, they looked at each other and could only leave silently.

After leaving, they sighed.

They knew that they really looked down on people just now.

"What should I do? If you can get involved with such a top boss, you will be really blessed."

"Of course I know that! But how is it possible!"

They all knew that getting involved with Lin Yang was good for them.

But they also knew that it was difficult to do, because they had offended him too hard before.

So regretful, the phone rang.

Picking it up and taking a look, they found that the call was from the company.

"Is this already here? The speed is so fast!"

With that in mind, they quickly connected on the phone.

A minute later, three men with solemn expressions came.

"What happened before?"

After they met, they spoke coldly.

They were continuing their research, when they suddenly heard that there was a problem with the testing machine.

It seems that it was picked up by someone else...

This made them anxious.

Because he knew that it contained the company's most advanced technology.

The most important thing for a technology company is technology.

So, they came non-stop.

Hearing such a solemn inquiry, they looked at each other and explained the previous matter in detail.

After the three of them listened, they were completely dumbfounded.

"Is today April Fool's Day?"

"That's right, what are you talking about!"

"What does it mean for a young man to fix a broken drone? Is it possible?"

The three of them felt that these two people were playing with themselves.

Because what they say is simply impossible.

"But it's true! If you don't believe me, you can take a look, there are marks of maintenance on it."

Seeing that they didn't believe it, the two of them quickly handed over Lin Yang's repaired drone.

They took a few glances and found that the screws did show signs of being passive.

Looking at each other, they said coldly, "Turn on the switch."

The two of them quickly opened it.

At this moment, it started to move.

"Huh? The sound of the motor turning is quieter than before."

"The response time is also faster than before."

"Compared with before, the integrity of the machine has also been greatly improved."

They are professionals, so they clearly felt the differences at this time.

This feeling makes them really excited.

Because this change really improves its experience a lot.

Hearing the praise of the three of them, the two regretted even more that they had offended Lin Yang before.

"Where is that young man? Take us to meet him!"


The three of them spoke very enthusiastically.

Never before have they been so impatient.

They are technical and only respect those who have technology.

And Lin Yang is the one with skills...

Hearing the excited inquiry of the three of them, a trace of embarrassment flashed in the eyes of the two of them.

"what happened?"

"That's right, you guys talk!"

"Are you dumb?"

They were very anxious, and when they saw their stammering and hesitant appearance, they were immediately annoyed.

Looking at each other, they said what happened before.

The expressions of the three of them were extremely gloomy after hearing this.

"Before, I didn't know that the other party was so powerful!"

"That's right, if we knew, we definitely wouldn't do that."

Hearing their nervous explanation, the faces of the three were icy cold.

"I don't know? Even if you don't know, you should have the minimum respect! How did you do it? Tell me, how did you do it!"

They feel that these two people really don't even have the most basic respect.


"Stop talking nonsense, you have been fired, now go back and pack your things!"

"Give us another chance, give us another chance!"

The two of them sat on the ground in embarrassment.

They regretted it to death at this time.

"Give you a chance? I don't know if they will give us a chance!"

With a sneer, the three of them ignored the two idiots and went straight to Lin Yang's residence.

They looked at the receding figure and sighed bitterly.

They knew it was really over this time.


"I will talk to the company about it in the future, what kind of stuff is it to strengthen the management of employees!"

"It is indeed time to strengthen management. You can't even respect people, it's rubbish."


The three of them usually only care about technology.

They don't care much about the company's affairs. They think that these people are highly educated people, and they still know how to behave at the very least.

But now, they found themselves thinking too much.

These people really can't even do the minimum of being a human being.


"Huh? Who are you?"

Just as Lin Yang was about to go out, he saw three people standing at the door.

"Hello, we are from Da Jiang Company!"

"It's you! Do you have something to do here? Or are you here to ask the teacher?"

"How is that possible! We just found out what happened, and we are here to apologize!"


They spoke quickly and awkwardly.

"Okay, I forgive you, goodbye!"

"Don't! We have something to ask, can we go in?"

In the live broadcast room, everyone went crazy.

"Fuck, these three are the big cows of the Dajiang Group. Now, it's really shocking to be so respectful."

"The anchor has this strength!"

"That's right! They repaired the drone in minutes just now, which must have shocked them."

Lin Yang glanced at them, and said calmly, "Okay, you guys come in."

They came to make an apology, so naturally Lin Yang wouldn't really turn him away, otherwise, he would be as rude as those people.

"Want something to drink?"

“Ordinary tea is fine!”

Lin Yang nodded and started making tea.

The action was not rushed, and they were pleasing to the eye.

Only then did they realize that the house behind Lin Yang was newly built.

After taking a closer look, their eyes lit up.

"Which professional designer did you hire to design this house?"

Lin Yang glanced at them and said lightly, "I designed this myself!"

Their eyes widened...

Soon, they discovered the footage of the live broadcast and realized that it had been live broadcast.

Although they were in the lab all day, they still watched some news, so when they saw the live broadcast, they suddenly thought of Lin Yang's identity.

"You are a genius of Tsingbei University!"

"You are Liu Yang who has rejected countless invitations?"

"It looks like I'm really famous!"

Lin Yang opened his mouth lightly.

They looked at each other with awkward expressions on their faces.

Before, when they heard about Lin Yang, their first reaction was that Lin Yang was too arrogant.

Because he rejected all the top companies.

They felt that Lin Yang might not be worthy of his name, so they could only refuse those invitations...

(End of this chapter)

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