Chapter 381 Inhumans

Lin Yang sneered and was about to speak.

In the restaurant on the side, Zhao Yong's hearty voice suddenly came.

"Oh, this is Mr. Mysterious Man and Miss Bai, right? Why don't you go up?"

"I've ordered all the dishes, you guys, what's wrong with this?"

Zhao Yong pretended to be dazed, and hurried to Zhao Qin's side.

Without hesitation, he slapped Zhao Qin across the face.


"You son of a bitch, what a fuck, the person you just said you want me to deal with is Mr. Mysterious Man?"

"Do you frankly know who he is? If he wants your life, he just needs to use his fingers!"

Zhao Yong pretended to be angry, and scolded Zhao Qin with wide eyes.

The secretary at the side immediately understood, and hurried forward to smooth things over, saying: "Boss, this young master has eyes that don't know Mount Tai."

"However, the young master is still young, and Mr. Mysterious Man will definitely not have the same knowledge as the young master."

The secretary said a few words, and directly threw the topic to Lin Yang.

Before Lin Yang could speak.

Zhao Yong held out his big belly and said to Lin Yang, "Oh, Mr. Mysterious Man, I'm so sorry."

"I really didn't expect that my son would bump into you."

"So, in order to express my apology and make our cooperation go smoothly, how about I pay 2000 million endorsement fees?"

Zhao Yong looked at Lin Yang with a sincere expression and bent slightly.

He thought to himself: "This mysterious person may be even more powerful than in the video, this kid is not an ordinary person!"

"Wearing a mask, I guess I don't want people to know his identity. It's definitely not a trick!"

"This mysterious person can have such a kung fu, and his background is probably unfathomable, so he can't offend him."

Lin Yang looked at his seemingly honest face, and said lightly, "Mr. Zhao, your meeting gift is quite unique."

"It doesn't matter how much the endorsement fee is. The cooperation must continue, and I hope your son apologizes to my manager!"

"I think you can guess what he said just now?"

Lin Yang's words were calm and indifferent.

Zhao Yong could not hear anger or threat from it, but there was a force that could not be questioned.

He looked at Lin Yang Gujing's calm eyes, and said in his heart: "Don't be arrogant or impetuous. Facing such a scene so calmly, the mysterious person should not be young..."

He thought so in his heart, but a smile appeared on his face immediately, and he said as a matter of course: "You are right!"

"Damn it, I'm a stinky brat, causing trouble everywhere! Today I have to thank Mr. Mysterious Man for teaching my son a lesson!"

Lin Yang smiled lightly and said, "You're welcome."

Zhao Yong was taken aback for a moment, the smile on his face froze for a moment, and then he immediately glared at Zhao Qin again.

"Get out of here and apologize, you kid!" Zhao Yong snapped angrily.

Zhao Qin lowered his head and walked in front of Bai Ning tremblingly.

"I'm sorry, I, I didn't know you were…"

"Regardless of any woman, you can't be so disrespectful, right?" Bai Ning interrupted him and said coldly.

"Yes, yes, Manager Bai taught you the right thing." Zhao Yong nodded quickly.


Zhao Yong slapped Zhao Qin on the head with his backhand, and said, "Did you hear Miss Bai's lesson?"

"I heard." Zhao Qin nodded tremblingly.

Now his mind is full of the video of Lin Yang flying over the wall, and the video of Lin Yang colliding with Lao Wang just now.

At this moment, he had only one thought about Lin Yang—"This non-human, don't mess with it!"

"Miss Bai, Mr. Mysterious Man, let's go up and sit down for a while today, and I'll order again for you!"

Zhao Yong patted his chest enthusiastically and said: "Don't worry, I will definitely apologize to you again for this matter!"

Bai Ning pushed his glasses, and asked straightforwardly: "Have you brought your endorsement contract?"

"This, I'm sorry. I only brought 1000 million, and I didn't get 2000 million." Zhao Yong said: "Otherwise, I will treat you to dinner tomorrow, and I will take this contract with me tomorrow."

"Okay, let's talk about it tomorrow." Bai Ning said lightly, "Today, I'm not in the mood to eat either."

"This...Miss Bai..."

"That's it, let's go first." Bai Ning interrupted him, and said bluntly.

"That's fine, I'll order a better restaurant tomorrow, Miss Bai, Mr. Mysterious Man must do you a favor, and I will definitely apologize to you!"

Zhao Yong bent over and said with a flattering and respectful face.

"Let's go."

Lin Yang said calmly, took Bai Ning and left directly.

Zhao Yong stood where he was, watching Lin Yang's back disappear from his sight.

At this time, he exhaled a long breath of foul air and breathed a sigh of relief.

"Dad, tomorrow..."


"Don't call me dad! Labor and management can't wait to lose your son! You trash!" Zhao Yong scolded angrily.

"What the hell did you provoke me today? If you really provoke him one day, we don't know how to die!"

Zhao Yong's face was flushed with scolding, and he was sweating profusely.

The secretary at the side immediately took out a tissue to wipe his sweat, and said doubtfully.

"Boss, his skills are indeed extraordinary, but you shouldn't be so afraid of him, right?"

"No matter how powerful he is, does he still dare to kill people? No matter what, he is just a martial artist, why bother to please him so much?"

"What do you know? Damn it!" Zhao Yong let out a long breath, and said, "Do you think he knew this kind of skill from the womb?"

"You mean he has a master?" asked the secretary.

"Nonsense!" Zhao Yong said, "What if he has a few more senior brothers?"

"What's more, if such a person wears a mask, do you think it's just for publicity, or because he doesn't want to reveal his identity?"

"This..." The secretary frowned tightly, and said, "You mean, he doesn't want to reveal his identity?"

"Otherwise? It must be because of his special status that he wears a mask." Zhao Yong said firmly: "Anyway, I am sure, he is definitely not simple!"

"In that case, we really can't mess with him?" The secretary frowned and said doubtfully, "Then since he's behind the background, why does he insist on doing something like a live broadcast?"

"You ask me, who am I going to ask?" Zhao Yong frowned and said, "Anyway, just don't provoke him."

"Understood, boss." The secretary said.

"Also, draw up a contract for me tomorrow, with an endorsement fee of 2000 million." Zhao Yong urged.


After Zhao Yong left with a group of people, the surrounding crowd also dispersed.

Everyone was muttering, saying that they regretted not filming the scene just now.

And these people only found out afterwards that the person wearing the mask was actually a mysterious person.

In short, this matter did not explode on the Internet.

The next morning, when Lin Yang woke up, he forgot what happened yesterday.

Not long after he woke up, he received a call from Zhou Jielun.

"Mr. Lin, I'm sorry, I may only be free in the afternoon today."

"If you're free, how about coming to my recording studio in the afternoon?" 
(End of this chapter)

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