Chapter 383

After Lin Binbin watched Yaling leave, a sternness flashed in his eyes.

"What the hell, they're all from the same line, and they're all female watches!" Lin Binbin cursed angrily.

"Sir, is the food ready?"

The waiter came in and asked.

"Retire, give me all! Don't eat!" Lin Binbin said angrily.

"Sir, our dishes cannot be refunded." The waiter said.

"I didn't eat anything, why can't I return it?"

Lin Binbin stood up abruptly and threw the chopsticks in his hands at the waiter.

"Dangling—" The chopsticks landed at the waiter's feet.

"Sir, it seems that you don't know where this is." The waiter said coldly: "We have never returned the food here."

"What's more, our dishes have already been prepared, do you need me to find the boss?"


Lin Binbin took a deep breath, suppressed his anger, and said, "Go to nima, labor and capital will not eat! Can you take it?"

"Please pay." The waiter said coldly.

"Are you still afraid that labor and capital will run out of money?" Lin Binbin threw down a card and said, "Swipe the card!"

He sat on the chair angrily, his face was full of anger.

At this time, his phone rang.

After picking up the phone, Wang Min's voice came from the other end.

"Didn't you say to find Zhou Jielun today? How is it?"

"Sister, I just had dinner with him, and we will discuss cooperation later." Lin Binbin said with a smile on his face.

"And Ya Ling, she also said that she wants to cooperate with me, I—"

"Lin Binbin, why don't you show your face?" Wang Min interrupted him.

"Ya Ling even called the company! She told you all about the mess you had with her last night! And Zhou Jielun doesn't care about you at all!"

"Lin Binbin, let me tell you, if Yaling tells you about the matter, you will be finished! You can handle this shit yourself!"

After speaking, Wang Min hung up the phone directly.

The expression on Lin Binbin's face became uglier than a bitter gourd, almost turning green.

"Ma De, female cousin!" Lin Binbin cursed angrily, and pushed all the bowls and chopsticks on the table to the ground.

"Sir, the payment is over, you can leave." The waiter walked in with the card.

Lin Binbin snorted coldly and left the restaurant directly.

As soon as he walked out of the restaurant and onto the street, suddenly a red Ferrari rushed past him with a "boom", as fast as a flash of red lightning.

Lin Binbin cursed angrily in a low voice: "There are so many rich second generations in the imperial capital, what the hell..."

"By the way, rich second generation? Isn't the Chen family also in the imperial capital? Labor and management can go to the Chen family!"

Lin Binbin raised his eyebrows, jumped into the car immediately, and headed for the Chen Group.

But at this moment, in the Chen Group, Chen Shaobing was sitting in the president's office with a cigar in his mouth, playing games idly.

"Bing'er, you have just been discharged from the hospital, don't keep smoking."

A middle-aged man with shrewd eyes, combed back hair, and a suit came in at the door.

"Dad, why are you here?" Chen Shaobing immediately put the cigar in his hand aside, got up and said.

"In the company, you'd better maintain your own image." Chen Xiong said in a hoarse voice, "Otherwise other people will gossip when they see it."

"Understood, Dad." Chen Shaobing said respectfully, "Dad, is that Lin Yang really dead?"

"Yeah." Chen Xiong said lightly: "Qin Tianming of a certain blog, there is no need to help an anchor spread false news."

"Ma De, let him die so easily, it is really cheap!" Chen Shaobing said coldly: "If he is still alive, labor and management will have to skin him!"

"It's just an anchor, you don't need to get angry." Chen Xiong said flatly: "We have invested in a sports project now, you take him to find Jie Lun and talk about letting him be the endorsement."

"It just so happens that he is going on tour recently, and we can also sponsor him in the name of the sports company we invest in."

"Understood, Dad." Chen Shaobing said respectfully.

"Sir, someone said that he must see you. He said that he and Mr. Chen Jian are friends."

A woman who looked like a secretary came up and said respectfully.

Chen Xiong sneered, and said coldly: "Chen Jian? Embezzled public funds with his concubine, and now they are all in."

"What did his friends come to see me for?"

"I don't know, he said... It seems that Chen Jian promised him something." The secretary lowered his head and said.

"Who is he?" Chen Xiong asked, "Didn't he say anything?"

"He said he was the anchor, named Lin Binbin. After checking, he was the opening guest of Zhou Jielun's concert." The secretary said.

"Oh?" Chen Xiong raised his eyebrows, looked at his son, and said, "Binger, go talk to him."

"it is good."

Chen Shaobing agreed, and immediately went to the living room.

But at this moment, Lin Binbin, who was sitting in the living room, was cramped on the sofa, his heart was beating extremely fast, and his palms were sweating nervously.

After a while, there was a sound of footsteps.

A handsome, proud man in a black suit walked in with his hair combed back.

Behind the man were two burly security guards.

The man raised his head, looked Lin Binbin up and down, and sat down opposite him.

Lin Binbin smiled all over his face and asked, "I'm Lin Binbin, and you are..."

"I'm Chen Shaobing."

Chen Shaobing said calmly, didn't even bother to look at Lin Binbin, looked down at the phone, and said casually: "Are you here to find Chen Jian?"

"Master Chen, I, I'm Lin Binbin! Don't you know?" Lin Binbin said eagerly: "At that time, Mr. Chen Jian asked me to help him with something that tripped Lin Yang."

Only then did Chen Shaobing raise his head, glanced at him lightly, and said with a sneer.

"I see, a country bumpkin college student?" Chen Shaobing sneered and said, "The benefits that should be given to you should all be black, right?"

"What? Not enough money? Did you come here to ask for money?"

Lin Binbin squeezed out a flattering smile, and said: "No, no, Mr. Chen Jian, didn't you say—"

"Chen Jian embezzled public funds, and he went in a long time ago." Chen Shaobing said coldly: "I have given you all the benefits."

"If Chen Jian said he would give you something, you can go to Chen Jian yourself."

"This is the Chen Group, people like you..." Chen Shaobing glanced at him contemptuously, and said, "Next time, don't come here to embarrass yourself."

The smile on Lin Binbin's face froze instantly.

Even if he was beaten to death, Chen Jian went in directly?
"Then, Mr. Chen, you..."

"I heard that you are the opening guest of Zhou Jielun's concert?" Chen Shaobing asked jokingly.

"Yes, yes." Lin Binbin nodded hastily and said, "I am his only internet celebrity guest."

"Then you know him very well?" Chen Shaobing continued to ask.

(End of this chapter)

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