My leisurely life live in the countryside

Chapter 388 Heavenly King Cooperation

Chapter 388 Heavenly King Cooperation
After watching the chats of the fans, Lin Yang couldn't help sighing: "The Chen family has such a lot of energy, they let Lin Binbin get down overnight..."

He put down his phone and immediately rushed to Zhou Jielun's recording studio.

At this moment, Bai Ning and Zhou Jielun are in the recording studio, waiting for Lin Yang to arrive.

The two sat at the table, Bai Ning was wearing a simple white t-shirt and jeans, and his short hair was neat and neat, and a little more casual.

She stretched her waist long and said: "Lin Binbin deserves what he deserves now, Lin Yang should also take advantage of this time to increase his popularity, and wait until the moment when he really takes off his mask. It will definitely surprise everyone's attention!"

Zhou Jielun naturally understood the meaning of Bai Ning's words.

Be it the entertainment industry or internet celebrities, they are all changing rapidly.

If you want to be popular, traffic is naturally indispensable.

At the beginning, Lin Binbin took advantage of Lin Yang's fallen traffic to rise to the top.

But now, Lin Yang stepped on Lin Binbin as a mysterious person, and naturally he could get a lot of traffic.

At the peak of traffic, Lin Yang revealed his identity again, and the heat and sensation it caused is self-evident!

Zhou Jielun thought for a moment, then said, "Then Manager Bai, what do you want me to do?"

"Aren't you looking for Lin Yang to cooperate? Just send the news of your cooperation." Bai Ning said straight to the point.

"He will come to the recording studio later, you can start another live broadcast, can you?"

Zhou Jielun didn't even think about it, and said straightforwardly: "Of course, Mr. Lin's singing voice should be heard by more people, and he should sing on a bigger stage!"

"Thank you, just wait a moment!"

As Bai Ning spoke, he took out his mobile phone and sent a certain blog, and by the way, sent a message to the fan group.

"Fans, there may not be a meeting, but the cooperation between the mysterious man and the king of heaven should not be far away." Bai Ning sent a message.

A piece of news immediately exploded in the fan base.

"Damn it, Heavenly King? Could it be that his surname is Zhou?"

"Isn't it? Just after Lin Binbin was banned, the mysterious person got involved?"

"No matter what, Lin Yang and Tianwang cooperate, it's so simple!"

"Ahhhhhhh, what kind of dream linkage is this! Hurry up and release the song!"

"Look at the text I typed, does it look like a new album?"

The news sent by Bai Ning aroused enthusiastic responses from the fans, and she immediately sent another message, "Lin Yang will be broadcasting live with Tianwang later! Just wait!"

"Okay! I'll wait!"

"Damn it, is the king of heaven going to start a live broadcast? Is it so awesome?"

"Oh my god, it's so simple, hurry up to the live broadcast room!"

A group of fans immediately moved to the live broadcast room!
And Bai Ning sent a message on a certain blog, saying that Lin Yang will cooperate with Tian Wang soon, and will also start a live broadcast.

For a time, this news immediately attracted widespread attention on the Internet, and countless people reposted it.

And Lin Yang's live broadcast room naturally attracted countless people in the first place!

Lin Yang hadn't started the broadcast yet, and the live broadcast room was directly watched by tens of millions of people!
Bai Ning glanced at the popularity of the live broadcast room and a certain blog, and said with a happy smile: "The popularity of the mysterious man is also very high now, although it is still a little different from Lin Yang back then."

"Mr. Lin has such a strong strength, it's only a matter of time before his popularity rises." Zhou Jielun said.

"What are you talking about?" Lin Yang opened the door and came in, and asked, "Lin Binbin was banned? This is too fast."

While talking, he sat down at the table.

"Hurry up and start the live broadcast!" Bai Ning said, "Now is a great opportunity to increase the popularity!"

"As long as our popularity goes up, I won't believe that Wang Qian is not jealous!"

"Now?" Lin Yang was startled, and said, "Jie Lun is also coming?"

"Of course!" Zhou Jielun said as a matter of course: "You start the live broadcast first, and I will get the equipment, and we will start creating directly later."

"Okay!" Bai Ning agreed excitedly, and leaned in front of Lin Yang and said.

"Lin Binbin is down. Now that we're broadcasting live with Jie Lun, the popularity will definitely continue to rise!"

"At that time, Wang Qian's eyes are red, and he will definitely contact you! We also took advantage of this time to build a fan base."

"When you take off your mask and make the mess of Wang Qian and the Chen family public, it will be even more impactful!"

When Lin Yang thought of Wang Qian, a sneer appeared on his face.

"This Wang Qian, now Lin Binbin has been banned, he has no pillar, I think he is already in a hurry!"

"I'll start the live broadcast first. If Wang Qian contacts you, let him talk to me directly!"

While Lin Yang was speaking, he put on his mask and prepared to broadcast live.

But at this moment, in the live broadcast room, there are so many people, so naturally they can say anything.

As for what kind of king Lin Yang is cooperating with this time, fans are also constantly guessing.

"Mysterious man's singing skills are all in my head! But if he wants to cooperate with the king of heaven, is he not qualified?"

"Upstairs, if you say that you are not famous enough, I admit it, but are you sure about your singing skills?"

"Is there a problem with the singing skills of the Heavenly King? Could it be that the Heavenly King we recognize is not as good as the mysterious man?"

"What the hell is this mysterious man? Why are there so many news about him today? He is handsome or good at singing, and he dares to share the stage with the king of heaven?"

Because the message that Bai Ning sent this time included the word "Heavenly King".

Many, many fans of various music kings, as well as passers-by who didn't know why, all entered the live broadcast room.

And these people still have doubts about the mysterious man's singing skills!
There was a lot of discussion in the comment area, and suddenly, a man appeared in the live broadcast room.

The man had a V for Vendetta mask on his face and was wearing a black tracksuit.

As soon as he appeared, there were more discussions in the comment area!
"Are you a mysterious person? Can you become an Internet celebrity just by wearing a mask?"

"My idol is Zhou Tianwang, do you want to cooperate with Zhou Tianwang?"

"Wearing the mask, who gave you the courage to be on the same stage with the king of heaven, and to say such a big word?"

"I don't know the mysterious person's singing skills, please go and watch the video on the Internet, please?"

"The video thing can't be faked? Jielun Tianwang is a singer who has come out step by step. What is this mysterious person?"

Lin Yang looked at the comment section of the live broadcast room, and everyone questioned him.

He didn't care too much, just said lightly: "It's normal for you to question my singing skills, you will know when I sing a song later."

"Who wants to hear you sing? What about the Heavenly King?"

"Is it Jielun? If not, I'll leave. If so, what courage do you have to share the stage with him?"

"Ask the same question, who gave you the courage."

Lin Yang looked at the comment section, the face under the mask raised a smile, and said, "Well, since you doubt my singing skills, I'll sing a song for you to listen to."

(End of this chapter)

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