Chapter 40
"The anchor is really devoted to the village!"

"Envy their relationship!"

"Yes! We don't have such a relationship here."

"That's it!"

After knowing that Lin Yang donated all the money to the village, everyone gave a thumbs up.

If you don't know Lin Yang well, you may think that Lin Yang is a hype.

In fact, they knew that Lin Yang was not.

That afternoon, Dajiang sent people to look at the situation in the village carefully, and they left 100 million yuan for renovation of dilapidated houses.

The villagers were dumbfounded when they saw the 100 million...

Soon, they knew that Lin Yang had brought all of this, and they were extremely happy.

Just after the live broadcast, Lin Yang was dragged to the small square in the middle of the village again.

"Yangyang, you are really a great hero to our village!"

"Be sure to tell us about anything in the future, we are all your backing."


Enthusiastic villagers surrounded Lin Yang tightly.

Even though he had seen big scenes before, Lin Yang was still frightened at this time.

They are so enthusiastic.

After half an hour, Lin Yang finally found a chance to escape.

"The people in the village are good at everything, but they are too enthusiastic."

After murmuring something, Lin Yang heard footsteps.

Turning his head subconsciously, Lin Yang saw his sister Lin Miaomiao walking over.

Lin Miaomiao chuckled, "Brother, it's me! I'm not a bad person."

"En! Keep your voice down, don't let others know that we are here."

"You look so funny now."

Joking like this, she came over.

"I can't help it. Those people in the village are too enthusiastic."

Giggling, Lin Miaomiao suddenly said, "Yes, I know! By the way, brother Lin Yang, what kind of girl do you like?"

"What do you ask for this?"

"The matchmakers in the village are trying to find a match for you!"

"No, I don't want to find a partner yet."

"But they think you should look for it! No, even my mother asked me to ask what kind of girl you like."

"I really don't need it for the time being! I still have something to do, so I'll leave first."

Lin Yang knew that it would only be more embarrassing if he continued to chat, so he just oiled the soles of his feet.

"Brother Lin Yang's embarrassed look is a bit cute!"

After Lin Yang left in embarrassment, Lin Miaomiao smiled slightly.


"It's terrible, it's really terrible! She's already trying to find someone for me!"

Back at his new home, Lin Yang sighed in embarrassment.

To be honest, Lin Yang hasn't thought about getting married yet.

"I don't want to think about it, let's draw a lottery first!"

Lin Yang took a deep breath and began to prepare for the lucky draw.

Lin Yang's popularity has now soared to several million.

He had been useless before, just looking forward to getting a good reward at a time.

"All in!"

After investing millions of popularity points, Lin Yang felt a little distressed.

Because I have been saving for a long time, it would be a pity if I couldn't get good things.

"It must be something good!"

Lin Yang muttered to himself, and soon, Lin Yang heard the prompt.

"Congratulations to the host for obtaining the top root carving technique!"

"It's over? It's over?"

Lin Yang was speechless.

A few million popularity points turned into a top root carving technique?

Lin Yang really wanted to complain at this time.

However, he knew that such complaints were useless.

To save energy, he can only use the top root carving technique.

Maybe someday it will come in handy.


The next morning, just as Lin Yang woke up, he heard a knock on the door.

"Brother Lin Yang, are you home?"

"It's not Miaomiao's voice!"

Muttering like this, Lin Yang turned to Xiao Hei and said, "Go and open the door!"

Xiao Hei walked over quickly, and skillfully used his venomous thorn to push the door latch open.

The door of Lin Yang's room is still wooden, so the door is locked with a bolt.

After Xiao Hei pushed it away, the door was pushed open.

Bai Ning, wearing a dark purple sports suit, appeared in front of Lin Yang.

"It's you! You didn't tell me before you came, so I should be prepared."

"What preparations are needed!"

With a slight smile, she jumped in front of Lin Yang like a butterfly.

Shaking the things in her hand, she said, "I prepared some breakfast earlier, let's have some together!"


Lin Yang nodded happily.

Soon, Lin Yang and Bai Ning were sitting at a table beside them.

Bai Ning skillfully took out all the soy milk and fried dough sticks.

After that, she glanced at Xiao Hei who was looking forward to it, and said, "I have prepared a copy for you too."

While speaking, she quickly took out a small bowl.

Inside is a bowl full of porridge.

"Before, I added sugar for you, you should like it."

While speaking, she pushed the bowl of porridge in front of Xiao Hei.

Xiao Hei couldn't understand what she said, but he understood what she wanted to express.

Shaking its body happily, it quickly lowered its head and began to taste seriously.

Seeing that Xiao Hei was bribed, Lin Yang smiled and said, "It seems that you are very familiar with it!"

"It's okay! I still like it."

"After that, you can communicate more."

While talking, Lin Yang picked up the soy milk and took a sip.

"Well! Yes!"

Bai Ning nodded happily.

The reason why Bai Ning took the initiative to come here today is to deepen his relationship with Lin Yang.

Lin Yang has now become Panda's first brother.

The number of live broadcasts every day has repeatedly hit new highs.

Yesterday, the number of people online even reached 500 million.

If so, it's not surprising.

The most surprising thing is that these fans are very active.

More than two-thirds of them are VIPs on the website.

A third of them are new users who have never watched other live broadcasts.

In other words, the main purpose of these people downloading panda bears is to watch Lin Yang's live broadcast.

In other words, they were all attracted by Lin Yang.

Because of Lin Yang's popularity, Bai Ning who signed Lin Yang also got more attention.

This made her treatment better and better.

She knew that Lin Yang brought all of this to her, so she really cared about Lin Yang.

"Brother Lin Yang, is the taste okay?"


"From then on, I will often bring it to you!"

Hearing Lin Yang's answer, she smiled sweetly.

After breakfast, Lin Yang chatted with her for a while, and she left.

"It's almost time, it's time to do something serious!"

After Lin Yang finished speaking, he turned on the live broadcast again.

"Anchor, you are finally here! If you don't show up again, my soy milk will be cold!"

"Me too! The egg pancakes are getting cold."

"Anchor 666!"

"The Artifact for Serving Meals is here, everyone hurry up and get ready to eat!"

Seeing all kinds of barrage, Lin Yang sighed helplessly.

I don't know when they started eating while watching their live broadcast, which made Lin Yang a little speechless.

(End of this chapter)

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