Chapter 43 Never Learned?
"So it is!"

The two of them were a little stunned.

They finally knew why he was so anxious.

Looking at each other, they asked curiously, "What is the relationship between this young man and you?"

They know that root carving is a craft.

If you want to pass it on, you must at least accept disciples.

After all, such things as craftsmanship are not taught to others in vain.

"This is the benefactor of our village!"


Seeing their puzzled looks, Lin Meng said proudly, "His name is Lin Yang, and he is the great benefactor of our village!"

After saying this, Lin Meng explained in detail what Lin Yang had done before.

"Hey, according to what you said, this is really your village's benefactor!"

"That's right!"

They are a little jealous now!
Because Lin Yang is really great.

Thinking of the young people in their village running out in a hurry, they were depressed.

"Yes, he not only helped the village build roads, but also continued to support the village. I feel that our Linhe Village really flew out of the golden phoenix this time."

"En! No wonder you were so anxious before!"


"Okay, hurry up and teach him well! By the way, it may not be easy for young people to learn, so you should have a better temper then."

"Don't worry, we know!"


After knowing what Lin Yang had done for the village, they also had a lot of affection for Lin Yang.

Therefore, Lin Yang will never show embarrassment.


Five minutes later, the three of them came in front of Lin Yang.

At this moment, they were directly shocked by the scene in front of them.

Wang Tong and Zhang Xiaosun glanced at Lin Meng, and said with some depression, "What did you say before? You said let us teach him?"


Lin Meng didn't know what to say, because his mind was blank now.

Before, when Lin Yang came to borrow tools, he thought that Lin Yang was only interested in root carving.

Now, he discovered that Lin Yang is not interested in root carving, but an absolute master in root carving.

"Uncle, why are you here?"

Lin Yang, who was doing root carving, noticed that Lin Meng was looking at him in astonishment, and quickly put down the tools in his hand.

"It's like this. I originally wanted to call two old friends to help. Unexpectedly, you are much higher than our level."

Lin Meng didn't feel embarrassed, and spoke directly.

The master is the teacher!
Lin Yang is ahead of him in root carving, which shows that he is good, so he doesn't need to feel ashamed.

"I'm just playing with it casually! In fact, the technology is not good!"

Lin Yang waved his hand.

Hearing Lin Yang's words, they smiled wryly, "If you're just messing around, then we're really playing tricks!"


"You guys came just in time, help me see, how is this Guan Yu sculpture?"

Before, Lin Yang asked what the people in the live broadcast room liked.

Many of them expressed their liking for Guan Yu.

Lin Yang was the first to carve Guan Yu.

The moment this lifelike Guan Yu appeared, the live broadcast room exploded completely.

"Hey! This is simply amazing!"

"Yes! It's lifelike."

"I have goosebumps!"

"If all craftsmen have such a speed and such a degree of completion, how can it be close to being lost."

Everyone is sincerely moved.

They all know that root carving skills are now close to being lost.

The reason for this is, on the one hand, because there are no successors, and on the other hand, because of the popularity of machines.

Machine engraving one is fast.

But the machines made are the same and lack charm.

"My dad was a root carving artist before, let me say a few words! When my dad was at his peak, he couldn't act like an anchor, and the speed was very slow."

"Is the anchor's work fast?"

"The anchor is not a question of whether it is fast or not, it is already on and off!"

After the man finished speaking, he spoke again.

"Normally, before sculpting, you need to draw lines and design. So it takes a long time to really sculpt. The anchor completely omitted those processes. The most exaggerated thing is that after omitting, he can still do it perfectly. Single Based on this, the anchor can beat all the root carving artists."

"Be good!"


Before, they only knew that Lin Yang was doing well, but they didn't know what was good.

Now, after knowing it, they respect it even more.

They began to look forward to getting Lin Yang's root carving even more.

They know it's a treasure.

After you get it, you must keep it well.

"When I was young, I couldn't get such perfection!"

"Me too!"

"And I!"

They speak very quickly.

As a craftsman, they also have their own pride.

But in front of Lin Yang, they lost their pride, because they really had no right to be proud.

"Then I will continue!"


They nodded quickly.

They didn't mean to leave, but stood by and observed carefully.

They wanted to know how Lin Yang did it.

Soon, they were even more shocked, because after Lin Yang picked up a piece of wood again, he began to carve directly.

No markers at all, no planning at all, just started.

"Okay, is this okay?"

The three of them looked at each other, and they all saw the hesitation in each other's eyes.

They feel that this is a bit unreliable.

But soon, they knew that it was completely reliable, because a Monkey King image soon appeared.

Vivid, no, smart!
This carved Monkey King is really very agile.

"It doesn't even need any later repairs, it's just so perfect! This is really amazing!"

"And the time is extremely short."

"Yes, although it is not as good as a machine, it is almost the same."

They took a deep breath in shock.

Today, they were really taught a lesson by Lin Yang.

In the time that followed, all kinds of lifelike characters appeared.

The people in the live broadcast room and the three people at the scene completely exploded.

Many people are drooling.

"It's really done too similarly!"

"You must get me!"

"I want to be drawn too!"

Everyone howled excitedly.

Even people who didn't like root carving before are completely tempted at this time.

In one afternoon, Lin Yang carved twenty of them.

After finishing, Lin Yang raised his head and was startled.

Because it is no longer the first three people standing in front of me.

Instead, there are more than a dozen people.

The closest one was Lin Miaomiao, who looked at herself expectantly.

Seeing the look of anticipation in Lin Miaomiao's eyes, Lin Yang knew what she was thinking.

The corners of his eyes twitched slightly, and Lin Yang said, "I know you want one, but no, these are for the viewers in the live broadcast room."

(End of this chapter)

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