Chapter 445
Looking at Chen Xin's popularity, Wang Qian couldn't help feeling jealous, and secretly said: "This popularity is even more popular than the Internet celebrity who has debuted in my company for the longest time!"

"If this continues, Panda Live will probably be closed!"

"Tomorrow, we must reach a cooperation with the mysterious person... Signing him, I am afraid it will be impossible."

Wang Qian wanted to sign Lin Yang at first.

But he knew that the current mysterious person had already surpassed him in terms of commercial value.

It is impossible to sign a contract, and we can only cooperate!

The next morning...

Lin Yang got up on time at eight o'clock, washed up, put on a black suit, and left the hotel with Bai Ning.

"Sir, are you two going out?"

A man with an elegant smile and a handsome appearance, dressed in a suit and white gloves, stood in front of Lin Yang and asked respectfully.

"Who are you?" Lin Yang asked.

"I'm your full-time driver. Miss Liu sent me here last night." The man smiled and introduced himself, "You can call me Tony."

"Go to Huayun Hotel." Lin Yang said lightly.

"Yes, please get in the car." The man opened the door of the Maybach and made a gesture of invitation.

Bai Ning glanced at Lin Yang, frowned slightly, with some doubts in his eyes, but he got into the car anyway.

Along the way, Bai Ning and Lin Yang didn't say a word.

But Bai Ning thought to himself, "Secretary Liu sent the driver, isn't Lin Yang worried that this is an eyeliner?"

Bai Ning glanced at Lin Yang, only to find that he was resting with his eyes closed, as if he wasn't worried at all.

After a while, everyone came to the entrance of Huayun Hotel.

Early in the morning, a red carpet had already been laid at the entrance of this hotel, and there were two teams of greeters in neat suits standing on both sides.

In front of the red carpet, Wang Qian was wearing a suit and leather shoes, smiling, and putting his hands in front of him, looking respectful.

As soon as the Maybach of Lin Yang and others stopped, Wang Qian immediately stepped forward and opened the car door.

The greeters of the two teams shouted: "Welcome Mr. Mysterious Man, Miss Bai."

A sneer appeared on Lin Yang's face under the mask, and he got out of the car with Bai Ning.

Wang Qian looked at Bai Ning, his former employee, and thought to himself, "What is this Bai Ning capable of? How can he always find great anchors?"

However, he always had a warm smile on his face, half bent over, and said: "You two, please, I have booked the hotel."

Lin Yang glanced at him and said, "Mr. Wang is so generous, I'm afraid I won't be able to bear it."

"Sir, you are too polite." Wang Qian said enthusiastically, "It must be grand to meet you."

"What's more, Miss Bai and I are also—"

"Let's go upstairs and talk."

Before Wang Qian finished speaking, Lin Yang interrupted him directly.

The former showed an awkward smile on his face, nodded, and said, "Please, please, please."

Lin Yang led Bai Ning towards the hotel.

Wang Qian followed them respectfully and entered the elevator.

Seeing Lin Yang leaving, Tony immediately parked the car aside.

He sat in the car and immediately made a phone call and went out.

After a while, the phone was connected. He lowered his voice and said cautiously: "Secretary Liu, the mysterious person met Wang Qian, Wang Qian from Panda Live."

"Wang Qian?" Secretary Liu asked in a puzzled tone, "How could the mysterious person have any contact with him?"

"I see, keep an eye on him, don't let him find out that you have contact with me!"

"Understood!" Tony hung up the phone and immediately deleted the call log.

Secretary Liu on the other end of the phone was sitting at the desk, playing with a pen in his hand, and murmured in a low voice: "Is it because of industry competition? Wang Qian wants to find a mysterious person to cooperate with?"

"It should be like this... Except for this possibility, there is no reason for these two people to have an intersection."

"Mysterious man... I will discover your true identity sooner or later!"

At this moment, Lin Yang was sitting at a round table in a large box.

Bai Ning beside him was wearing a black suit, with neat short hair and a pair of rimless glasses on his face.

With a cold expression, she pushed the glasses on the bridge of her nose, and said straight to the point: "Mr. Wang, if you have anything to do with us, just tell us."

"Bai Ning, no, Miss Bai." Wang Qian smiled awkwardly, and said, "Miss Bai, we used to be considered colleagues after all, right?"

"I came to the imperial capital this time, the first thing-"

"If you say that Mr. Wang came to us just to reminisce about the past, then I'm not free." Bai Ning interrupted Wang Qian, and said lightly: "Is there anything else?"

Wang Qian smiled embarrassingly, and thought to himself: "What the hell, if you fly on a branch, why don't you miss your old love?"

"If labor and management hadn't let you join the company, you wouldn't know where you are!"

But Wang Qian never dared to say these words.

He squeezed out a smile and said, "Okay, I'll just say it straight."

"I know that Mr. Mysterious Man is young and promising, and the company is in full swing, very prosperous."

"Yesterday, I even signed a contract with a music genius. Congratulations."

"But, my panda live broadcast, the current situation is precarious, please ask Mr. Mysterious Man, Ms. Bai, to help me."

Wang Qian put his posture extremely low!
Because he looked at Lin Yang and Bai Ning's attitude, obviously he didn't want to have anything to do with him.

After so many years in the business world, Wang Qian naturally understood that if he didn't lower his posture at this time, he might be refused cooperation!
"Oh?" Lin Yang twirled the teacup in his hand, and said playfully, "How can I help?"

"It's just... I hope that our two companies can reach a cooperation, and our online celebrities will interact."

"Don't worry, my income from the Internet will be three for me and seven for you!" Wang Qian patted his chest and said, "If there is anything else, I hope you can provide some channels in the entertainment industry."

"As long as we Internet celebrities can appear in variety shows, we will never earn a penny from you! All the appearance fees given by investors are yours."

After Wang Qian said these words, he shook his head and said, "Mr. Mysterious Man, I'm really out of luck. It's already a loss-making business."

Bai Ning sneered, a shrewdness flashed in his eyes, and said, "Mr. Wang, did you come all this way to make a deal with us at a loss?"

"Do you think that you believe it yourself?"


"Cooperating with our Internet celebrities means increasing your popularity and being on popular variety shows."

"In this way, the popularity of your Internet celebrities has skyrocketed! For your later development, I don't know how much more money you can make!"

"Mr. Wang, with this little trick, you don't have to act so realistically, do you?"

Bai Ning mercilessly exposed what Wang Qian was thinking!
Wang Qian smiled awkwardly, dodged his eyes, and said, "Then Miss Bai, tell me, what kind of cooperation method do you need?"

"Business, it must be negotiated, what do you think?"

"In my opinion, there is nothing to talk about." Lin Yang said bluntly, "In business, since we are rival companies."

"Mr. Wang, don't blame me for being ruthless from now on!"

(End of this chapter)

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