Chapter 452

Lin Yang looked Shao Yunyun up and down, and said, "Mr. Liao and I are in a cooperative relationship, so there is no need to offend me."

"Cut, isn't it all about money?" Shao Yunyun pretended to be shrewd, waved his hand, and said, "Take off your mask, and you can decide how much you want."

"It doesn't matter how much money it is." Lin Yang said flatly: "Miss, now I want to discuss business with Mr. Liao, please go out."

"You dare to let me go out?" Shao Yunyun looked at Lin Yang in disbelief, and said, "No one dares to talk to me like that!"

"My father is the person in charge of Gaoyuan Capital! The largest shareholder! How dare you offend me?"

Lin Yang raised his eyebrows, and looked at Bai Ning suspiciously.

The latter pushed his eyes on the bridge of his nose and said, "Gaoyuan Capital? Your father is Shao Qiankun?"

"It's good to know." Shao Yunyun crossed his arms and said proudly, "If you're afraid, quickly take off the mask!"

Bai Ning looked Shao Yunyun up and down, and said, "Miss Shao, Gaoyuan Capital is one of the top capital groups in China."

"Such a capital company cannot be underestimated internationally."

"Your father, Shao Qiankun, is even more of a legend!"

Shao Yunyun listened to Bai Ning's words in a fluttering manner, his tail was almost up to the sky.

She said proudly: "It's useless for you to praise Miss Ben, offend me—"

"It's just that I didn't expect that the daughter of such a legendary figure would be such a savage and willful girl."

Bai Ning directly interrupted Shao Yunyun's words, with a hint of sarcasm in his words.

Liao Cong on the side was shocked when he heard the words, looked at Bai Ning in disbelief, and his heart jumped out of his throat.

"My God, this Miss Bai knows the source of Gao Yuan's capital, but she dares to offend her like this? Could it be that the mysterious person has a bigger background?"

When he saw Shao Yunyun's face, he was already pale with anger.

Liao Cong shrank his head and stood aside, looking at his nose and heart, with an expression of "I'm a piece of wood, nothing to do with me".

Bai Ning's words instantly ignited the anger in Shao Yunyun's heart!

As the eldest lady of Gaoyuan Capital, Shao Yunyun has never bowed her head to anyone except her father!

She glared at Bai Ning and said, "How dare you criticize Miss Ben!"

"Believe it or not—"

"How Miss Shao wants to deal with me, please do." Lin Yang said: "But we are discussing business now, please leave Miss Shao."

After being interrupted again, Shao Yunyun's face flushed with anger, and his chest rose and fell.

She stomped her feet and said, "I'll let my daddy take care of you!"

After finishing speaking, Shao Yunyun left the office angrily.

Liao Cong let out a long sigh of relief, showing a bitter smile.

Sitting in front of the tea table, while playing with the walnuts in his hand, he said helplessly: "Miss Bai, Mr. Lin."

"You offended Ms. Shao so much, I'm afraid there will be a lot of trouble."

Bai Ning pushed the glasses on the bridge of his nose, and said calmly: "Mr. Liao, we can proceed with peace of mind in our cooperation."

"Gaoyuan Capital and Shao Qiankun are indeed difficult to deal with, but this emperor's surname is not Shao!"

Bai Ning's words were resounding, and Liao Cong, who has been in the mall for so many years, naturally heard the clue.

He was secretly shocked in his heart, and said: "Miss Bai, what do you mean by that..."

"Although the Chen family is an investment company, the capital behind it has spread all over the world, and the network of contacts is even more complicated."

"Even if Gaoyuan Capital meets the Chen family, will it still bow its head?"

Liao Cong was startled, his face immediately filled with a smile, and said, "Miss Bai means that you and the Chen family..."

He thought to himself, "If the mysterious person really has something to do with the Chen family, then this cooperation must be inevitable."

"Do you want me to ask Secretary Liu to call you personally?" Bai Ning said straightforwardly.

"No! No!" Liao Cong said hastily: "Our cooperation can start immediately. As long as you two confirm the time, we will start recording the program immediately."

"Okay." Bai Ning said lightly, "If that's the case, we'll go back."

"Slow down, slow down."

Liao Cong hurriedly got up to send Bai Ning and Lin Yang away.

Liao Cong let out a long breath when he watched the two get into the car and the taillights could not be seen.

"This Miss Shao seems to have met her opponent. I didn't expect this mysterious person to have such a deep background."

He was whispering when his phone rang.

Picking up the phone, a familiar deep voice came from the other end.

"Old Liao, my daughter went to your place just now, why did she come back crying?"

This voice is full of majesty and undeniable domineering!

And the person who spoke was none other than the leader of Gaoyuan Capital—Shao ​​Qiankun!

In normal times, Liao Cong must have been submissive, so he had to bow his head and admit his mistake.

But today, with Lin Yang supporting him, he became a lot tougher.

"Mr. Shao, didn't Yunyun tell you? She had a fight with Mr. Mysterious Man."

"As far as I know, it was Miss Yunyun who first went to provoke the mysterious man."

"Liao Cong! What do you mean?" Shao Qiankun scolded angrily: "My daughter was bullied, and you still say my daughter is not good?"

Liao Cong smiled, and said lightly: "But it was Miss Shao who provoked him."

"Mr. Mysterious Man, he has a very good personal relationship with the Chen family, Mr. Shao, you..."

"Oh? From the Chen family?" Shao Qiankun said in surprise.

He immediately changed his tone and said, "Mr. Liao, Yunyun is really naughty sometimes, so I'll teach him a lesson."

"Who is this... Mr. Mysterious Man? Why haven't I heard of it?"

"Why don't you make an appointment with Mr. Mysterious Man some other day, and I'll take Yun Yun to make amends with him."

Hearing the other party's humble tone, Liao Cong didn't feel offended.

At first Liao Xu liked drag racing, so he met Shao Yunyun.

As a result, Liao Cong climbed the big tree of Gaoyuan Capital.

But for Gaoyuan Capital, it was a low eyebrow and pleasing to the eye. It was the first time that Shao Qiankun spoke so politely.

"It's easy to say, I'll contact Mr. Mysterious Man in the next two days and ask if he's free." Liao Cong said.

"Okay, then I won't bother you."

After hanging up the phone, Liao Cong sneered and said in a low voice, "Gaoyuan Capital? With the Chen family here, you will always be the second child in the big country!"

And after Shao Qiankun on the other end of the phone put down the phone, his expression was dark and terrifying.

Shao Yunyun stood in front of him, lowered his head, fiddling with the hem of his clothes with his hands, and dared not make a sound at all.

Seeing that Shao Qiankun's tone of voice had changed, she knew in her heart that the person she provoked this time was serious.

"Yunyun, do you know who you provoked today!" Shao Qiankun said with a more serious tone, "In this entire big country, only the Chen family dominates us!"

"It's good for you, this next trick will provoke the Chen family!"

Shao Yunyun lowered his head and said aggrievedly: "That man is wearing a mask, how do I know he is from the Chen family?"

(End of this chapter)

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