Chapter 470 Deal with it
Yingzi was interrupted, and the anger in her heart became even more intense!
She looked at Lin Yang viciously, and said, "Anyone who opposes Mitsui will not end well!"

"Miss Yingzi, Miss Yingzi, what happened?"

Liu Mingzhong hurried over.

He looked anxious, but his heart was full of joy.

Just now his subordinates sent him a message saying that Lin Yang provoked Yingzi.

This made him laugh out loud.

He looked at Lin Yang, and thought to himself, "Boy, it's not my fault that you provoked the Mitsui family and ran into the gun yourself!"

"Liu Sang, is this your guest?" Yingzi asked condescendingly with a cold tone.

Liu Mingzhong nodded and bowed, flatteringly said: "Yes, yes, he is an Internet celebrity, I just asked him to attend the little girl's birthday party, I didn't expect to bump into Miss Yingzi."

"Internet celebrity!?" Yingzi was startled, then smiled sarcastically.

"An Internet celebrity, how can you be so arrogant?" Yingzi said in a strange way: "It seems that she doesn't know the Mitsui family at all, so it's no wonder she dares to be so arrogant."

"Yes, yes, I'm just an Internet celebrity, and I don't know the greatness of the Mitsui family at all." Liu Mingzhong immediately flattered him.

"Leave him to me." Yingzi said indifferently and proudly.

Liu Ming agreed, then turned to Lin Yang and said, "Mr. Mysterious Man, I want you to come to the birthday party!"

"I didn't ask you to come here to make trouble for me! How lucky you are to contradict Ms. Yingzi?"

"Do you know how powerful the Mitsui Group is? The Chen family and the Shao family are both friends of the Mitsui Group!"

Liu Mingzhong pretended to be a fox, and spoke louder and louder, as if to announce his relationship with these big families.

"Mr. Mysterious Man, this is the end of the matter, I won't say more, today you take off your mask, apologize to Yingzi, crawl out from here, stop being an Internet celebrity, maybe you can spare your life!"

Lin Yang glanced at him impatiently, and asked, "Are you finished? Then it's up to me."

He got up slowly, and said word by word: "I'm going to go out from here openly, but I want to know who can stop me."

After finishing speaking, Liu Mingzhong looked at Lin Yang sarcastically, and said, "You want to leave? If you walk out of this door, you won't be able to see the sun tomorrow!"

"Okay, let's wait and see!"

After saying a word, Lin Yang turned around and walked towards the door.

Yingzi's eyes were cold, she pointed at Lin Yang's back, and said, "Ask someone to stop him!"

"Come on! Come on! Stop him!" Liu Mingzhong yelled at the security guard in the corner, "Stop him, and each person will give him [-] yuan!"

After the voice fell, the sound of orderly footsteps resounded throughout the hotel.

As soon as Lin Yang walked to the door, a security guard rushed over.

This security guard is burly, and his shots are open and closed. He is obviously a Lianjiazi!
The security guard looked at Lin Yang with bright eyes. The 10 yuan was his salary for a year of junior high school!

He threw his punch the size of a sandbag at Lin Yang, with a ferocious smile on his face.

Lin Yang didn't hide, and he punched him too.


With a muffled sound, the security guard flew upside down as if hit by a train, and slammed into the wall heavily, leaving him unconscious.

This move made everyone in the audience stunned for a moment.

Yingzi said unhappily: "Liu Sang, can your people really stop him?"

Liu Mingzhong was also a little apprehensive, it's not that he didn't see how powerful Lin Yang was that day.

"Give me a hand! Give me a hand!"

Gritting his teeth, Liu Mingzhong roared at a group of men in black.

After the words fell, a group of men in black surrounded Lin Yang.

Just as he was about to make a move, there was a scolding sound!


Everyone looked back and saw Secretary Liu, Shao Mou, and Ryuichiro Mitsui standing at the stairs.

"What's going on!" Ryuichiro Mitsui frowned, staring at Sakurako and asked.

When Sakurako saw Ryuichiro, her whole body was like a mouse seeing a cat.

She lowered her head, walked up to Mitsui respectfully, and said, "Master Mitsui, this Chinese man hurt my subordinate."

"Zina?" Lin Yang clapped his hands, sneered, and said, "You are in a big country, what do you call me?"

"If you hurt the Mitsui family, so what if you call you a Shina?" Mitsui Ryuichiro looked arrogant, as if he had regarded himself as the master of this place.

Pointing at Lin Yang, he said, "Kneel down and apologize! This is your chance!"

"What if I don't kneel down!" Lin Yang stared at Ryuichiro Mitsui coldly, completely fearless.

"You are in a big country, and you want me to kneel down when you say something that insults the people of the big country, what a joke!"

Lin Yang said every word with a loud voice, and he didn't give Mitsui Ryuichiro any face.

Seeing this, Liu Mingzhong felt secretly refreshed, "How dare you contradict Master Mitsui, let's see how you die now!"

He said to Mitsui flatteringly: "Master Mitsui, don't worry, I will definitely get rid of him!"

"Liu Mingzhong, I didn't see it, you are still from the island country?" Secretary Liu said with a gloomy face, "Apologize to Mr. Mysterious Man!"

Liu Mingzhong froze in place for a moment, no matter whether it was Secretary Liu or Mitsui, he couldn't afford to offend either of them!

He stared at Secretary Liu in a daze, and said to himself, "Secretary Liu actually came out for an Internet celebrity?"

The corner of Shao Mou's mouth slightly raised, he looked at Lin Yang, and then at Secretary Liu.

He secretly said in his heart: "It seems that Secretary Liu really intends to cooperate with the mysterious person, and he really knows how to pick people. Now the mysterious person is very popular in the entertainment industry."

"However, this kid is disrespectful to Yunyun...he must make an apology to Yunyun!"

He only found out when he talked with Mitsui and Secretary Liu in the reception room just now.

It turned out that this mysterious man wearing a mask had already gained a very high reputation in the big country.

He now thought that Lin Yang was so stubborn because of his own fame and cooperation with the Chen family.

"Secretary Liu, what do you mean?" Mitsui naturally saw what Secretary Liu was thinking and asked.

"Mr. Mitsui, your people are insulting to the mysterious person, and you still say it's China? This is an insult to our big country people!"

"Don't you think you shouldn't apologize? Or do you think that your Mitsui family can be lawless in a big country?"

Secretary Liu didn't give in at all, and stared at Mitsui with cold eyes.

With a cold face, Mitsui let out a cold snort, and slapped Yingzi on the face with a "slap".

"Keep your mouth clean!" Mitsui said with a cold face.

"Yes!" Yingzi lowered her head and said enduring the pain.

"Okay, now my people have been taught a lesson." Mitsui took out the silk scarf on his chest and wiped his hands, saying.

"Now it's time to deal with this Mr. Mysterious Man's beating, right?"

"Why didn't you ask your secretary about this matter, why did I beat someone?" Lin Yang sneered, and sat aside with great determination. 
(End of this chapter)

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