My leisurely life live in the countryside

Chapter 48 The Opportunity to Counterattack Comes

Chapter 48 The Opportunity to Counterattack Comes

"It can be eaten, but it's not too young now, so..."

Knowing that Feng Meiyu was talking about the vegetables grown on the spiritual soil, Lin Yang turned his head while speaking.

Soon, Lin Yang was astonished to the extreme.

The reason for this is that the spinach, which was just sprouting, has grown into rapeseed and lettuce.


Not just grown up, but fully matured.

"Looks like this, the effect of the spirit soil has come out!"

Lin Yang muttered to himself in surprise.

The people in the live broadcast room were shocked when they saw their recent situation.

"Damn it, don't these vegetables grow a little fast? How could I remember that the master sowed them very late?"

"I also remember that it didn't seem to be planted for long."

“Yeah, I remember it very clearly, but it wasn’t long. Watching the broadcaster sowing seeds, I got interested, so I planted some seeds in the pots on the same day, and now, the seeds I planted have only just sprouted. "

"mine too!"

"Then what's the matter with the anchor? Are they all transplanted from other places?"

After the shock, everyone continued to look at them eagerly.

They feel that these vegetables should not have been transplanted from other places, otherwise, they would not be so vibrant.

Lin Yang walked towards them, Feng Meiyu glanced at Hu Xiaobei, and walked over.

After approaching, seeing Lin Yang's surprised look, Feng Meiyu was a little surprised, "Lin Yang, you look surprised, didn't you plant these vegetables earlier?"

"I planted it before, but the rise was really fast, and I was surprised."

Lin Yang glanced at Feng Meiyu who was full of doubts, and explained something vaguely.

Lin Yang knew that it was better not to tell the truth.

Otherwise, Feng Meiyu would definitely be frightened.

"Like This!"

Feng Meiyu smiled lightly and continued to take a step forward.

Soon, she said, "Lin Yang, is there anything to serve?"

"Yes, I'll get it for you!"

When he spoke quickly, Lin Yang ran back into the house.

Soon, Lin Yang brought a vegetable pot made of bamboo.

"Give you!"


Feng Meiyu took it, looked at it for a while, and began to pick it seriously...

Soon, she picked a lot of spinach, rapeseed and lettuce.

"This woman named Feng Meiyu really fits all the definitions of a goddess in my heart."

"Don't lick it, people won't see this barrage."

"Even if you can't see it, you still have to lick it! Once you get used to licking, it will be easy to play when you meet the next goddess."

"Oh, that's a good idea!"

"Of course, you have to cast your net widely. If you lick one goddess, you are a spare tire. If you lick a hundred goddesses, the goddess is your spare tire."

"Makes sense!"

"If we talk about this, I really won't be sleepy!"

All started exchanging experiences again.

This made the atmosphere in the group quickly become high.


After picking a few, Feng Meiyu looked up at Lin Yang, "Lin Yang, I think these vegetables are better than ordinary vegetables!"

"Have it?"

"I can't say it, but it just feels like this."

Feng Meiyu often cooked when she was at home.

Therefore, she still knows a lot about vegetables.

It was also because of this understanding that Feng Meiyu obviously felt that the vegetables in front of her were a little different from the ones she had seen before.

She couldn't tell exactly what was different, but it just felt different anyway.

"It's probably your illusion!"

Lin Yang smiled lightly.

In fact, Lin Yang believed that it would be different.

Because they were cultivated by priceless spiritual soil.

It's just that he couldn't tell Feng Meiyu about this, so he can only be vague.

"It's reasonable for you to say that, maybe it's really just an illusion."

After looking at them again, Feng Meiyu didn't continue to dwell on this topic.


Seeing Lin Yang put all the cutting boards for cooking in the yard, the people in the live broadcast room became excited.

"The anchor really wants to cook live! Can the anchor really know how to cook?"

"Where are the people from New West? Come here quickly. The teacher of your cooking class is here."

"That's right, if you don't take it away, Lan Xiang's people will probably take away the opportunity again."

"Ha ha!"

"It is said that in the excavator major of New West, there are more teachers than students. (狗头)"

"Upstairs, there is no need to add a dog's head, this is the truth."

Everyone laughed quickly.

They knew that New West's life was really not easy now, because the excavator major was directly overthrown by Lan Xiang.

Before, as a rising star, they opened the excavator profession.

He directly confronted Lan Xiang crazily.

It also took away many of Lan Xiang's students.

This has made New Occidental in the limelight.

But now, the excavator major was hit by Lan Xiang on the ground again.

The reason why this happened was because of Lin Yang's relationship.

So those people in the live broadcast room felt that this time New Occidental would definitely fight hard, otherwise if the chef major was also robbed of students, it would be really difficult.

Actually that's it...

Knowing that Lin Yang can cook, New West got together quickly and started to discuss seriously.

"Do you all know? Lin Yang said he knows how to cook! Should we find a way to recruit him and make him the teacher of our school's cooking class?"

In the conference room, the principal of Xinxixi glanced at the projection screen not far away, and spoke quickly.

The live broadcast of Lin Yang was playing on the projection screen at this time.

In order to watch the live broadcast better, he specially asked people to buy the equipment.


Before, he underestimated Lin Yang and didn't try to establish a good relationship with Lin Yang, letting Lan Xiang take the lead.

In the end, Lan Xiang snatched away many people.

This made him very depressed.

So this time, he is going to take the lead.

Otherwise, it will still become the laughing stock of the industry.

To be honest, he had always done a good job in New West before.

Although the revenue has never surpassed Lanxiang, it is almost the same.

He is confident that he will catch up in the next period of time.

But then something went wrong, and the gap widened again.

This made him depressed, so he wanted to hurry up and catch up again.

Hearing the principal's urging, those people spoke quickly.

"Principal, I don't think there is any need to worry, we don't know how Lin Yang's cooking skills are!"

"That's right, his strength may only be considered ordinary."


They admitted that Lin Yang was very strong in driving excavators.

But this does not mean that Lin Yang is also very good at cooking.

So now you can't easily extend an olive branch, otherwise, it will really be a joke.

Hearing their persuasion, the principal frowned slightly.


Now I don't know what his strength is, so I am really anxious.

After thinking about it carefully, he said: "Let's take a good look at it first, and if we are sure that his cooking skills are good, then we will find a way to throw an olive branch."

"it is good!"

Everyone nodded quickly...

They thought the proposal was a good one.

They are all teachers of the school's catering class and have a lot of experience in cooking.

It only takes a few glances to see what Lin Yang's level is.

"Okay, now everyone give me a serious look!"

Seeing that his opinion was fully adopted, the headmaster turned his head and spoke again.

At this moment, everyone focused on Lin Yang's live broadcast.

(End of this chapter)

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