Chapter 481 My God
After Amy and Wei Er got into the car, they were in a good mood, completely different from the gloomy and gloomy mood when they first arrived.

"At first I thought it was just a few million, but I didn't expect it to be 5000 million more!"

"My God, 5000 million dollars, how easy is it to earn?"

Wei'er clasped her hands together, looking excited.

And those fans just now were even more excited!
The fans at the scene were in a mess, some were tearful and some were shouting excitedly.

"My idol all the time! I didn't expect to appear suddenly!"

"With Wei'er and Amy, who the hell still watches Mysterious Man?"

"They said they will notify the performance later, but they don't know where it is."

"Yes, yes! The news has been posted on the Internet!" A fan shouted: "Hurry up and go online, saying that it is a performance at the Imperial Capital Gymnasium!"

"Free invoices, first come first served!"

When everyone heard the words, they were stunned for a moment, looked at each other in blank dismay, and then rushed towards their respective cars like crazy.


There was a burst of sound of cars, and the whole street was boiling.

With the departure of each car, the street fell into silence again for a while...

As for the appearance of Amy and Wei'er, Secretary Liu naturally knew about it.

In the office, Secretary Liu frowned, leaning on the boss chair with a lady's cigarette dangling from his mouth.

The assistant lowered his head and reported: "Contacted Amy and Weier's agency, but they refused to disclose the reason why Amy and Weier came to the imperial capital suddenly."

Secretary Liu snorted coldly, exhaled a puff of faint smoke, and said, "Someone must be playing tricks!"

"Secretary Liu, the program team is ready now, and the live broadcast will be broadcast when Teacher Mysterious Man and Teacher Ke'er come."

"But the fans have left, so should we also carry out some publicity and find someone to come live the show for free?"

The assistant asked respectfully from the side.


Secretary Liu exhaled a puff of smoke and said, "Where's Tian Huang?"

"I've contacted him, and he said that he is waiting for Teacher Mysterious Man and Teacher Ke'er to have a dinner at the hotel." The assistant said.

Secretary Liu tapped his fingers on the table and said flatly: "You let him come over."


After the assistant left, Secretary Liu's eyes flickered.

There was an indifferent smile on the corner of her mouth, and she whispered: "It can make Weier and Amy appear suddenly."

"And it's a street performance, and it's right across from the recording studio?"

"The only one who can do this should be Mitsui..."

"Knock Knock Knock-"

There was a knock on the office door.

Secretary Liu stubbed out the cigarette butt, and said coldly, "Come in."


The door was opened, and Lin Yang and Ke'er walked in.

"Didn't it mean that the door was surrounded by fans, did someone send blades? Why is there no movement here?"

As soon as Lin Yang sat down, he couldn't help asking in doubt.

Secretary Liu explained everything, and said, "Mr. Mysterious Man, don't worry, Mitsui can only use such indecent methods."

"This is a big country, we will not lose to him!"

Lin Yang smiled faintly, took off his mask, and said, "I'm not worried about that, I believe in your ability."

"But how are you going to solve this problem today?"

As soon as he finished speaking, a systemic voice suddenly came from Lin Yang's mind.

"The system prompts, today's task; to bring back the fans attracted by Amy and Wei Er, and cause repercussions in the international entertainment circle."

"Mission rewards, 1000 million cash, and the ability to glide briefly at high altitude."

"Experience reward; increase experience value by 120 points."

Hearing the system's reward, Lin Yang's eyes lit up immediately!
"Short-term gliding at high altitude? Isn't this the ability to fly? Damn, isn't this system too strong?"

"120 experience points... After completing the experience, the experience will be [-] points, maybe we can bring down the Chen family?"

Lin Yang was overjoyed immediately!

And Secretary Liu couldn't see Lin Yang's joy either.

She went on to say: "I plan to let Tian Huang come over. He has many students. As long as he is called, he will definitely be able to record today."

"As for tomorrow...we can also invite more well-known stars to our variety show as guests."

For system rewards, Lin Yang directly vetoed this proposal.

He put on the mask again, and said, "This is too troublesome. Since it's a variety show, it naturally needs a bit of excitement, doesn't it?"

Secretary Liu raised his eyebrows and said, "Mr. Lin, what do you think?"

"Go directly to the entrance of the gymnasium and record our first variety show!" Lin Yang said bluntly: "Secretary Liu, can you do it?"

"It's easy to move the location, just build a studio."

"But...Mr. Lin, do you want to fight Amy and Wei'er directly?"

Secretary Liu saw Lin Yang's mood at a glance, and asked directly.

Lin Yang didn't shy away from it, and said, "Yes, in a big country, how can people be so obsessed with two foreign stars?"

"Okay!" Secretary Liu said without doubting him, "I'll give orders right away."

"Secretary Liu, Secretary Liu, are you looking for me?"

Tian Huang rushed in suddenly, and when he saw Lin Yang and Lin Ke'er, his face was filled with smiles.

"Oh, Teacher Mysterious Man, Teacher Lin Ke'er, you two have been here long ago? You are really dedicated."

"Several, what do you want me to do? If you need anything, just ask, I—"

"Shut up." Secretary Liu said coldly.

Tian Huang's smile froze in fright, shrank his head, shut up immediately, and smiled awkwardly.

"Tian Huang, you should be able to move your student around, right?" Secretary Liu asked.

"Yes, of course!" Tian Huang flatteringly asked: "Secretary Liu, you want to..."

"Bring your students here, and we will record a variety show with us later, and the location of the variety show will be opposite to the gymnasium." Secretary Liu said.

"Hey, okay." Tian Huang agreed, but immediately felt something was wrong. He stared and asked, "Across from the gymnasium? That, that, isn't it..."

"If you are told to do something, do it!" Secretary Liu said with a cold face.

"Eh, good."

Tian Huang immediately agreed, and ran out to make a phone call.

"Mr. Lin, Ms. Lin, wait a moment. I'll go down and arrange some things. In the afternoon, we'll go directly to the opposite side of the gymnasium." Secretary Liu said respectfully to Lin Yang.

"it is good."

After Secretary Liu left, Tian Huang had already contacted the students.

But at this moment, at the entrance of the gymnasium, a large group of fans were gathering, all about to enter.

At the moment, in the backstage of the gymnasium, a man in a white suit with a proud face was sitting in the backstage VIP room.

In front of him stood two Americans, a man and a woman.

The two of them bowed their heads respectfully like students, with smiling faces!

And these two are what the outside world calls superstars!Amy and Val!

If the fans at the door saw this scene, they would definitely open their mouths in surprise!

(End of this chapter)

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