Chapter 488 Oblivion
Lin Yang narrated countless events, including details, the beginning and the end.

Chen Xiong's face was gloomy and terrifying, and his expression was as if he wanted to eat people.

"Lin Yang, do you think other people will believe what you said?" Chen Xiong said viciously, "My Chen family wants to sue you—"

"Of course, what I have is not only these, but also evidence! As well as your Yin-Yang contract, and your domestic and foreign funding issues."

"Including your money laundering in the casino, and your collusion with Citibank to disrupt the market in the commodity market."

"These things are all in my hands!"

Lin Yang brought a computer and inserted the USB flash drive into the computer.

The impact played on the computer made Chen Xiong's eyes widen!

In the computer, there are surveillance videotapes of every Chen Xiong conspiracy.

Not only the picture is clear, but even the sound can be heard clearly, just like watching TV.

One after another, everything hit Chen Xiong's heart.

The more he looked, the more frightened he became, and the paler his face became.

With a "plop", Chen Xiong suddenly collapsed on the ground, looking at Lin Yang in horror.

Chen Shaobing also slumped on the sofa as if resigned to his fate.

The father and son couldn't figure out how Lin Yang got these materials.

"You, who the hell are can there be surveillance cameras installed by you in my Chen family's secret room? was installed ten years ago..."

Chen Xiong looked at Lin Yang in horror.

At this moment, he has long regarded Lin Yang as his business rival for many years, a capitalist family.

Otherwise, how could it have been so unnoticed for so many years.

Lin Yang shrugged and said, "You don't have to worry about who I am."

"I'm just telling you, it's best to confess everything you did to me in the past online now! know the result!"

"Impossible!" Chen Shaobing gritted his teeth, glared at Lin Yang angrily, and said, "It is absolutely impossible for the Chen family to bow their heads to you!"


Chen Xiong slapped him and said, "Shut up! You son of a bitch!"

Lin Yang sneered, and said, "I'll give you half an hour. If I don't get the answer I want, I will bear the consequences!"

After all, he took Secretary Liu to leave and drove away.

Secretary Liu was in the car, looking at Lin Yang with a puzzled and unfamiliar face.

Just as she was about to ask something, Lin Yang interrupted her, saying, "Don't ask anything, I won't say anything."

Secretary Liu had no choice but to swallow the words that came to his lips.

At this moment, the father and son of the Chen family in Secretary Liu's mansion were sitting slumped on the sofa, their backs covered in cold sweat.

"I didn't expect such a thing to happen in my octogenarian age." Chen Xiong stood up slowly and said, "Son, make a statement. We only have 10 minutes."


"No but!" Chen Xiong said: "This person's background is unfathomable, plus his extraordinary skills, we can't provoke him."

"This time, the Chen family should accept their fate..."

Chen Xiong let out a long sigh, looking quite old.

Chen Shaobing had no choice but to make Lin Yang's incident public from beginning to end.

This immediately caused an uproar on the Internet!

On the Internet forum, the news released by the Chen family immediately attracted the attention of countless people.

Numerous media also began to report.

"Shocked! Lin Yang's death was actually caused by the Chen family?"

"Shocked! Lin Yang's death turned out to be like this?"

"Shock, shock, shock!"

On countless forums, countless netizens are discussing Lin Yang's death.

At this moment, Bai Ning, who was at home, naturally also saw the news.

She looked at the computer screen in shock, and said, "Lin Yang, did he succeed?"

Before Bai Ning regained his composure, Lin Yang had already returned home.

Bai Ning immediately stepped forward and asked, "The news on the Internet, what's going on?"

Lin Yang sat on the sofa, handed the USB flash drive to Bai Ning, and said flatly: "Here are all the black materials and evidence of the Chen family, post them online."

"Also, send me a statement. From then on, whether it's Lin Yang or the mysterious person, they'll log out of the Internet."

"By the way, you are in charge of Agni Media. From now on, the company will be yours. I just need to share the dividends."

Holding the flash drive, Bai Ning didn't realize it all at once, and said in a daze: "You, how did you get these things?"

"Go ahead and tell you later." Lin Yang said mysteriously.

Bai Ning agreed, so he had no choice but to release the black material of the Chen family on the Internet first.

And at this moment, in a self-built house in an urban-rural fringe area.

A young man with an unshaven beard is sitting on a wooden sofa playing with his mobile phone.

With a cigarette in his mouth, he suddenly cursed and said, "Damn it, Lin Yang really did it? The Chen family actually collapsed?"

"Binbin, what happened?" A girl came out of the room and asked suspiciously.

Lin Binbin laughed loudly, and said, "What the hell, the Chen family fell! Unexpectedly, Lin Yang really did it..."

The Chen family is down!
This news is shocking news for the entire imperial capital and even the whole world.

After Mitsui heard the news in the hotel, he rushed back to the island country overnight.

All the other financial groups are scrambling to seize the gap in the market vacated by the Chen family before the Chen family completely collapses!

Amy and Wei Er also returned to the United States directly after Lin Yang announced his withdrawal from the Internet.

As for Lin Yang's several variety shows, because of Lin Yang's withdrawal from the Internet, they were also gone.

The fall of the Chen family caused panic among the high-level officials of the entire imperial capital for quite a long time.

There are even more divergent opinions about the reasons for the fall of the Chen family.

This kind of life has lasted for more than a year, and it still hasn't stopped.

The Chen family's capital is too huge, and the shock will not disappear easily.

When everyone was busy dealing with the collapse of the Chen family.

Lin Yang, who made everything, was sitting on the ground with Bai Ning and others in the self-built house in Jing'an Village, fighting landlords and drinking tea.

"Lin Yang, Agni Media has added several artists recently, and everyone wants to meet you, the behind-the-scenes boss."

Bai Ning said while touching the cards.

Lin Yang shrugged and said, "What kind of boss behind the scenes? I am a minority shareholder, and you are the big boss."

"Sister Bai Ning, brother Lin Yang just wants to be the hands-off shopkeeper!" Lin Miaomiao joked with a smile on the side.

"I think it's true. Lin Yang is at home all day now, making tea, drinking tea, spending time with Miss Sister, and then going back to sleep. I can't envy you these days."

Lin Binbin was lying on the sofa beside him, rolling his eyes, and jokingly said.

"Binbin, why are you talking like that?" Lin Yang said, "Aren't you with your wife all day?"

"Is my daughter-in-law a young lady? That's a tiger!" Lin Binbin said in a low voice.

"Lin Binbin!"

Lin Binbin's daughter-in-law threw a slipper board towards Lin Binbin.

A group of people were at Lin Yang's home, contentedly.

On the Internet, both the mysterious person and Lin Yang are gradually being forgotten...

(End of this chapter)

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