Chapter 56 Showing Respect
"We can't guess!"

They shook their heads vigorously.

They also wanted to guess, but they couldn't guess at all.

Because they didn't see clearly just now.

"Then come closer and click yourself!"

"it is good!"

Respectfully agreed, the two of them approached cautiously.

After standing still, they held out their hands.

But soon, they took their hands back.

"Teacher, I don't know where I can wash my hands?"

"There's well water over there."

"we know!"

Respectfully agreed, they quickly turned around and walked to the well not far away.

"Fuck, these two people are going to wash their hands!"

"This is respect for the anchor!"

"I hope it ends after they clean their hands!"

"Upstairs, do you mean to worry about them going straight to cleanse? This is a bit exaggerated!"

"I think if the anchor asks, they can do it!"

"That's right, they have the utmost respect for the anchor now."

"It's normal, the anchor really showed his strength."

"I just don't know if this is the full strength of the anchor."

"I don't think it's possible."

While they were washing their hands, the people in the live broadcast room were chatting over there.

Their first live broadcast from Lin Yang is here.

Therefore, they had special trust in Lin Yang, and they really felt that Lin Yang hadn't shown his full strength.

Because they are not qualified to let Lin Yang show his full strength.

After cleaning their hands, the two of them came back again.

At this time they put on very clean rubber gloves.

"Teacher, let's take a closer look!"


Hearing their enthusiastic conversation, Lin Yang nodded slowly.

Following Lin Yang's words, the people in the live broadcast room and those present all turned their attention to the end of the cucumber that Lin Yang had cut.

They all wanted to know how many pieces it was cut into by Lin Yang.

After 5 minutes, the answer came out.

999 pieces! ! !
Each piece is nearly transparent.

This makes them very careful when touching them.

"Hey, this level is too high!"

"It's simply outrageous!"

"My girlfriend must not see this video, otherwise she will definitely ask me to cut it into thin slices when she makes a cucumber mask in the future."

"Wake up! Do you have a girlfriend?"

"Increase the dose. The paranoia upstairs is getting worse."

After knowing that there are a total of 999 pieces, everyone exclaimed.

"Is it alright?"

Lin Yang looked at them and spoke lightly.

"It's not just okay, it's simply invincible!"

The two of them looked at Lin Yang very enthusiastically.

At this moment, they were really completely convinced.

They knew that Lin Yang deliberately made 999 pieces.

In that particularly fast situation, he can still guarantee the number of films, which is really high.

Seeing their warm eyes, Lin Yang's eyes twitched slightly.

Lin Yang was really flustered right now...

Because their eyes are really scary.

"Brother Lin Yang, I heard that if the speed is fast enough, even a small part can be removed from a living body without hurting the body, right?"

Lin Miaomiao thought of seeing this kind of clip when watching TV before, and spoke quickly.

"That's a fragment from a fantasy movie. In reality, it's impossible."

Feng Meiyu glanced at Lin Miaomiao, and said helplessly.

"Is it impossible? I thought Brother Lin Yang could do it!"


Before Feng Meiyu finished speaking, she turned her head in astonishment and looked at Lin Yang.

The reason for this is because she heard Lin Yang speak just now.

"Lin Yang, you... what did you say just now?"

She looked at Lin Yang in a daze. The reason for this was because she really heard the incredible words just now.

Seeing Feng Meiyu's astonishment, Lin Yang smiled lightly, and said calmly, "I said just now that I can do it! For me, this is not too difficult."

"Damn it, the anchor is awesome!"

"This time the host is pretending to be a bit big, won't he pretend to be leaking?"

"Of course not, the anchor is invincible."

"That's right, it's difficult for other people, but it's not difficult for the anchor at all."

In the past, if someone questioned the anchor on the barrage, many people would follow along.

But now, almost no one followed suit to question it.

Because Lin Yang gave them too many surprises.

So they felt that they could trust Lin Yang completely.

"Brother Lin Yang, can you do it for me?"


Seeing Lin Miaomiao's expectant look, Lin Yang looked at the fish.

Following Lin Yang's gaze, everyone looked at the fish swimming in the basin.

"Fish: Why do you feel that the atmosphere is not right!"

"Fish: It seems that everyone wants to eat me, is it my illusion?"

"Fish: I'm not playing anymore, I want to go home!"

The moment they saw that fish, everyone quickly substituted for that fish.

All of a sudden, various interesting barrages appeared directly in front of everyone.

Lin Yang smiled slightly when he saw these brain-opening bullet screens.

Standing behind Lin Yang, Lin Miaomiao and Feng Meiyu laughed until they were flamboyant.

Very quickly, while they were watching, Lin Yang took the frisky fish into his hand.

After weighing it lightly for a few times, Lin Yang said calmly, "As you all know, there are actually many organs in a fish's body, but not every organ is useful, so if one is removed quickly It won't affect the body, it won't cause anything."

"Damn it, it's impossible! You must know that the first thing to do is to break open the belly of the fish. By this time, the fish will have already belched."

"Yes, yes!"

Although they all believed in Lin Yang, they still raised their doubts at this time.

They don't think it's plausible.

Lin Yang smiled lightly, and said calmly: "If the speed is fast enough, the damage to it will not be too great. Now, everyone is watching!"

After saying this, Lin Yang quickly picked up the knife at hand.

A few seconds later, Lin Yang put down the knife, and the fish Lin Yang caught was also put down.

Everyone looked at the fish and saw that it was the same as before and looked normal.

"It looks like the anchor gave up at the last moment!"

After this idea came up, they turned to look at Lin Yang.

Soon, they were all dumbfounded.

The reason for this was because they saw Lin Yang holding a crimson internal organ in his hand.

They knew it must belong to the fish that had been thrown back.

"Fuck, this hand speed is simply against the sky!"

"Anchor, go to the police station to file a report! Otherwise, if you lose something near you, you will be suspected of doing it."

"I think so too! If this speed is really used to pick out a wallet, it's really a sight to behold."

Everyone helped Lin Yang figure out a way to get rich.

They know it really works.

It's just that they knew that Lin Yang would definitely not do this...

After admiring, they watched the fish carefully.

They found that it really didn't make any difference.

Obviously, the surgery was a success.

"Fish: It's finally my turn. I was operated on by a human just now. Do you have any questions?"

"Fish: Although no anesthetic was used, the doctor's speed is not bad."

"Fish: A fool caught me just now, and then put me back intact. What a fool."

(End of this chapter)

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