Chapter 58

"Actually, it's not that your brother didn't tell you, because it's really nothing, just the most common spinach noodles!"

"Spinach noodles? How is it possible! Spinach noodles have such a good taste?"

Lin Miaomiao was full of disbelief!

She had eaten spinach noodles before, and she knew that spinach noodles would definitely not smell so good.

"Go and see for yourself!"

"it is good!"

After agreeing, she quickly lifted the lid of the pot back on.

Soon, she found that it was indeed the most common spinach noodles.

"It's really spinach noodles, but why does it smell so good!"

"Let's not talk about this, let's taste it first!"


In this way, Lin Yang quickly served three bowls.

After putting them all on the stone table outside, Lin Yang started the live broadcast again.

"Damn it, it's time to eat as soon as I come up, I'm just hungry!"

"I have already prepared, and I have already ordered outside!"

"What does the anchor eat? Fuck, spinach noodles? Is the anchor so frugal?"

"Maybe it tastes good! Don't forget the host's cooking skills."

"Damn it, the chicken drumsticks in my hand suddenly taste bad!"

"I want to exchange noodles with chicken legs and anchors."

As the live broadcast started and the signal was connected, the barrage flew up again.

Now, as long as Lin Yang starts the live broadcast, he is the top existence on the website.

Therefore, everyone else began to avoid Lin Yang, because they really couldn't grab the traffic.

Su Linlin, the former fishing live broadcaster, was directly put into a dead end because of his contest with Lin Yang.

The amount of attention dropped to the lowest end all of a sudden.

Not even the most ordinary anchor.

For this, no one really sympathized, because everything was his own fault.

If you go to someone else's live broadcast room to find trouble, you should be prepared to be slapped in the face.


On the other side of the panda live broadcast room, a smiling Bai Ning came to the company.

After putting down his coat, Bai Ning couldn't wait to start Lin Yang's live broadcast.

Her greatest pleasure every day now is watching Lin Yang's live broadcast.

This is fishing, but no one in the company cares about her.

She was a little nervous at first, but later felt at ease.

"The noodles look delicious! On the contrary, my Roujiamo is not very fragrant!"

I saw Lin Yang and the other three wanting to eat noodles.

She muttered enviously to herself...

To be honest, she also wanted to sit there with Lin Yang and eat noodles.

Because staying with Lin Yang really feels very good.


"I know you've been impatient for a long time, now you can eat!"

After glancing at the two of them, Lin Yang spoke softly.

They looked at each other and quickly began to taste.

Lin Yang saw that they started to gobble it up, and was about to taste it, but suddenly felt someone pulling his pants again.

Looking down, Lin Yang saw Xiao Hei looking at him eagerly.

"Fuck, do you even want to eat noodles?"

Lin Yang complained helplessly...

The live broadcast room was also immediately excited.

"Xiao Hei actually eats noodles! Come to my place, I have turkey noodles here."

"I have it too, come here, I'll eat it for you!"

"Upstairs, your taste is stronger than I imagined!"

"Staying away from upstairs is to cherish life."

"It's Mei's business, it's over for Ai!"

"Damn, who are these people, I want to go home."

In the barrage, ghosts and monsters started to move again.

At the scene, after they tasted the taste, their eyes lit up quickly.

"This is so delicious! It's the first time I have eaten such good noodles!"

"Me too!"

Both Feng Meiyu and Lin Miaomiao were stunned.

They were really excited, because the taste was much better than what they had imagined.

"It seems that I can only be hungry!"

Lin Yang smiled wryly.

Originally, Lin Yang was going to let them divide himself up, but now, he knew it was impossible.

Because they completely regard the noodles in front of them as treasures.

As for Lin Yang's bowl of noodles, it was completely snatched by Xiao Hei.

Seeing Xiao Hei's happy face, Lin Yang knew that it should be particularly satisfied with this taste.

Lin Yang was really depressed about this...

Because logically, a scorpion like it really shouldn't be interested in it.


Lin Yang stood up and walked to the vegetable garden he opened up. Looking at the lush plants, Lin Yang smiled all over his face.

Lin Yang knew that the taste of these vegetables must be particularly good.

"I just don't know how long the effect of this spiritual soil can last. If it can last for a few years, it will be really great!"

Muttering to himself, Lin Yang heard footsteps, turned his head, and saw Feng Meiyu standing behind him.

At this time, she was holding a bowl of noodles in her hand.


"Any more?"

Lin Yang was a little surprised. Before, he thought it was gone!
Seeing Lin Yang's surprise, she said softly, "Yes, there is still in the pot, do you think it is gone?"

Growing up with Lin Yang, she knows Lin Yang very well.

Knowing that Lin Yang is the kind of careless person, he specially put the leftover noodles in the pot earlier.

Because if he is not prosperous, he really will not be prosperous.

"I really thought it was gone."

Responding softly, Lin Yang quickly took it. After tasting it, Lin Yang found that the taste was really good.

Seeing Lin Yang eating seriously, she said seriously, "I found a job in our county."

"Aren't you going to the big city?"

Lin Yang was a little surprised, because she had always worked in big cities.

"Yes, there is no one I care about in a big city, and it's very busy every day. Thinking about it carefully, it's not interesting."

"Like This!"

"En! From now on, I'll be close to here. Call me if you have anything to do. If you can help, I will definitely help."


Soon, she left.

"Brother Lin Yang, are you full? I still have some noodles here!"

Hearing such a nervous opening, Lin Yang turned his head and saw Lin Miaomiao looking at him eagerly.

Lin Miaomiao had been immersed in it before.

So she didn't notice the situation here. Now, she remembered that Lin Yang didn't seem to have eaten yet!
So I walked over quickly.

Although she is not full yet, she is still ready to give up the noodles.

"Damn it, call and sue the host, he is abusing you!"

"I also think, Uncle Policeman, that's him!"

"Catch it!"

Seeing Lin Miaomiao's tense expression, everyone spoke frantically.

Lin Yang is the most popular person in the live broadcast room.

And Lin Miaomiao is the second...

Therefore, there were really a lot of people who spoke up for her.

After gently rubbing Lin Miaomiao's head, Lin Yang said calmly, "Eat, brother is not hungry, brother is already full!"

"It's so warm!"

"I also feel that the scene is a bit warm, but I always feel that something is missing!"

"Yes, I also feel that something is missing!"

"What's missing?"

Everyone speaks like this...

They really feel that the current scene is very warm, but at the same time, they really feel that something is missing...

When everyone was hesitating, they heard Lin Miaomiao curiously say, "Brother, are you really full? You're an idiot! Can you get full with just this little?"

(End of this chapter)

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