Chapter 61
"Of course I didn't find it difficult, I mean it was particularly difficult for other people."

Lin Yang waved his hand lightly.

"Damn it! The anchor is fine with this wave!"

"It's so hateful to pull one hand! If this is in an online game, it must be mocking the existence of Invincible."

"It's simply an invincible meat shield."

"That's right!"

After a second of silence, they tapped on the keyboard quickly.

They felt that Lin Yang was too 6.

They felt that it was Lin Yang, and others really couldn't make such hateful words so lightly.

"Brother Lin Yang, can you really handle it?"

"It's really not difficult for me at all."

Smiling lightly, Lin Yang held the piece of paper in his hand again.

"Brother Lin Yang, take a look first and prepare well. When you are ready, let's try it once, let's..."

Before she finished, she couldn't go on.

Because at this time Lin Yang had already started to speak very quickly.

After being stunned for a second, Bai Ning quickly started the timer.

When Lin Yang finished, Bai Ning glanced at the time, only 30 seconds had passed.

"Hey, it's true and false!"

Bai Ning was shocked.

Although before coming here, she felt that Lin Yang might succeed.

But now, I was still shocked.

Because this scene is really too magnificent.

It originally took 1 minute, but now, he only needs half a minute.

It's just horrible.


This can't be regarded as terror anymore, it is simply invincible.

If Lin Yang only had speed but no accuracy, then she wouldn't be so shocked.

The problem is that Lin Yang not only has speed, but also amazing accuracy.

Every word is correct!
It will not be incomprehensible because the speed is too fast.

"Damn it, I really want to tear up my broadcasting and hosting major graduation certificate!"

"Me too, I'm about to give up reading!"

"My teacher told me all day long how amazing my speaking speed is. Before, I was really bluffed, but now it seems that it's much worse. I don't even have the qualifications to compare with the anchor."

"That's right! How does the anchor's tongue grow? It's too flexible."

"Damn it, just because of this tongue, I want my daughter to marry the anchor! She will be happy then."

"Don't worry about it, you don't even have a girlfriend, where's your daughter!"

"That's right! Then I will marry the host reluctantly."

"Fuck, you don't look good, but you think you are beautiful."

After seeing Lin Yang's terror, everyone looked at Lin Yang with extreme enthusiasm.

It was also fortunate that they were not by Lin Yang's side, otherwise, Lin Yang would be really embarrassed now.

After reading it thoroughly, Lin Yang put it aside and asked calmly, "How is it? Is it okay?"

Hearing Lin Yang's question, she took a deep breath excitedly.

"Brother Lin Yang, it's not only okay, it's really awesome."

Bai Ning praised crazily at this time, she felt that no adjectives were enough to describe Lin Yang's strength.

He was really much better than he expected.

"Since you are satisfied, then you should prepare now, and then I will start talking!"

"Well, by the way, brother Lin Yang, don't worry, I'll contact the leader first and see if they have anything else to say."


Lin Yang had no objection.

She smiled slightly, and took a few steps back.

Lin Yang glanced at Bai Ning, then looked at the live broadcast room.

"You look very surprised, I said so fast, is it worth being surprised?"

"No, we think it's normal!"

"Yes! It's very normal."

"It's perfectly normal."

Everyone quickly denied it.

They knew that Lin Yang spoke super fast, so if they really argued with him, they would be the ones who would be embarrassed.

Therefore, naturally there is no need to really provoke Lin Yang.

"That's good!"

Smiling lightly, Lin Yang took a sip of water.

Lin Yang knew that there would be fewer gangsters in the live broadcast room in the future, because the gangsters also knew that they had no chance of winning.

So naturally, I won't continue to stay in the live broadcast room and find myself unhappy.

On the other side, Na Bai Ning called the manager.

"Hey, it's Bai Ning! How's it going? Have you done what I asked you to do before?"

"It's finished, manager, anchor Lin Yang finished it very easily. And it cut the time in half."

"What? The time has been cut in half? Are you kidding me?"

Bai Ning couldn't see the other person's appearance, but he could easily imagine the shocked appearance of the other person.

In Bai Ning's mind, this must be very interesting.

Bai Ning knew that the reason why the other party was so shocked was because of Lin Yang.

So I don't need to do other things in the future, I just need to hold on to Lin Yang's thigh.

"I know it's an exaggeration, but it's the truth!"

After saying this, Bai Ning explained everything seriously.

After listening, the manager's eyes lit up completely.

"Okay, okay, okay, I see, you should take another shot here, don't annoy Lin Yang, understand?"

"I see! I'm sure I won't annoy anchor Lin Yang."


After hanging up the phone, Bai Ning smiled happily.

She knew that after this incident, the website would definitely pay more attention to Lin Yang.

So in the future, what to recommend will definitely be more inclined towards Lin Yang.

In fact, it is now!

Lin Yang is the most popular on the entire website, so the website will give Lin Yang a lot of recommendations every day.

This made Lin Yang's studio more and more popular.

Of course, 90.00% of the credit is due to Lin Yang himself.

Because if Lin Yang, who was doing the live broadcast, didn't have the ability to keep people, it didn't matter how many people came in.


"Brother Lin Yang, I finished talking to the manager earlier, and now we can start! By the way, this is an advertisement to promote our website and various partners, so it is profitable. After reporting it, you It can be divided into 50."

"50? That's a lot!"

"We still think it's missing! This advertisement will definitely explode. In this way, if there are more profits in the future, I will find a way to give you some more."

"Okay! Just figure it out!"

Lin Yang smiled lightly.

Lin Yang still has a good impression of Bai Ning.

Because she basically considers everything from her own perspective.

This approach naturally makes myself feel very comfortable.

"This Bai Ning is really good! He looks good too!"

"Upstairs, you are flirting again, do you think she should be your wife?"

"Haha, I guess it must be!"

"What are you talking about! How could I think so, I mean, I think she and the anchor are quite a match."

"That's right!"

All eyes lit up.


She is really pretty, so it would be really good if she could go to the end with Lin Yang.

Everyone's matchmaking attributes began to explode crazily...

(End of this chapter)

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