Chapter 63

"It's pleasing to the eye!"

Standing aside and watching Lin Yang doing all kinds of preparations, she really felt particularly pleasing to the eye.

It even reminded her of her deceased grandmother.

She remembers that when she was young, her grandmother often cooked under the pine tree.

It was the same at that time, I was watching on the sidelines.

"I really miss it!"

The breeze came slowly, blowing her hair and making her thoughts fly.

Not only her, everyone in the live broadcast room was thinking.

No one spoke, and the barrage began to decrease rapidly, because everyone was immersed in it.

Many older people began to feel emotional.

Because they think of themselves when they were young, which is really the case.

Every day I play outside by myself, while my parents cook at home, wait for the meal to be ready, and look for me all over the village.

"At first, I thought this kind of live broadcast was meaningless. The reason why I clicked on it was to watch it casually. Now it seems that this kind of live broadcast is the most interesting."

"Yeah, the anchor is not broadcasting live. It is recreating our youthful life. I really find it very interesting."

"Yes, Ye Qinghui!"

Many people sighed softly.

Everyone carefully read these few sentences.

They found out that this is really the case, Lin Yang is really not broadcasting live, but helping everyone to reminisce.

People from the major live streaming platforms secretly admired these bullet screens when they saw them.

Before, because of the popularity of rural live broadcasts, many websites began to carry out their own rural live broadcasts.

All sites signed up a lot of people.

They felt that if Lin Yang could become popular, the people they signed might also become popular.

As a result, they all rushed!

At the beginning, there were a few people watching, but later, there was really no one.

They don't understand what's going on.

Now, they understand...

Those people broadcast live, they are live broadcasting, just to make money.

But Lin Yang is not, he purely made everything perfect. To put it simply, Lin Yang really likes rural live broadcasts from the bottom of his heart.

"There is no need to try again in the future!"


All live broadcasting websites are preparing to completely cut off the category of rural live broadcasting.

Because there is no point in continuing, no one can really touch the essence of Lin Yang.

Lin Yang didn't know how these people felt, nor did he know what Bai Ning was thinking.

He was completely immersed in his own world.

After tidying up the cutting board, Lin Yang put the onion, ginger, and garlic that he had prepared in front of him.

After taking a look, Lin Yang directly raised the knives and shattered them.

The bang bang woke everyone up from their memories.

Quickly, everyone stared at Lin Yang again.

Seeing him making various preparations in an orderly manner, everyone looked seriously again.

After 1 minute, the various toppings are ready.

After 3 minutes, the lean meat as the main ingredient was easily cut into strips by Lin Yang.

Five minutes later, Lin Yang took care of the other main ingredient, beans.

After all the preparations were done, Lin Yang started to heat up the oil.

"The most important thing in making Rouchao beans is to process the lean meat in place. This time I chose tenderloin, which is best cut into strips."

While explaining, Lin Yang poured it into the boiling oil.

The absolutely clear camera presents everything clearly in front of everyone.

This made everyone swallow their saliva.

"Damn, I just ate takeaway before, and now I'm hungry again! Order more!"

"You're alright, I just picked up the chicken legs, and suddenly I feel that the chicken legs are not fragrant!"

"Same, same! In the future, when the host broadcasts food live, don't watch it, or you won't be able to sleep!"

"I regret it, tears of regret flowed from the corners of my mouth."

Because of the super clear camera, everyone can see everything.

The same is true, everyone is excited.

All kinds of foodies couldn't help but want to rush over directly.

For all kinds of foodies, this is really a public execution!

"It's delicious!"

The people in the live broadcast room couldn't smell the intoxicating fragrance, but Bai Ning who was standing on the side could smell it.

So, her eyes lit up immediately.

Lin Yang glanced at the excited Bai Ning, quickly added the beans and stir-fried them together.

Because of the high temperature of the oil, the instant the soaked beans were added, they started to burn violently.

Lin Yang knew it a long time ago, so he was fully prepared.

But those people in the live broadcast room and Bai Ning didn't know much about it, so they were taken aback.

"Damn it, I just yelled it out at the meeting just now! Fortunately, the manager finished speaking directly. I took advantage of the opportunity to answer the manager's mighty!"

"Very clever!"

"That's really clever! But you're screwed, because I'm the manager you took aback! You're going to be fired tomorrow for stepping into the office with your left foot first."

"Everyone, is it not good to talk about cross talk? Isn't it uncomfortable to stay here all day? It feels like a waste of your talent!"

Seeing all kinds of witty words, many people quickly sighed with emotion.

At the scene, Lin Yang continued to stir fry quickly.

After finishing, Lin Yang poured it all onto the plate.


Even though they were separated by a long distance, they felt that they could smell the smell that fascinated them.

"Damn, I'm so hungry baby, I'm going to crawl over the network cable."

"Don't compete with me, 1000 yuan, this plate of beans is mine!"

"1000 yuan? A chopstick is 1000 yuan, I want it!"

"Don't argue with me, I'm sure the price is the best."

Everyone is going to fight.

But they knew that they could only enjoy it, because Lin Yang would definitely not sell it.

After Lin Yang cleaned the pot, he brought it to the table.

After wiping his hands lightly, Lin Yang said calmly, "Try how it tastes."

"Well. Then I'll be rude!"

Bai Ning quickly grabbed a pair of chopsticks.

At this point, she was very nervous.

Because she knows that nearly 2000 million people are staring at her.

If eyes could kill people from a distance, she would have been killed by countless jealous eyes right now.

After walking to the table, she took a closer look.

Soon, she looked at Lin Yang and said warmly, "Brother Lin Yang, you don't mind if I take some photos!"

Hearing such a nervous question, Lin Yang waved his hands and said, "Of course I don't mind! You can take as many pictures as you like, but don't take too many, otherwise, it will be cold."

"it is good!"

Putting down the chopsticks happily, she quickly picked up the phone.

She doesn't know what other days are like, but today, she must be the absolute leader in the circle of friends!

"I can finally enjoy everyone's admiration, just thinking about it makes me happy!"

She trembled with excitement.

Thinking that all of this was given by Lin Yang, she admired Lin Yang even more.

"It's really scary for women to take pictures!"

"Yes, she has taken more than 20 pictures!"

"More than 20 photos, I think she took more than 20 photos from one angle!"

"It's terrible! Fortunately, the battery of the mobile phone is better now, otherwise the battery will be exhausted just to take pictures."

"This is real!"

There are so many single dogs in the group!

In normal times, they can't take a few photos a year.

Now seeing Bai Ning taking pictures continuously for a long time, I feel that my outlook on life has been shot down.



After taking another seven or eight pictures, she finally stopped taking pictures.

She felt really close.

"Is it finally over?"

"En! Brother Lin Yang, it's really good. No matter which angle you look at it, it's perfect."

"Let's taste it, maybe the taste is not as good as expected!"

"How is that possible!"

After shaking her head slightly, she picked up a piece of beans.

All the people in the live broadcast room looked at Bai Ning enthusiastically.

They really wish they were the ones tasting it now.

Lin Yang glanced at Bai Ning, picked up the chopsticks calmly, and was about to taste it.

As soon as he stretched out his chopsticks, Lin Yang was startled.

Not only Lin Yang, everyone in the studio was frightened.

(End of this chapter)

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