Chapter 67 Dress Up Well
The dark purple sportswear, the pure white sneakers, and the long ink-colored hair that was specially tied up, all of them showed that kind of youthful beauty.

Everyone in the studio was excited.

"Damn it, it's really good!"

"Anchor, if it's not your favorite type, just tell me! I'm willing to take over!"

"Are you qualified to accept the host's disk?"

The moment they saw Shao Li, everyone was really excited.

Shao Li didn't know what these people were thinking, so she took a deep breath and walked slowly towards Lin Yang.


At this moment, she was extremely nervous!
To be honest, when she first started live streaming, she wasn't as nervous as she is now.

"Daughter, you must work hard!"

Shao Li's mother was cheering on her daughter not far away.

She had looked at Lin Yang carefully before, and to be honest, no matter how she looked at it, she was very satisfied.

So, she really wants her daughter to succeed.

In this way, this handsome and rich Lin Yang became his son-in-law.

She has already decided at this time...

If it can be done, go to the ancestral grave to celebrate wildly.

Because to find a perfect son-in-law like Lin Yang, it is really smoke from the ancestral grave.


"Lin Yang, hello, my name is Shao Li."

Shao Li who walked up to Lin Yang spoke nervously.

Like a primary school student facing a teacher, she was full of embarrassment.

"Don't worry, I'm not a bad person."

Sensing her nervousness, Lin Yang rubbed his nose and spoke with a wry smile.

Lin Yang was really ashamed at this time.

Because he was so nervous.

In such a situation, let alone a blind date, even the most ordinary chat is impossible.

"You are not a bad person, you are the worst person, you have already stolen my heart!"

"Damn, can you be more disgusting?"

"I vomit to death!"

"Me too! I almost vomited out my lunch."

In the live broadcast room, everyone was speechless when they saw the barrage at the top that stole my heart long ago.

In their view, this guy really went all out!

"I...I'm not nervous."

She quickly defended herself.

Lin Yang smiled slightly when he heard her awkward response.

He didn't intend to continue to dwell on this topic, so he quickly changed the subject, "Why don't we go out together! I..."

Before Lin Yang could finish speaking, there was an absolutely shocking roar from outside.

"Everyone came out to judge me! Everyone came out to judge me!"

Lin Yang heard it, Shao Li heard it, and everyone present heard it.

Including in the live broadcast room, such roars were also heard.

"Fuck, is this the long-lost lion's roar technique?"

"A heartbroken song, where can I find a bosom friend in the world!"

"Who else???"

"Don't get me wrong, I'm not here today to stand out for anyone, I just want to kill you two or be killed by you two."

Various bullet screens appear again!

It's super fun for everyone.


Five minutes later, Lin Yang knew all the ins and outs.

It turned out that an old man in the village had lost 5000 yuan before.

For an old man, the 5000 yuan is his life!

So, he looked everywhere.

But it has never been found.

He did not give up, but continued to search, and finally, he found some clues.

That is, his dog would yell at a gangster in the village all day long.

It's never done this before.

He felt that the gangster must have stolen his money, so he went to him and planned to ask him, but he directly denied it.

I have asked several times in a row, and it is always the same!

He couldn't help it, so he started yelling in the village, trying to get everyone in the village to help him.


"The opportunity to compete with the anchors has come again!"

"Yes! There is only one truth! The anchor is going to become Conan."

"Conan: You are amazing, do you want to go to your house to shoot an episode!"

"Damn, I offended my classmate before, and then he started watching Conan. I have watched more than 300 episodes now, is it too late for me to ask him to apologize? He looks at me more and more coldly now. Every day It seems to be calculating something."

"It's too late, write a suicide note!"

"There is still a chance, as long as you kill him first."

"Thank you for your suggestion, I will remember your account number! When I watch Conan for a while, I will find you guys!"


Everyone was terrified...


Lin Yang originally didn't plan to take care of this matter, because this is the next door village.

I am not familiar with everything here, so if I act indiscriminately, it will easily cause unnecessary disputes.

But in the end, Lin Yang made a move.

Because everyone gathered in front of Shao Li's house.

That is to say, if the outside matters are not resolved, there is no way to continue the chat.

Because there is a lot of noise outside, even if you speak loudly, you may not be able to hear clearly.

"Anchor Lin Yang, are you going to help find out who stole the 5000 yuan?"

Shao Li looked at Lin Yang excitedly as if she had been injected with chicken blood.

At this moment, she was really excited.

Because I had the opportunity to watch Lin Yang's live broadcast in person...

Before, Shao Li watched from the perspective of the audience.

And now, she's in the best position, which really makes her extra happy.

"I can't guarantee that I will find it!"

"Do you mind if I broadcast the whole thing live?"

"do not mind!"

Lin Yang shook his head lightly.

Lin Yang knew that many of her fans had flooded into her live broadcast room.

So, really don't mind anymore!

Because her live broadcast is the same as her own live broadcast.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you!"

Shao Li was extremely happy.

She knew that after today, her popularity in the live broadcast room would definitely increase a lot.

This is particularly beneficial to my future development.


Lin Yang waved his hand lightly!

Lin Yang knew that today's blind date could not continue.

So, this is my own compensation.

"Daughter, what's the situation? Don't you continue the blind date?"

Seeing Shao Li pick up the mobile phone used for the live broadcast, she spoke in a daze.

"Live broadcast is important! Many people in the live broadcast room are waiting to watch!"

"How did I give birth to such a stupid daughter!"

Seeing Shao Li running out excitedly, she sighed bitterly.

She knew that today's blind date was over.

Seeing her depressed look, Lin Yang's second aunt tried to persuade her, "Don't think so much, children and grandchildren are free and grandchildren are blessed, in the future, let's leave it alone!"

Lin Yang's second aunt also noticed it.

Lin Yang really has no interest in blind dates.

Therefore, she really does not intend to organize such activities in the future.

"Yes! Let's really leave it alone in the future! Well, we finally got together, let's have a good chat!"


In this way, the two of them chatted directly and happily.


Outside, Lin Yang and Shao Li had already walked out.

Before he came out, Lin Yang knew that there should be many people outside, but now that he came here, he was still frightened!
Because there are so many people here!
It can be said that more than half of the people in the whole village have come here.

"Everyone judge me! Everyone come judge me!"

Hearing such a hoarse voice, Lin Yang looked over and saw an old man sitting in the middle.

"This is an old man from our village named Su Tong. He went to the battlefield when he was young. He is a very good person! But he is getting old and his health is not good!"

Lin Yang heard such an introduction, and it was also heard in the live broadcast room.

For a moment, everyone was in awe.

They knew that the war was raging back then.

Those who can really go to the battlefield are the kind of people who put life and death aside.

It's really unbearable for someone to steal their stuff.

"My grandfather also went to the battlefield when he was young, and told me all kinds of miserable scenes. I feel shuddering when I think about it!"

"Yes, the era of peace is really hard-won, everyone should cherish what is in front of us."

"That's right! Such veterans deserve to be happy in their later years, and someone steals their things, it's nothing but rubbish!"

"Yes, it's that kind of scourge, anchor, you must find it."

"Yes, yes!"

In the live broadcast room, almost everyone has the same hatred and is unanimous to the outside world.

(End of this chapter)

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