Chapter 79 Hands on!

"Lin Yang?" The second uncle struggled to get up with Lin Yang's support, and said, "Go away, I'm calling the police, and the police will be here soon. Go away!"

"Yes, Lin Yang, hurry up, you can't deal with them." The second aunt leaned against the tree, covering her head.

Her face was pale, and her already old body looked even weaker at this moment.

She frowned and looked at Lin Yang nervously, as if she was afraid that something would happen to him.

"Miaomiao, take care of your mother, I'll take care of it here." Lin Yang said.

"Yangyang, don't be impulsive." The second uncle persuaded.

"Yes, yes, Lin Yang, let's go."

"You have done enough for our village, there is no need to take risks."

"Yangyang, you better leave now."

Everyone in the village was worried about Lin Yang's safety.

A man behind the red hair immediately frowned when he heard Lin Yang's name, and muttered in a low voice: "Lin Yang? This seems to be the anchor?"

He rolled his eyes, leaned close to Hongmao's ear and said, "Brother Hongmao, this kid seems to be paying for road construction in the village."

"I heard that this kid earns hundreds of thousands a day! Let's ask him for 100 million, just like playing!"

When Hongmao heard this, his heart moved!
"Damn, what a fuck, I only make [-] a year, how does this kid make money?"

Hongmao flicked his red hair all over his head, and looked Lin Yang up and down coldly.

"Hey, your kid is Lin Yang?" Hongmao said arrogantly with his head held high.

"so I……"

"Yangyang, don't be impulsive!" The second uncle persuaded while nervously grabbing Lin Yang's hand.

"Second Uncle, don't worry." Lin Yang patted the back of his hand, looked at Lin Miaomiao, and said, "Miaomiao, take Second Uncle to rest."

"Okay." Lin Miaomiao said obediently.

As soon as she saw Lin Yang get angry, she felt that Lin Yang seemed to be a little different.

An angry shout has already calmed down these gangsters, and Lin Yang is so confident, he must be sure,


"Let's go to rest, don't hinder Brother Lin Yang."

The second uncle wanted to say something, but was pulled aside by Lin Miaomiao to rest.

"Lin Yang, I heard that you earn hundreds of thousands a day?" The red hair cast Lin Yang up and down, and asked suspiciously.

"Hundreds of thousands a day? How do you make this money? How is it possible?" Hong Mao felt a little unbelieving.

"Who did you hear that from?" Lin Yang sneered, put his hands in his pockets, and said, "Hundreds of thousands a day? How is that possible?"

Hearing this, Hongmao sneered, "It really looks like that."

"I just said, how can it be possible to earn hundreds of thousands a day? It's simply impossible." Hongmao said: "There is no such person in this world."

The red hair looked at the man behind him and said, "Did you hear that? There is no such thing as hundreds of thousands a day!"

The man frowned, scratched his head, and said in a low voice: "That's not right, I heard that the anchors on the Panda List cost hundreds of thousands a month."

Hongmao sneered and looked at Lin Yang.

As soon as he was about to speak, Lin Yang continued, "I earn about several million a day, how can hundreds of thousands be enough?"

After saying that, Hongmao pushed back his bangs, revealing his two eyes, one big and one small, staring straight at Lin Yang.

With a cigarette in his mouth, he spoke as if he had a steamed bun stuffed in his mouth: "What are you talking about? Millions a day?"

"Hahaha, then you..." After he laughed, the cigarette in his mouth dropped to the ground, he lit another one, held his head up, and said arrogantly: "Give us one hundred thousand a day, isn't it too much?"

Lin Yang glanced at the injured villagers behind him, and Lin Miaomiao who was beside him with tears in his eyes.

He smiled and said, "Not too much."

"Yangyang, you—"

"Second uncle, I have a sense of proportion." Lin Yang interrupted the second uncle.

"Okay." With bright eyes, the red hair patted Lin Yang's shoulder with a smile, took out a cigarette and handed it to Lin Yang.

He smiled and said, "You give one hundred thousand a day to your brothers."

"Don't worry, we will share the money ourselves, and we won't bother you. You just need to give me the money."

"In the future, if you have anything to do, you can just say it. We have many brothers, so talking is useful!"

Hongmao's attitude took a 180-degree turn, patting his chest and calling Lin Yang brothers.

Lin Yang looked at him coldly, and said with a half-smile, "Money is not a problem, but..."

"But what?" Hongmao's heart tightened, and he said, "Speak up, if you have anything to do, just say it."

"Should you pay me the medical expenses of the villagers first?" Lin Yang questioned, "Otherwise, how can we talk about whether I will give you the money?"

Hongmao froze for a moment, glanced at the villagers on the ground, and the smile on his face froze.

He smiled awkwardly and said, "Brother, look at what you said."

"I don't know each other if I don't fight. If you give me the money, why don't I pay for the medical expenses?"

Lin Yang shrugged, and said indifferently: "Okay, then the police will come later, settle this matter, and then talk about other things."

After finishing speaking, Lin Yang looked at Lin Miaomiao and the villagers, and said, "Everyone, go home first."

"Yangyang, can you handle this matter?" The second uncle said worriedly: "I can hold on, I will wait for the police with you."

"No need." Lin Yang said flatly, "Go back first, I'll take care of this matter."


"None of you can leave today!"

The red hair interrupted the second uncle.

His eyes were red, his brows were twisted into the word "Chuan", and his fists were clenched with a "slap".

He gritted his teeth, and said every word as if he was jumping out, "My surname is Lin, are you kidding me?"

Lin Yang looked at him, and said lightly: "I can't afford the medical expenses, so I have to ask you to talk to the police, is there a problem?"

"Okay! Labor and management will give you medical expenses, but you have to give me 10 yuan first!" Hong Mao grabbed Lin Yang's collar.

He pulled hard in front of him, trying to pull Lin Yang aside.

Seeing this, the second uncle and others behind him felt as if their hearts were suddenly lifted into their throats by a big hand!
They opened their mouths and were about to speak.

But the red hair was stunned.

He tugged at Lin Yang's collar, no matter how hard he tried, Lin Yang just stood there motionless.

It's like a big tree rooted in the sky, which can't be shaken at all.

Hongmao looked at Lin Yang in shock, and the little brother behind him asked, "Brother Hongmao, do you want to do something?"

"Go away! Labor and management can't deal with a college student?" Hong Mao was refuted.

He stared at Lin Yang, and firmly grasped Lin Yang's collar with both hands, the muscles in both hands were tense.

He summoned up all his energy and angrily said, "Get out of here!"


As soon as the words finished, Lin Yang succeeded and grabbed his wrist!
Hongmao froze for a moment, then looked at Lin Yang in a daze.

He pulled his hand out hard, trying to break free, but it was as if he was only clamped by a vise.

There was cold sweat streaming down his forehead, and he thought to himself, "Why is he so strong?"

(End of this chapter)

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