My leisurely life live in the countryside

Chapter 8 One Sentence Fuck The World

Chapter 8
"Fuck, is the anchor going to fry it by hand?"

"So the anchor is the heir of Iron Sand Palm?"

"It's awesome!"

Seeing that Lin Yang poured the tea into it and started to stir fry it with his hands, everyone was stunned again.

Mr. Li and everyone who knew tea were also stunned.

Because Lin Yang did it perfectly.


It's as smooth as drinking water.

Before, Lin Yangming said that he was frying tea for the first time.

But this is smoother than myself who has done it hundreds of times.

The most important thing about fried tea is to control the heat.

Because the tea leaves are very tender, you can't use a shovel or the like, you can only stir fry them by hand.

Generally, it takes a long time for people who learn to fry tea to dare to really start.

Because the pan is really hot, without enough skill, you can really get burned.

Before Lin Yang said that he wanted to fry tea, they thought Lin Yang could use tools.

But he did it directly, which surprised them all.

"Graduates from Tsingbei University are bulls. They not only study well, but also have invincible practical ability. They are really invincible!"

"I also think that this is too powerful."

"Convinced. Really convinced."

Seeing that the audience from Mr. Lin's side were convinced, those people in Lin Yang's live broadcast room were very proud.

"Our anchor is better than this one, you can watch the previous live broadcast."

"That's right! The anchor is very willful, and he will disappear if he says he doesn't see it."

"Yes, we have been dropped many times."

Li Yang didn't know about these situations, so he cooked the tea right now.

After wrapping them carefully, Li Yang looked at Elder Lin, "Old Lin, are you okay?"

Old Lin smiled wryly, "Li Yang, luckily you didn't agree before, otherwise I would be ashamed, because your level is higher than I imagined, and I really have nothing to teach you."

"Old Li, you are joking."

"No, I'm telling the truth, you are really powerful. If you really put your heart into it, you will definitely become a grandmaster. No, you are already a grandmaster now."

"The anchor is awesome."


"How can I have no culture, and I will go all over the world with one word."

All kinds of compliments came.

The broadcast room completely exploded.

The popularity directly soared to 200 million.

At this time, someone wanted to buy the tea that Lin Yang had just roasted.

"Anchor, we are interested in how to sell the tea."

"Yes, tell me a price!"

This was Lin Yang's first time frying tea, and it was definitely worth commemorating, so Lin Yang's audience became enthusiastic.

"Guys, I don't intend to sell."

After gently refusing, Lin Yang looked at Mr. Li and said, "Mr. Li, I know you are used to good tea and don't care about it, but I still want to give it to you as a thought."

While speaking, Lin Yang pushed it in front of Mr. Li.

"Okay, I'll take it. I'll give you a tea set another day."

"Then I really made a lot of money."



After seeing off Mr. Li, Lin Yang took a look at his live broadcast room and found that his popularity was still terrifying.

"What's going on? Didn't those people who came with Mr. Li leave?"

Lin Yang guessed right.

Almost everyone stayed.

Because they were all shocked by Lin Yang.

They thought Lin Yang's live broadcast was really interesting, so they all planned to watch it here.

"Another 30?"

Lin Yang glanced at his popularity and was startled.

Because in just one morning, his popularity value exceeded 30 again.

He remembered that he had run out of it before.

So the 30 was earned in these few hours.


Lin Yang was going to use all of the 30 popularity points.

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining life water]

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining the construction technique]

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining the water-seeking technique]

Three consecutive skills made Lin Yang very excited.

After taking a look at the water of life, Lin Yang found that it can cure all diseases and make people healthy forever.

Without hesitation, Lin Yang drank it all.

"It doesn't smell like it. But it feels like I'm full of strength."

After drinking, Lin Yang clenched his fists.

Soon, Lin Yang came back to his senses, and glanced at the construction technique and the water search technique.

Construction is building a house.

Seek water is to find water sources.

"It is estimated that it may not be available for the time being."

Muttering indiscriminately, Lin Yang heard footsteps.

"It shouldn't be Miaomiao who is here."

Looking over quickly, Lin Yang was depressed because it was her.

"Fuck, the fairy is here again."

"It's beautiful."

"It really looks more and more beautiful, no, I have to propose marriage another day."

The barrage in the live broadcast room stopped before.

Now, because of Lin Miaomiao's appearance, the barrage rose wildly again.

Soon, the entire screen was covered.

"It seems that not only Xiaohei is more popular than me, but so is Miaomiao."

Reluctantly complaining, Lin Yang said, "Miaomiao, why are you here?"

"My parents went to the mountains to find water. I'm bored, so I came here to have a look."

"Looking for water?"

Lin Miaomiao sighed, and said helplessly, "Yes, the water level of the small river behind our village this year is much, much lower than normal, and there is not enough water for irrigation. So the village plans to dig a well for irrigation. But it took several No water was dug anywhere."

"The opportunity for the anchor to perform has come. Do you think the anchor can find the water source and dig out the water?"

After listening to Miaomiao's words, the person with good deeds spoke up.

"I don't think it's possible."

"I also think that people are not omnipotent."


Everyone didn't quite believe that Lin Yang could find water, because this was a very professional job.

"Well, let's go to the fields too. It might help."

"Brother, don't be ridiculous. Last time the sheep in our village was lost, you went to help find it, but you lost it yourself. Are you still looking for water?"

"Haha, the Tucao star is here again!"

"It's so interesting, I've been waiting for a long time, just wait for this moment."

"Me too, the popcorn is ready, let's continue complaining."

"Beer, peanuts, eight-treasure porridge. Everyone accept it."

"Miaomiao, I'm a celebrity now, and I'm broadcasting live. Can I stop talking about these embarrassing things in the past?"

"Anchor, are you still a celebrity? You are a personal name."

"Yes, keep talking, keep complaining."

"I love to hear it!"

As the barrage appeared, there were rockets one after another.

There are notes behind all the rockets, which made Lin Yang speechless.

This group of people is really enough, it's a bit like shrimp and pig's heart.

"Brother, what do you mean I won't be able to tell the truth in the live broadcast room?"


Being asked like this, Lin Yang didn't know what to say.

After thinking about it, Lin Yang said, "You can understand it this way."

"Then I know, brother is so handsome today."

"Of course, I..."

Before he finished speaking, Lin Yang's face was covered with black lines.

"Anchor, you are digging a hole for yourself!"

"Fortunately, it's my wife, she's really smart."

"Upstairs, keep talking nonsense, be careful I will hack you to death."

"Come on, my sword is ready."

"You two disgusting people, find a place to fencing, and stop talking nonsense here."

"Yes, we are all people with normal orientation."

(End of this chapter)

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