Chapter 81

After Lin Yang returned home, he immediately took a rest.

Early the next morning, most people in the village also went to the hospital.

After Lin Yang had breakfast, he started the live broadcast directly.

As always, as soon as we entered the live broadcast room, the number of people was already overwhelmed.

Compared with other anchors, they have to wait for fans after starting the live broadcast.

This is Lin Yang, there are fans waiting for him anytime, anywhere.

As soon as the broadcast started, Lin Yang saw countless bullet screens, all discussing about Mr. Smith.

"Fuck, the anchor is on the air!"

"Anchor, why are you starting the broadcast now? Mr. Smith has already arrived in our country."

"Anchor, you are now a celebrity in the construction industry!"

"I heard that Smith is going to find you, and the anchor is going to make a fortune again."

Lin Yang looked confused, and asked suspiciously, "How do you know he's coming to see me?"

"Besides, why did I get rich when he came to me?"

"Anchor, don't you know? The remnant image you restored was left by your mentor!"

"That's right, you don't know, the price of this residual image is already sky-high!"

"The blueprint you repaired yesterday is even more valuable now! They want to auction off both the residual drawing and your restored blueprint!"

Lin Yang stared blankly at the fast scrolling comments and barrage.

He froze for a moment, and said with a blank face: "No, you all know, why don't I know?"

"Strongly request the deployment of 4G networks in rural areas!"

"Anchor, are you in a primitive society?"

"You don't know such important news? Mr. Smith has already held a press conference!"

"Hey, people with ability will take the initiative to get money into their pockets?"

A group of people in the comment area started the daily lemon essence mode.

Lin Yang rubbed his chin, thinking, "Smith is coming?"

"Forget it, let's wait and see what happens, as long as it's not high-profile."

Lin Yang shook his head and stopped thinking about it.

"Anchor, can you live broadcast your repaired picture later?"

"Yes, yes, I want to see it too!"

"Many architects have resigned now, and they are just waiting to be apprenticed to the anchor! If the anchor shows the drawings, it will be enough for people to worship."

"Stop praising me, too." Lin Yang said helplessly, "I don't have any skills, so it's better to keep a low profile."

Thinking of those hooligans yesterday, although Lin Yang didn't care, he was worried that his fame would bring harm to others?
As soon as Lin Yang finished speaking, the comment area and the barrage were filled with the same sentence in an instant.

"Versailles this game?"

"Versailles this game?"


Lin Yang sighed helplessly, and sighed: "I also want to keep a low profile, but my strength doesn't allow it."

"Damn it, sure enough, it's a good feign!"

"Come here, there are criminals pretending to be beeping!"

Looking at the noisy comment area, Lin Yang smiled wryly.

He was about to speak when the phone rang.

After picking up the phone, Ling Cheng's voice came from the other end.

"Little friend Lin, you know everything about these two days, right?" Ling Cheng was referring to Smith's affairs.

"I'm not very clear about this," Lin Yang said.

"That's right, Mr. Smith wants to buy your restored design draft." Ling Cheng said: "The 8000 million I gave you yesterday is the labor fee for the restoration. This design drawing is still yours."

Ling Cheng directly used the honorific title, and Lin Yang quickly said, "Don't say that—"

In the middle of speaking, Lin Yang was stunned. He frowned and said, "You gave me 8000 million?"

"Yeah, what's the matter?" Ling Cheng asked suspiciously, "You don't know!"

"I didn't read the SMS notification yesterday." Lin Yang said, "I can't ask for this money, I..."

"Little friend, what should I do if you don't want the money?" Ling Cheng asked helplessly.

Lin Yang didn't understand Ling Cheng's meaning for a while, and asked suspiciously: "What do you mean?"

"Mr. Smith came forward, and this is considered as a labor fee, and I dare not take this design drawing for myself."

"The value of the restored design draft is too high. What's more, with your current status in the architectural world, please restore such a difficult residual image yourself."

"The price of 8000 million yuan is really not expensive at all. If you don't accept it, others will find out, which will embarrass me."

Ling Cheng spoke earnestly and earnestly, as if Lin Yang didn't accept it because he was sorry for him.

Lin Yang was at a loss for words. He gave a wry smile and thought, "I never thought it would be difficult not to make money these days."

It's just that Lin Yang didn't say this, let alone during the live broadcast.

Otherwise, these words will definitely become a stalk of complaints and a hot search on the Internet!

Moreover, these days, there are probably not many who can make as much money as Lin Yang.

"Okay, Mr. Ling." Lin Yang reluctantly agreed, and said, "However, the design is with you, and Mr. Smith can discuss it with you alone."

"This won't work." Ling Cheng quickly refused: "This is your thing, how can I decide the price?"

"Is it convenient for you now? If it is convenient, I will send someone to pick you up. Mr. Smith is coming soon."

Lin Yang thought for a moment, guessing in his heart that if he didn't go, Smith would probably come to him too.

He had no choice but to agree.

Hearing Lin Yang's promise, Mr. Ling was overjoyed!
"Okay, okay, I'll tell Mr. Smith right away, and send someone to pick you up."

After hanging up the phone, Lin Yang restarted the live broadcast.

"Anchor, let me tell you the truth, what did you do just now?"

"That's right, what are you doing here?"

"Did you just go on a tryst?"

"Upstairs, do you think Miaomiao and the anchor are together, is it a tryst, or a rant?"

"Upstairs, if you can talk, talk more!"

"Xiu'er! Is that you!"

Lin Yang couldn't stop seeing this group of fans.

He simply said: "Today's live broadcast is over, I have something to do later, so I will download it."

After finishing speaking, before the fans came back to their senses, Lin Yang had already gone offline.

"Fuck, the anchor is too capricious, how can I do this?"

"That's right, I'm going to release him for two days! Let him know the pain of losing me!"

"Yes, everyone disappeared collectively!"

"Forget it, after disappearing, I'm afraid I'll have to line up to enter the live broadcast room!" A fan added countless exclamation points after this sentence!
"Last time, I was ranked 10086th!"

The live broadcast room is still noisy and joyous.

Lin Yang was thinking, "If you can't keep a low profile, how can you fix it?"

"Anyway, today's incident is impossible to broadcast live. Otherwise, it may be another public opinion."

And at the moment in the office of Ling Lao's private museum.

He was sitting face to face with another old man on the sofa, and an interpreter was sitting next to the other old man.

One is Ling Lao, who is wearing a black Tang suit today, with a calm and calm atmosphere.

Opposite him is a foreigner.

He has a three-dimensional face, deep-set eye sockets, and deep blue eyes that reveal melancholy.

He was wearing a black shirt, black suit pants, and black leather shoes.

It's just the Rolex on his wrist, which is particularly conspicuous.

(End of this chapter)

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