The Situation of Merchant Killing

Chapter 104 The Importance of Confrontation

Chapter 104 The Importance of Confrontation

After Yu Yanyan settled down, Shen Yiren called Long Mingyi and asked him to take care of his son.The four of them are going to get together tonight, with a special emphasis on not bringing men with them.

It can be seen that a man is irresponsible and can easily implicate other men.

A butterfly flaps its wings and a hurricane hangs on the other.

Long Mingyi was "implicated" by Wang Haijiao's "running away".

Shen Yiren did this because she wanted to take care of Yu Yanyan's emotions.

After all, Long Mingyi is not very "self-disciplined", and always throws out dog food involuntarily.

After Shen Yixin heard about the cause and effect, she left Bai Angxi beside her and ran to Yu Yanyan's place to comfort Yu Yanyan.

Women are so easy to empathize, and men are so easy to "communicate".

Inexplicably, Long Mingyi and Bai Angxi got a common situation.

As soon as Long Ming hung up the phone, he saw that Xu Chen was also preparing to leave with a small bag on his back.

Xu Chen came to the door of his office and asked, "I'm leaving first."

He asked, "So early today?"

"Your wife asked me out." Xu Chen said, "I'm going to play." After all, there are some legal issues, you still need to ask Xu Chen.

"Women are powerful." As soon as Long Ming sat at the table, he felt abandoned.

Qian En laughed, walked in with square steps and said, "Brother Long, good news." Qian En handed the phone to Long Mingyi.

"What's so happy about it?" Long Ming took it over and took a look.Someone left a message in the evaluation of Dumpling Emperor: The quick-frozen dumplings are not good.And more than one.

"Brother Long, your predictions are too accurate." Qian En said: "Sure enough, some people feel that there is a big gap between the tastes and express their dissatisfaction."

Long Ming nodded with a smile, "We can't let Dumpling Emperor withdraw this. Just because we don't start, doesn't mean we can't do something. Since someone 'ignites', we can 'fan the flames', preferably at the level of a typhoon."

Mi Ming just came in, and he imitated the fanning action when grilling mutton kebabs, "Come, come, authentic mutton kebabs."

Long Ming stretched out his index finger and pointed, "The Dumpling Emperor is the 'kebab' that will be grilled."

Mi Ming said: "Now Dumpling Emperor is shipping more."

"Where's Zhou Jinkun?" Long Ming asked.

"Still waiting." Mi Ming said: "Now Zhou Jinkun's shareholding is less than 5%, if you want to sell, you can sell it. Support Lu Rang, arbitrage and leave."

"It seems that I need to meet Lu Qian." Long Ming thought for a while, "Siyue, help me make an appointment with Lu Qian."

"Okay, Mr. Long." Xuan Siyue received the order and returned to the work table.

After Qian En went out, Mi Ming asked, "Boss, you're not just trying to trick Zhou Jinkun?"

"Of course..." Long Mingyi dragged his voice: "No. When you were in school, the teacher would tell you in the first class, 'Enterprises are for profit'."

"Dumba Balu." Mi Ming said.

"What?" Long Mingyi had never heard of this language.

"I don't know." Mi Ming shrugged and said, "It's like I heard what you said. I don't know what you said at all."

"Get lost." Long Mingyi said: "Jiaohuang will be a lead. We want to make a fortune in the food market. Think about frozen food, think about ready-to-eat food, think about Lu Qian..."

"If I knew what you're thinking, I'd start my own investment firm. It's called Tomahawk Capital."

"A colleague is an enemy." Long Ming got up together and said, "I know what I have for dinner because of your actions just now."

"Mutton skewers?" Mi Ming asked, "Can I eat together?"

"Not today." Long Mingyi said, "I have to go and see another brother."

"Thank you for treating me as a brother." Mi Ming pretended to cry bitterly.

"It's always been like this." Long Ming patted Mi Ming on the shoulder, "Treat everyone equally."

Long Mingyi called Yu Wei: "Have you eaten yet?"

"No bro." Yu Wei said softly, "Sister-in-law and the others are having a party next door, and I'm cooking noodles here."

"There's no need to cook. I'll pick up Fengfeng, and we'll eat skewers."

"Okay." Yu Wei put the noodles back into the packaging bag, turned around and took them to the trash can, thought for a while without throwing them away, wrapped them in plastic wrap and put them back where the instant noodles were.

Yu Wei cleaned up, waited for a while and went downstairs, and saw Long Mingyi's car parked at the gate of the community.He opened the door and sat in the back seat.

Long Youfeng and Yu Wei in the back row are also familiar with each other, "Little uncle."

"How was school today?"

"Going to school is great." Long Youfeng said, "Every day is fun."

"How did you fall?" Yu Wei pointed at Long Youfeng's arm.

"Basketball class." Long Youfeng didn't care at all, "Bumps and bumps are inevitable."

Long Mingyi said: "Do you know the importance of confrontation this time?"

"Understood." Long Youfeng said: "I am tall enough to hit the basket, so I must fight first."

"How old is he?" Yu Wei asked in surprise, "Start confrontation training?"

"8 years old." Long Mingyi said, "He's playing the whole game now."

Long Youfeng said proudly: "15 points, 8 rebounds, 4 assists, and 3 blocks."

"Good boy." Yu Wei rubbed Long Youfeng's head, making Long Youfeng's hair messy.

"My son's points and rebounds are not blocked." Long Youfeng smiled, "But if you are a professional, you can't do that."

Long Ming drove to a relatively large barbecue restaurant.The child has a weak stomach, Long Ming was afraid that the food stall would be spoiled by Long Youfeng.If this gives the son a stomachache, he will appreciate the "roar of the lioness".

"Meat skewers, plate tendons, oysters, scallops, crabs, lobsters..." Long Ming ordered something to eat.

"It's a great day." Yu Wei was almost drooling.

"I'll take you to a good meal today." Long Mingyi said: "A few days ago, I met Tian Lv from your law firm, and said that you performed well, you did a few cases well, and you worked hard."

"No. I'm just a little assistant." Yu Wei smiled shyly, "I just think that if you do the same thing, you should do it well."

"Very good." Long Ming nodded, "You will stay there."

"Thank you bro."

"In the beginning, there was a man who always gave you his work. Is there such a thing?" Long Mingyi asked suddenly.

Don't think that the people above know nothing.

The problems between the assistants are actually noticed by the lawyers above, but they will not take care of them lightly.Survival of the fittest is the rule in any industry. If you encounter difficulties, you will go on your own.

It's just that Tian Lu has some friendship with Long Mingyi and Xu Chen, and he kindly told Long Mingyi.

Yu Wei nodded, "I was bullied when I was young, and my education is not as high as his. Throw all the writing to me."

"So you took it?" Long Ming nodded, "That's right, the more you learn, the more you gain."

"That's what I thought," Yu Wei said.

"Yu Wei, you have proven your ability to survive." Long Mingyi said, "You have good endurance. What you have to learn now is to say 'no'."

"I know, he's getting worse now."

Long Mingyi told Yu Wei, "You have exercised your endurance and increased your ability. If you help him now, you will only repeat what you did in the past, and will not increase your ability. In the law firm, everyone likes you more. Mass base. So now you have to reject his unreasonable request. For such a person, if he is your boss, you will have no future, if he is your colleague, he will only add to the chaos, and if he is your subordinate, he will definitely screw up, so there is no need to save face for him.”

"I see." Yu Wei nodded.

"Don't be afraid." Long Mingyi said, "Youtian Ritsu supports you. Get in touch with him more. He is Xu Chen's friend and mine. I heard that he will be the head of the sect soon."

"Yes." Yu Wei nodded.

"Seize the opportunity." Long Mingyi said.

When the oysters came, Long Ming picked one up and ate it, "It tastes good."

Longyoufeng also tasted very delicious, a bit spicy, and his small mouth kept breathing.

Yu Wei told Long Mingyi about interesting things about his work and asked his brother to give him advice.

Back home, Yu Wei heard movement in the bathroom.He came over and found that Yu Yanyan was throwing up while holding the toilet.She was so sad today and drank some wine.She didn't feel well until everyone dispersed.

"How are you?" Yu Wei patted Yu Yanyan's back.

"It's okay, just throw up." Yu Yanyan waved her hand.

Yu Wei poured Yu Yanyan a glass of warm water, and Yu Yanyan felt much better after drinking it.She slowly went back to her room to make a phone call, but Wang Haijiao still turned off the phone.

Yu Yanyan couldn't sleep, she tossed and turned on the bed for half an hour, but she still woke up.Walking to the living room, I found Yu Wei cooking noodles in the kitchen.

"Haven't you eaten?" Yu Yanyan asked.

"I see you haven't slept." While cooking noodles, Yu Wei turned around and said to Yu Yanyan, "I cooked some for you. Only when you have a solid stomach can you fall asleep."

Yu Yanyan sat at the dining table, and Yu Wei brought him a bowl of noodles.

Yu Wei blows his hot hands, "It's a special situation today, don't worry about your figure. There are two eggs in it, eat it. Put the bowl in the sink after eating."

Yu Wei went back to her room to sleep.

Yu Yanyan sandwiched the noodles, not knowing whether she was more disappointed or more warm.

(End of this chapter)

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