Chapter 162

Although Xue Ting knew Zhou Jinkun's possible death spot, he couldn't find out where the account was and which one it was.He didn't have as many resources as Zhou Jinkun and Long Mingyi, so it was difficult to find some important information.

Xue Ting on weekends is not idle.

Good management requires comprehensive assessment capabilities.Obviously, Xue Ting also needs good performance appraisal personnel to formulate appraisal plans, appraisal standards, and persons to appraise people.There are no talents in this field in the existing human resources department of Dumpling Emperor.

Dumpling Emperor has been "ruled by man" for so many years, even after it was listed, it has not changed.How can Xue Ting, the head of the Airborne Corps, solve this in the short term?
Apart from his brain, Xue Ting's "heart" is also very tired.He needs to pretend that there is no estrangement from Zhou Jinkun, Wang Annian, etc., and he needs to find a way to make Dumpling Emperor profitable in the short term.

He could find someone to do dirty things, but he didn't dare to really do it to Zhou Jinkun.

Because Zhou Jinkun is more vile than him.If he stabbed a hornet's nest, Xue Ting would be too hungry to walk around.

Zhou Jinkun likes to go fishing in his spare time.He was very satisfied with the fish he caught no matter the size.

Now he's sitting by the lake, enjoying life on weekends.The lake in front of him is a place he often comes to.The vegetation around the lake is lush and lush, and the water surface is rippling, making people feel in the tranquil nature.Here you can relax away from the hustle and bustle of the city.

The wooden board behind him creaked, Zhou Jinkun didn't look back, he knew who was coming.

The person who came sat down on the chair next to him, opened the fishing gear and took out the fishing rod and other things.

"It's a bit late today." Zhou Jinkun said in a low voice, and he could hardly hear it unless he listened carefully.Maybe he was afraid of scaring his fish away, maybe he was more afraid of something else.

"Yes." The person next to him said, "I can't help it. There is a traffic jam on the road."

The person next to Zhou Jinkun is Zhang Yu from Baotian.

Zhou Jinkun smiled, and thought to himself: Traffic jam on the road on weekends?

"What's the prize today?" Zhou Jinkun asked, "You still owe me two fish."

"I won't owe you anything." Zhang Yu said, "Everything I catch today belongs to you."

Zhou Jinkun glanced at Zhang Yu from the corner of his eye, "Why are you so generous today?"

"It's like I'm usually stingy."

"Hehe." The buoy of the fishing rod in Zhou Jinkun's hand moved, and he quickly adjusted the line, starting a war of attrition with the fish.When the strength of the fish was insufficient, he flicked it, and a good grass carp was caught by Zhou Jinkun.

Zhou Jinkun was taking the hook out of the fish's mouth when Zhang Yu spoke. "You came to me today because you want to ask something?"

"It's not a big deal." Zhou Jinkun said, "It looks like you don't know about it. I believe that if you know, you will tell me."

"You didn't say anything." Zhang Yu installed the bait and threw the fishing rod into the lake.

"Talking about things you don't know will only add to your troubles."

Zhou Jinkun shook his head with a smile on his face, but his hand pulled the hook very hard, opening the mouth of the fish.

Zhang Yu's fishing rod buoy also moved, and he was also busy reeling in the line.Zhang Yu caught a carp that was twice bigger than the grass carp that Zhou Jinkun caught.

Zhou Jinkun glanced at Zhang Yu's fish and said, "So lucky today?"

"Hehe." Zhang Yumian said with pride, "Because the bait is fine."

Zhou Jinkun looked at Hu Shui and said, "Yes, as long as the bait is good, there is no need to worry about fish."

Zhang Lu was holding a different kind of "bait", waiting for Long Mingyi and Zhou Jinkun to take the bait.

Bai Xiaoshuang now obeys Zhang Lu's words, as if possessed by a demon.No matter how Han Yun tried to persuade her, it didn't work.Bai Xiaoshuang is now Zhang Lu's faithful follower.

"Sister Lu." Bai Xiaoshuang was very close to Zhang Lu who was sitting opposite her, as if they were long-lost sisters. "Shopping with you for a day makes me feel much more relaxed."

During the weekend, Zhang Lu accompanied Bai Xiaoshuang to buy, buy, and bought a few clothes in one day, which cost [-] yuan.

"You have capital." Zhang Lu said: "Xiaoshuang, remember what my sister said. The shares are in your hands, no matter what Lu Yuncheng says, you can't let go."

"He gave me a good price." Bai Xiaoshuang shook her head, "But I am determined not to sell it. Liao Linlin shows off her power in front of me every day, and now, I will let her know how amazing she is."

Bai Xiaoshuang agreed to the divorce, but when she got divorced, she could drag it on forever.The lawyers of both parties can continue to talk.Lu Yuncheng really didn't dare to go to court to sue for divorce, isn't that known to everyone?When the reporter dug, it turned out to be the boss of gravity, Jin Wuzangjiao.Some of the financial and life editions have been written.

Now users' loyalty to games is lower than before.Every day when you open your eyes, new games are emerging one after another, and the competition for similar products is fierce.Lu Yuncheng didn't want to make a big fuss, and his peers took advantage of the problem. If a large number of users were lost on his own side, he couldn't afford to go around.If capital abandoned him, he would be finished.

listing?At that time, the normal operation of the company may encounter problems.

Zhang Lu's tricks made Lu Yuncheng a headache.Can't get a divorce, want to go public but dare not, and spend money on the development of new games.

Liao Linlin surrounded Lu Yuncheng like a bitter woman every day, hoping that he would solve it as soon as possible.After all, Bai Xiaoshuang was willing to vacate her position, so why didn't she take the position?Which little girl is waiting for the new arrival to jump in line?

The triangle is really the most stable, because there is no solution to this triangle debt.

As the sun set, Zhou Jinkun packed up his fishing gear. "I didn't expect you to return all my fish today."

"It should be lucky today." Zhang Yu nodded to Zhou Jinkun, but did not pack the fishing gear.

"Fishing for a while more by yourself?" Zhou Jinkun asked with a smile.

"It's rare to be lucky today." Zhang Yu looked at the lake and said, "Then we should make good use of today."

"It makes sense." Zhou Jinkun memorized his things and said, "That night, send me a message and tell me about your record."

The wooden planks behind Zhang Yu creaked, and the sound of Zhou Jinkun's footsteps became farther and farther away.

Zhang Yu took out his mobile phone and dialed his sister's number.

"Is it convenient to speak?"


Zhang Lu had already parted with Bai Xiaoshuang.She returned to the rented one-story mansion, with the phone between her face and neck, and she was mixing vegetable salad in her hand.

"Zhou Jinkun has noticed."

"That means it's time for him to act." Zhang Lu stopped stirring, "Now, let's see who can bite the bait between him and Long Mingyi."

"Who do you lean towards?"

"I'm more inclined towards Zhou Jinkun... unlucky." Zhang Lu smiled, "After all, Long Mingyi is handsomer and younger."

"You also look at faces?" Zhang Yu was a little surprised. "Actually, women like men, and they also like young and good-looking ones."

"In terms of talent, Long Mingyi is better than Zhou Jinkun, right?" Zhang Lu laughed louder, "I really didn't expect Zhou Jinkun to be better than Long Mingyi."

"As long as you are happy." Zhang Yu hung up the phone.

After Zhang Lu mixed the salad, she turned around and brought it to the table in the back. "Eating alone is really lonely."

In Long Ming's family, all the servants were absent today.Sister Zhang also took advantage of the time when she was free, and Long Mingyi funded Sister Zhang and her daughter on summer vacation to travel nearby for a few days.

Shen Yiren came out with two dishes that she had made by herself, pork tenderloin and egg fried garlic sprouts, served with two bowls of rice, full of family atmosphere.

"This is the real life." Long Ming looked at the meat and vegetables on the table and said, "A perfect world for two."

"Suddenly I feel that the house is quiet." Shen Yiren was wearing a vest and shorts, and she relaxed.

"Yes." Long Mingyi said, "All the annoying spirits have been driven away."

The two rarely had a meal together.Shen Yiren who does not wear makeup will be purer and younger.Every frown and smile is also very lovable.After Long Ming took two bites, he put down the bowl.

"What's wrong?" Shen Yiren asked, "Isn't it delicious?"

As soon as Long Ming walked up to Shen Yiren, he took the bowl from her hand and put it on the table, saying: "I think of a big thing."

"what's up?"

"Now the second child is encouraged." Long Ming hugged Shen Yiren all at once.

"Hey..." Shen Yiren exclaimed, "You, let me down."

"Bang." The door of the master bedroom closed...

(End of this chapter)

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