The Situation of Merchant Killing

Chapter 190 Siberian tiger and sika deer

Chapter 190 Siberian tiger and sika deer

From the information, Long Ming did not find any hidden content.That is what may have changed in this stock, or there may be news that has not been discovered.

Xue Ting sent a text message and made an appointment for the time and place to meet.Long Mingyi came to Xue Ting's car according to the agreed position, and got into the co-pilot.

"Sorry." Xue Ting said: "I have to let you take time out of your busy schedule."

"Then let's get to the point quickly." Long Mingyi said, "My family is still waiting for me to go home."

"How about Lu Qian?"

"I have a new idea." Long Ming nodded to Xue Ting.

Lu Qian will set up a research team with three pastry chefs to study the new products of Dumpling Emperor.The secret recipe continues to belong to Lu Qian, and the three pastry chefs get paid.The new product will be exclusively distributed by Jiaohuang, just like the original one.

Xue Ting did not agree with this plan, "Will I still be restricted by Lu Qian?"

"Why not restricted?" Long Ming said with a bad smile: "The most important thing is to be able to solve the fire pit of the dumpling emperor. Zhou Jinkun will know that when the product is developed, he can leave at a better price, and he will I won’t be in a hurry to throw it out.”

Xue Ting had no choice but to agree, but he put forward a condition, "Lu Qian's new product must sign a long-term contract according to the current contract."

Xue Ting wants to tie Lu Qian with a long-term contract.

"Lu Qian is not under my control." Long Mingyi said, "But I can show you the way. Lu Qian's surname is Lu." Long Mingyi pushed the car door and got out of the car and left.

Of course Xue Ting understands, he is very smart.Lu Qian's surname is Lu, and he is a descendant of Emperor Jiao.Xue Ting only needs to let Lu Qian have a place in Dumpling Emperor.

Lu Qian needs money for research and development, and Xue Ting can just extend an "olive branch" at this time.

Long Ming left Xue Ting's car with a smile, he knew what Xue Ting would do.Xue Ting will give Lu Qian a seat on the board of directors of Jiaohuang, and Lu Qian will return to the board of directors of Jiaohuang.

Xue Ting called Ah Lei. "I want to make an appointment with the boss."

"The wine cellar is waiting for you."

Xue Ting drove to a winery in the suburbs.A British-style winery with gasoline lamps hanging at the door.On the exquisite carriage in the yard, there are piles of oak barrels, indicating that there is new wine and the status of the owner.After Xue Ting parked the car in the parking space, he followed the waiter to the winery.

Zhou Jinkun sat at one end of the long table, sipping wine with a large wine glass.

"Would you like some drink?" Zhou Jinkun asked.

"No need." Xue Ting said, "I have something to tell you."

"You said."

"Lu Qian will be in charge of new product development." Xue Ting put his hand on the table, and he tapped lightly twice, "We have to give him a board seat."

"That's an internal matter of your Dumpling Emperor." Zhou Jinkun said: "You are the general manager of Dumpling Emperor, and An Nian is the chairman. You have the final say! I like wine tasting, and I like good wine. As for where the wine comes from, I in spite of."

What Zhou Jinkun meant was: If you make any fuss, if the opportunity is good, I will leave.You keep playing.

Xue Ting smiled, "Good wine needs to be transported." (You can't sell it casually.)
Zhou Jinkun said: "I can't eat hot tofu in a hurry. For good wine, I can afford to wait." (I will wait for a good opportunity.)
Xue Ting stood up and said, "That week, I always savored it slowly."

After Xue Ting left, Zhou Jinkun put down his cup, and the smile on his face petrified instantly.

"Get Lu Qian back again?" Zhou Jinkun touched his chin lightly, "How can it be? Unless..."

Long Ming returned home slowly, and stood in front of the door for dozens of seconds before opening the door.To be honest, he doesn't really want to go home now.

Bai Angxi and Jin Shengyan did not call Long Mingyi back.Now Shen Yixin must be crying at home, or complaining non-stop.

Like a little girl who lost her treasure, Shen Yixin sat in front of the windowsill and hugged her shoulders without saying a word.Long Ming leaned against the wall and slipped into the master bedroom.After changing his clothes, he secretly prepared to escape to the study.

Opening the study room, she saw Shen Yiren swiping her phone here.

"Why are you here?" Long Mingyi said.

"Hush..." Shen Yiren told Long Ming to keep quiet.

"You're hiding here too?" Long Ming smiled wryly.

Shen Yiren glared at him, "I don't want to face this 'Sister Xianglin' ​​now either."

Bai Angxi hasn't contacted Shen Yixin for a few days.Shen Yixin can only complain now, just like Mrs. Xianglin whose child was eaten by wolves.

"It's fine if he doesn't answer me." Long Mingyi said angrily, "It doesn't matter, you should give Xinxin a letter of approval. Her best friend Jin Shengyan did the same."

"Beibei." Shen Yiren said: "I think this is because of the different levels. We still can't get into them. No matter how rich and powerful we are, in their hearts, we are still not as good as them. They think they are Nobles, we are grassroots. Xinxin and I grew up eating crayfish, and Jin Shengyan and Bai Angxi grew up eating lobster. They are two species (crayfish are not lobsters)."

"Why?" Long Mingyi was completely annoyed, "Four generations up, they are all poor and lower-middle peasants. Where did they have a sense of superiority? Bai Jiyong used to be a coolie on the dock. Now that their family has changed their family, they are separated from the crowd. ?”

A cold light appeared in Long Ming's eyes. "Bai Angxi must give me an explanation."

It didn't take much effort for Long Ming to find Bai Angxi.

Inside an avant-garde nightclub.Bai Angxi, Jin Shengyan, Hu Fei and other friends sat together and chatted happily.

Bai Angxi and Hu Fei sat side by side, although they were not particularly close, they did not keep a special distance either.Jin Shengyan sat a little further away, drinking and chatting with the people next to her.

As soon as Long Ming entered, he scanned the people around him.He doesn't like nightclubs, doesn't come often, and knows too few people.As soon as Long Ming took a few steps forward, he saw Bai Angxi and the others.Bai Angxi chatted happily and said interesting things.Hu Fei next to him, with only your expression in his eyes, made Long Ming lose his temper.

As soon as Long Ming walked in front of this group of people, the group of people unconsciously stopped the wine in their hands.

The wild "Siberian tiger" in the forest confronts a group of pampered farmed "sika deer".

At this moment, it seemed that the nightclub was quiet.These people all knew Long Mingyi.Although some of them looked down on Long Mingyi, thinking that Long Mingyi was a speculator, a lucky upstart, but they didn't dare to offend him.

They know that when this person in front of them becomes ruthless and crazy, he can destroy the foundation of their family, and high-rise buildings will collapse in an instant, making them a "negative generation".

"Brother Long." Although Bai Angxi was a little surprised, he seemed to know that he would meet Long Mingyi sooner or later.

"Mr. Long." Hu Fei stood up and greeted Long Ming.

"Hello, Mr. Hu." Long Mingyi said, "Today, I didn't come to see you."

"Let's go over there for a chat." Long Mingyi pointed in the direction with his jaw. "Sheng Yan, too."

"Okay." Jin Shengyan stood up generously, but her demeanor was obviously more like "sacrifice".

Long Ming left with a big stride, Bai Angxi and Jin Shengyan followed behind Long Mingyi.

Hu Fei breathed a sigh of relief after Long Ming left.She said to herself: "I really don't face it head-on, I don't know how scary he is."

Long Ming said to Bai Angxi: "I never thought that one day, I would ask you that."

Bai Angxi lowered his head, he didn't think about it either.

"And you." Long Ming glanced at Jin Shengyan.

"Brother Long..."

Long Ming asked: "Now, Bai Angxi, tell me, what do you think?"

"I... want to separate from Shen Yixin."

(End of this chapter)

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