The Situation of Merchant Killing

Chapter 194 Obtaining Gravity

Chapter 194 Obtaining Gravity
Lu Qian happily reported the progress of the new product to Long Mingyi.His hand holding the phone kept shaking, hoping to use his excited incoherent language to let Long Ming understand that he was going to succeed.

Long Mingyi was not too anxious to succeed, he told Lu Qian not to worry.

Do not worry?Lu Qian seemed to have been splashed with cold water.After thinking about it, he immediately understood that if he succeeds, then Xue Ting and Zhou Jinkun will also succeed.

Lu Qian's hands holding the phone trembled, this time because of hatred.He thought of his younger brother Lu Rang who was still lying on the hospital bed.My younger brother seems to be in a vegetable state now, knowing nothing.

After calculating the pros and cons, Lu Qian felt that he really shouldn't be in a hurry.With a solid heart in his heart, it doesn't matter if it drags on for another ten days and half a month, and he will take it as revenge for his younger brother.

"Mr. Long." Lu Qian's voice became heavy, "I'll listen to you."

"I won't let you down." Long Mingyi said, "Don't worry."

Mi Ming was beside Long Mingyi. Looking at Long Mingyi's solemn expression, he knew that things would not be easy.

"A new product is going to be successfully developed?"

"Yes." Long Mingyi said: "But this news can't be covered up for long. Zhou Jinkun and Xue Ting will always pay attention to the progress. It can be covered up for ten days at most."

Mi Ming thought for a while and said, "Ten days later, Zhou Jinkun is going to run away?"

"Almost." Long Mingyi said, "Looking at Lu Qian's excited state, the taste of this time's dumplings may surpass those of Dumpling Emperor's before." Long Ming thought for a while, "Maybe Zhou Jinkun will make a bigger article on it. "

"If the dumplings are unexpectedly good, I think that old guy will hang on." Mi Ming also thought of it.

"It's more than just hanging on?" Long Mingyi said, "He will become the dominant one."

"It seems that 'Fighting the Landlords' is not over yet."

"Leave if you win, maybe he can keep his chips." Long Ming smiled, "As long as he is on the field, he may not be the winner."

On the NG investment side, Lu Yuncheng has clearly rejected them.For this reason, Liao Linlin and Lu Yuncheng had basically broken up.Li Fei and Lu Yuncheng have entered the substantive stage of negotiation and are communicating on some terms and conditions.

Huang Xi's bitter plan was staged again.

Huang Xi and Liao Linlin "accidentally" met in the shopping mall.When Liao Linlin saw Huang Xi, who was wearing a famous brand and had an outstanding temperament, she was completely blown away.She was completely incomparable with Huang Xi's youthful beauty.Without Huang Xi, all of this should have been hers.

Liao Linlin came towards Huang Xi, she raised her hand and hit Huang Xi.Huang Xi was slapped head-on, and felt staring at her eyes, so she could barely stand still.

"You tell Lu Yuncheng." Liao Linlin pointed to Huang Xi and said, "It's a big deal that we'll all break up."

Huang Xi sneered.

Huang Xi returned home and had a "reasonable splash" with Lu Yuncheng. Lu Yuncheng was completely irritated by Liao Linlin.

The matter of Lu Yuncheng will indeed make it difficult for Gravity to go public.

However, in Long Mingyi and Zhang Lu's plan, the listing of gravity will have nothing to do with Lu Yuncheng.

Gravity issues shares to new investors.After the equity change, the shares of Lu Yuncheng and Bai Xiaoshuang were diluted, holding a total of 25% of the shares, and Liao Linlin held 2.5%.Li Fei raised funds to buy the newly issued shares of Gravity, which eventually accounted for 35% of the total share capital, while Huang Xi held 15% through the money secretly given by Lu Yuncheng, and the rest was held by the original shareholders.

Lu Yuncheng thought that he held 40% of the shares and that he was the major shareholder.

All of a sudden, the sky changed.

According to Article 30 of the "Marriage Law of the People's Republic of China", if one party of the man and the woman requests a divorce, the relevant department may conduct mediation or directly file a divorce lawsuit in the people's court.

Bai Xiaoshuang suddenly filed a divorce lawsuit to the law, and Lu Yuncheng was not even given the chance to negotiate.

So suddenly, Lu Yuncheng was obviously not ready.Bai Xiaoshuang's sudden attack directly disrupted all of Lu Yuncheng's arrangements.Lu Yuncheng had to respond immediately.Losing Bai Xiaoshuang's shares, he still has 20% of the shares, so it's not a big problem.

The killer move came again.

The money that Lu Yuncheng gave to Huang Xi, Huang Xi didn't touch a cent, and threw it back to Lu Yuncheng.She didn't use Lu Yuncheng's money to buy the shares of Gravity, but used Long Mingyi and Zhang Lu's money to buy the 15% of the shares.Of course, this money is a liability.

"You..." Lu Yuncheng's expression changed.

Huang Xi smiled, "What's wrong with me?"

"Where did you get the money?"

"You don't need to worry about it." Huang Xi said calmly, "This money, if you take it back, it will save your life."


"Such a large sum of money!" Huang Xi said coldly, "You know the consequences of transferring assets during marriage."

"Oh shit……"

Lu Yuncheng was about to make a move, but was stopped by Huang Xi. "If you have any extreme behavior, you can't run away! Unless you don't want to live."

"That's right." Huang Xi shook her finger at Lu Yuncheng, "Don't see each other in the future. Others advised me not to be friends with fools."

In the court of the divorce ruling, Bai Xiaoshuang cited the fact that Lu Yuncheng cheated in marriage, and involved the transfer of the joint assets of the husband and wife.Lu Yuncheng didn't expect that Bai Xiaoshuang got the evidence that he had previously concealed buying a house for Liao Linlin.With ironclad evidence in front, Lu Yuncheng's lawyer also had a headache.

Bai Xiaoshuang and Lu Yuncheng divided their marital property.Lu Yuncheng lost a lot of money because of the transfer of property.Bai Xiaoshuang's 5% shares were transferred to Zhang Lu, and Zhang Lu paid the consideration.

The story of gravity has finally come to an end.

Li Fei used the reasonable interpretation of the terms of the agreement on the grounds that Lu Yuncheng was deeply involved in the scandal, and joined forces with other shareholders. In fact, they were Huang Xi, Long Mingyi and Zhang Lu. These three actually held 55% of the shares.They kicked away Lu Yuncheng and Liao Linlin mercilessly.

Gravity's shakeup is in full swing.A new general manager and a new chief financial officer will be in place soon.At Long Mingyi's insistence, Han Yun was retained by the management and continued to do her original job.In order to stabilize people's hearts, Zhang Lu proposed several new employee development plans, and represented a new popular mobile game in North America.

All dust settled.

In Zhang Lu's gallery, Zhang Lu, Long Mingyi, Li Fei and Huang Xi toasted to celebrate.

Zhang Lu said: "Through our reform and efforts, gravity will be improved to a higher level."

Long Mingyi said: "The next step is to prepare for the listing."

"Of course." Zhang Lu agreed with Long Mingyi's suggestion. "We have to choose where to list and which section to list."

"Shouldn't you be prepared?" Long Mingyi asked.

"Hehe." Zhang Lu nodded, "Of course. HK will be much more convenient, and the financial market will be more open. You and I are both shareholders. I don't think there is any competition between us now."

"You're 'familiar' over there." Long Mingyi said: "I believe in your strength."

Li Fei also nodded.It might be faster there.

"Then everyone, just wait for our wealth to increase dramatically." Zhang Lu raised her wine glass.

Long Mingyi and Huang Xi also toasted.

Once the listing is successful, Huang Xi will get rid of poverty and realize the freedom of wealth. She is the happiest person here.

On the way back, Li Fei and Long Ming drove back one by one.Li Fei was driving, and his hands on the steering wheel were not as tight as before.Once he really participated in it, he experienced a feeling.Doing things with Long Mingyi is very enjoyable.

Correspondingly, Long Mingyi should be that kind of "fanatic inside the law".

Li Fei slowly broke away from the feeling of excitement, he said thoughtfully: "I always feel that something is wrong."

"It's not right." Long Ming looked out the window, he knew that the matter was not over yet.

(End of this chapter)

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