Chapter 22 Tianying
Zhan Dao Capital, Long Mingyi's office, Qi Xin is talking about the project with Long Mingyi with the materials.

"New energy vehicles, hydrogen battery concepts." Qi Xin said: "Environmental protection requirements are becoming more and more stringent, and hydrogen batteries and charging piles are promising."

"How sure are you?" Long Ming asked.

"I'm very sure." Qi Xin said.

Long Ming frowned, and called Xu Chen inside, asking him to come to his office.

"Qi Xin, don't step on the line for money." Long Mingyi said: "We may not be so aboveboard, but we can't break the law either."

"Boss Long, you're overthinking."

Xu Chen came in and sat on the sofa, "What's the rush?"

"I miss you." Long Mingyi said, "Qi Xin provided a new idea, and he said he was 'very sure'."

"Yes." Qi Xin said: "New energy, hydrogen battery concept."

"It's fine if you don't use the inside information," Xu Chen said.

"Of course, their products are one of the best in the country." Qi Xin is particularly sure, "The workmanship is excellent. Every data is the same as when Jack Welch was in charge of GM, 'either the first or the second'. "

As soon as Long Ming picked up the document, Qi Xin said, "It can't be written on this."

"Huanyu New Energy Vehicles may order a large number of batteries from Xinpenggongchuang." Qi Xin shrugged.

"How do you know?" Long Mingyi asked: "This news should not have been announced yet?"

"It will take a few weeks." Qi Xin said, "But it should be a certainty."

Qi Xin said in a novel: "In a salon a few days ago, I saw the two vice presidents of Huanyu and Xinpeng. , This is the published data. But their batteries are still not available, and the small battery manufacturers that have been rumored to be 'scandalous' cannot supply production capacity. Later, Huanyu and Xinpeng had close contact several times."

"Okay." Long Ming stood up, opened his hands and said, "That's right. The opportunity we caught ourselves, isn't it a violation?"

"It's not impossible to insist on ignoring the edge." Xu Chen shrugged, "This kind of thing has always been difficult to determine. Moreover, Qi Xin has analysis and reasons. The most important thing is that he has never contacted anyone from the two companies. "

Long Ming and Qi Xin nodded.

"Then I'm going out." Qi Xin took the documents and left.

Just as Xu Chen was about to leave, Long Ming stopped her. "Xu Chen, wait a minute."

"What's the matter? Boss!" Xu Chen asked.

"My unlucky younger brother has come to join me." Long Mingyi said in embarrassment.

"So?" Xu Chen looked like he was watching a show, "What does it have to do with me. Introduce me? Sister and brother love?"

"You can kill people with your words now." Long Ming shook his head, "Don't worry about me introducing Dr. Sun to you."

"Thank you." Xu Chen said angrily, "That Dr. Sun and I are two 'lovers'. 'Okay', 'You're right', 'Thank you'."

"Haha." Long Ming smiled, "I was wrong. Next time I will find you a 'funny' one."

"Do you still want to have a next time?" Xu Chen said, "Just lie to me once. How did you come up with the idea that Dr. Sun needs to be consulted on legal issues? Tell me to talk to Dr. Sun about the 'restriction of personal freedom' and property division' question?"

"That's right." Long Ming nodded, "Dating and getting married naturally have many restrictions on personal freedom. You have to answer your phone calls and go shopping with you. Doesn't this involve 'personal freedom'? 'Property division' is better Understood, paying the bill and getting married are all involved."

"Wai Li took the key to open the door, and Yi Ren got home." Xu Chen said: "I will try to let Yi Ren talk to you about these two aspects as soon as possible."

"Don't curse me!" Long Mingyi said, "Talk about business. Yu Wei studied law..."

"You still can't find a law firm?" Xu Chen's eyebrows almost turned into two curved snakes, "As soon as Yu Wei goes out, there will be a lot of law firms scrambling for it? After all, not everyone has such a big brother. "

"I just don't want him to live in my shadow."

Xu Chen nodded, "Okay." She knew Yu Wei, and Yu Wei was not bad, but lazy.

There is a 14-year age difference between Long Mingyi and Yu Wei, and Yu Wei was born by Long Mei Gao.When Long Mingyi was in high school, the little guy was only 4 years old. When he followed his mother Long Mei to deliver meals to Long Mingyi, he knew to give Long Mingyi his own candy.

"Actually, Yu Wei is okay." Xu Chen said, "I know how to give you candy."

"En. The only thing I hate is Yu Hai." Long Ming nodded, "Thank you too. Your family gave me all the 'ham sausage that dogs don't eat'."

"If it is eaten, I can't snatch it." Xu Chen smiled and went out.

Xu Chen's family is not bad, but their dogs are not so extravagant as "picky eaters".Those ham sausages were bought by Xu Chen after seeing that Long Ming had a very poor dinner every day, with almost no oil, so he bought ham sausages for him to eat.It's just that Xu Chen is a girl, so she is always embarrassed to give Long Ming food every day, and it is easy to attract gossip, so she just made up an excuse.

Long Mingyi didn't know how crazy the dog was when he didn't even eat the ham sausage that cost one yuan each at that time?He also took note of Xu Chen's love, and gave Xu Chen the best treatment at Zhan Dao Capital.When Xu Chen was forced to divorce by his ex-husband, it was Long Ming who flew over and beat Xu Chen's ex-husband.

"Boss." Mi Ming knocked on the door and came in.

"What's wrong?" Long Ming asked.

"Qiu Xiaobin didn't answer the phone." Mi Ming said, "I asked his secretary, but there was no reply."

"Mi Ming." Long Mingyi said: "Your job is to deal with 'him'. Look into his eyes, grab his arm, and tell him 'you can't withdraw'."

"Okay." Mi Ming went out.

Mi Ming still has some ideas.Someone told him that Qiu Xiaobin was playing in a bowling alley in a club.

Mi Ming drove to the arena, he strode in the door, but was blocked by security guards.

"Sorry, please show your membership."

"What membership status?" Mi Ming pointed at his face, "Isn't it clear enough?"

"Sorry, non-members are not allowed to enter."

"How much is your membership here?" Mi Ming said, "I'll get one."

At this time, the staff came over and said: "Hello, sir! Welcome! This is our new venue. You may not know our club very well. Tianying is a member-invitation system, and it is not open to the public."

Mi Ming said, "Okay, okay."

The word "Tianying" made Mi Ming retreat consciously.He went to the side and made a phone call, "Boss, I found out where Qiu Xiaobin is, but I can't get in."

"Can't get in?"

"A club." Mi Ming said: "I think you should have heard of it too. Tianying! He's in their new stadium."

The Tianying Business Club is full of talents. Members are either rich or expensive, and the membership requirements are very strict. Even if Long Mingyi is very rich, he can't get in.

"Find another opportunity." Long Mingyi had no choice but to say, "I can't get in either."

"It seems that they 'lost' two talents." Mi Ming said.

"Hehe." Long Ming smirked.

"Boss, Zhou Jinkun's car is here too." Mi Ming's tone was not relaxed.

"Is he also a member?" Long Mingyi said: "It seems that sometimes, there are really more than a few members."

(End of this chapter)

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