Chapter 256 Ultimatum
Yu Wei hurriedly called Yu Yanyan who was chasing her parents out.

Yu Yanyan's heart is really messed up.She knew that her parents were wrong, but she also felt that Long Mingyi's temper was a little too aggressive.

The three members of Yu Yanyan's family came to stay in a nearby hotel, and even if they left, they had to leave tomorrow.

Yu Yanyan helped her parents boil water and was serving tea.Yu Wei made the fifth call, and Yu Yanyan finally answered. "What are you doing? Today I will accompany my parents."

"Something went wrong." Yu Wei said, "Li Chang manipulated my brother's account to place an order without authorization, and lost 20 a day. This stock is rubbish, and it's hard to say how much the 300 million loss will be."

"Ah?" Yu Yanyan exclaimed, "Is Li Chang going crazy?"

"What's the matter?" Mother Yu asked, "Why is Li Chang crazy again? Speak up."

"It's hopeless." Yu Yanyan said, "Li Chang manipulated the big brother's account without authorization today, and he lost 20 yuan."

"Stocks go up and down..." Yu's mother said hard, "They didn't lose money, did they?"

"Is the point of loss?" Yu Yanyan yelled excitedly: "The point is 'unauthorized'. This behavior can be big or small. It is possible to break the law. This may be the first time Zhan Dao Capital has encountered such a thing."

"Then what do they want?" Yu's mother said, "Anyway, you know about your uncle's family. How can there be 20?"

"What about 20? It might be 300 million!" Yu Yanyan squatted on the ground anxiously and cried, "It's not what people want now? It's what you want?"

"I, I..." Yu's mother said, "I didn't think about it. Your aunt doesn't like us, so we have to show it. Isn't this what happened today?"

"She's an ordinary worker, why does she look down on you?" Yu Yanyan stood up and said, "I know how to compare every day..."

Father Yu stopped Yu Yanyan, "Okay, okay. How can you say that about your mother? Millions... Yu Wei has, Yu Wei has no Long Mingyi. What? He really wants to force us to death? Big deal, we slow down Return slowly."

"'We'?" Yu Yanyan was driven crazy by her parents, "Why is it us?"

"And you don't understand that the point of this matter is not money?" Yu Yanyan cried anxiously, "Brother Long must deal with it seriously, otherwise the people in Zhan Dao Capital will not accept it in the future."

"We are relatives, are we the same as them?" Yu's mother said, "Long Mingyi must understand where we are close."

"That's right." Father Yu said, "We raised you so much, why are you arguing with us? Let your boyfriend solve the problem."

"Hey!" Yu's mother said, "Your father is right. 300 million is drizzle for Long Mingyi. Let's make a mistake, Li Chang..."

"It's unreasonable." Yu Yanyan turned to leave, but was caught by her mother in a hurry, "Our Li family, Li Chang is the only one in this generation, you have to keep him well."

"I'll keep him, who will keep me?" Yu Yanyan said, "Let me tell you, Brother Long's weight in Yu Wei's place can't be replaced by anyone except Long Mei. If he doesn't agree, we will break up soon."

"Break up..." Yu's mother said, "No way! Yu Wei likes you so much, what is he doing with Long Mingyi? Where can he find a girl as good as you?"

"You're too short-sighted." Yu Yanyan pointed to the tall building next to her and said, "I'm just an ordinary dance teacher. My sister-in-law shared the shares with me. Yu Wei is a celebrity in the big law firm, and he has the resources of his elder brother. Let me tell you, don’t be too self-righteous. If Brother Long introduces a girlfriend to Yu Wei, it will be a matter of minutes. Even if the girl is not a famous family, she is either rich or expensive. Your daughter may not be so good that Yu Wei will not change his mind. .Especially with you..."

"It's not that serious..." Father Yu was still trying to reason.

"I'll tell you." Yu Yanyan said: "Your 'golden tortoise son-in-law' may be uncoupled at any time. In a few years, I will be old, and I will have to find someone who is much worse than Yu Wei. All your fantasies The foundation is gone. Everything collapsed. All the 'cows' you boasted fell from the sky to the ground, and they fell to death and were crippled."

Yu's father and Yu's mother looked at each other in blank dismay.

"Yu Wei has nothing to do with us!" Yu Yanyan said harshly, and took a taxi to Zhan Dao Capital alone.

Sitting in the car, she was crying while thinking.What kind of parents are these?Troubleshooter!That meeting with in-laws made Long Mei unhappy, Yu Yanyan knew about it, and now something like this happened again...

When Yu Yanyan arrived at Zhandao Capital, Yu Wei was already at Long Mingyi's place.

"Brother." Yu Yanyan came to the door timidly, not daring to come in.

"Where is Li Chang?" Long Mingyi said, "Now he has to 'go in' by himself, or I will push him to 'go in'."

"Brother." Yu Yanyan said, "Can you give him another chance?"

"Yanyan..." Long Mingyi pointed to the people outside and said, "So many eyes are watching, how can I give it? I will give your parents face and let her come. He will cause trouble for me?"

"Brother." Yu Wei said, "Actually, Yanyan blocked it a few times..."

"So her parents came to me directly?" Long Ming shook his head, "Then what should I do? I wonder if the money will still fall on your head?"

"I..." Yu Wei felt that he was really taken advantage of.

"You two should know Li Chang's level roughly." Long Mingyi said: "Such a person, Yanyan, your parents pushed him over...well, I will give it a chance, and I can't do anything, nothing. I understand, I am still playing my temper here, and deliberately lost my money before leaving. What do you think about this?"

Long Ming spread his hands, "If I don't deal with it, how can I convince the public in the future?"

"I know, I made it difficult for you." Yu Yanyan said: "You can deal with it as you like. I have nothing to say."

Xu Chen got up and closed the door.There were only Long Mingyi, Mi Ming, Yu Wei, Yu Yanyan and Xu Chen in the room.Xu Chen said solemnly: "Li Chang violated the company's regulations and was suspected of harming the company's interests, and the amount was huge. Yanyan, are you prepared?"


"That is to say." Xu Chen explained: "We send him in. Your family and your uncle's family have nothing to do with relatives."

"Oh..." Yu Yanyan's face was full of sadness, and she couldn't do anything cruel.It was her cousin after all.

Xu Chen is very perceptive, "I guess, is the relationship between you and your parents broken?"

Yu Yanyan sat down helplessly, covered her face with her hands and cried bitterly.Yu Wei handed her a tissue beside her, she took it and wiped away her tears, but she still couldn't stop it.

If Long, Mi, and Xu didn't think that Yu Yanyan had a good personality, almost no one would support Yu Wei and Yu Yanyan to be together.Yu Yanyan's family will not only be Yu Yanyan's stumbling block in the future, but also Yu Wei's oversized stumbling block.

If Li Chang has caused such a big disaster today, if Yu Wei can settle it.Tomorrow, there will be more people flocking to take advantage of Yu Wei.Looking at the behavior of Yu Yanyan's relatives, it's not good.If you help others, you have to help me.Don't ask if you should or can't.

"Return the 300 million and pay for the loss." Long Ming said, "Otherwise, Li Chang will definitely be finished. If Yu Wei took the money and gave him the money to let me know, Li Chang would not only be finished. Their family would be in trouble. In endless suffering. Yanyan remember my words. I only give Li Chang ten days."

Yu Yanyan felt that choosing either side would be the death penalty.

(End of this chapter)

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