Chapter 264

After get off work, Xu Chen and Shen Yiren strolled leisurely in luxury stores in the business district.

Regarding the fact that Long Mingyi and Wang Xiaoqi met alone, Xu Chen felt that Shen Yi was really kind.

"Is there any problem?" Shen Yiren said: "As far as my husband's condition is concerned, I'm thinking about it a lot. Which one of them succeeded?"

"Wang Xiaoqi is different." Xu Chen said, "This woman is the 'mistake' from back then."

Shen Yiren said very relaxedly: "All these years, when did you watch my husband operate back and forth on a stock?"

"Really." Xu Chen tilted his head and went to choose his favorite things.

Shen Yiren muttered to himself: "Long Mingyi, you have to give me a long face."

A high-rise restaurant by the river...

While drinking, Wang Xiaoqi changed the topic to other places. She told Long Mingyi about her experiences over the years.

"My ex-husband and I love each other very much...but why do we have to divorce?" Wang Xiaoqi smiled, "This is a good question."

Long Mingyi didn't speak.

Wang Xiaoqi took a sip of red wine and tasted it back and forth, "Details will not only defeat success, but also defeat marriage."

Wang Xiaoqi straightened the hair on her forehead, "Have you ever been in a time like this? When it rains heavily, he can't come home without a car; if your ankle is sprained, he can't come to pick you up; when you have a splitting headache, he can Tell you to drink more water."

"I don't seem to be able to get over that." Long Mingyi shrugged helplessly.

"You are not." Wang Xiaoqi said: "I have met your wife. She is a person who is nourished by love."

"thanks for saying that."

Wang Xiaoqi said to Long Mingyi: "Have you heard a story? A girl posted on Moments and wanted to eat ice cream. A man sent ice cream to the girl, and they were together. Someone asked the man, is it because of your sincerity? The man said it was because my sports car was fast."

"Hehe." Long Ming nodded, "This is a joke."

"This is not a joke." Wang Xiaoqi shook her head, "It's the details. The difference between whether you are willing and whether you can."

Wang Xiaoqi said: "This 'ability' is the basic ability and material condition. 'Thinking' is subjective initiative, so to speak, love you or not. Just 'ability' without 'thinking', life is aggrieved. Just 'thinking' is not" Can', life is even more aggrieved."

Long Ming smiled and said, "It has risen to the category of philosophy."

Wang Xiaoqi drank a little more wine, "My ex-husband, the man I love, can't drive to pick me up. He usually has to look at the face of his boss and ask him not to come and take care of me. He was romantic when he was in college, but he just worked later. There's no time for romance afterwards."

Wang Xiaoqi smiled wryly, "I was thinking, I was braver then..."

"Xiaoqi." Long Mingyi said: "Not every boy can provide a good material foundation when he meets the person he loves. So from your point of view, finding a boy is like an investment, is it a long-term investment? There will be a surprise after holding it, or short-term holding to make quick money.”

"There is nothing wrong with that." Wang Xiaoqi said: "At our age, we will not be easily dominated by desires, and we will not easily try something."

"So your boyfriend, Gu Yunqian, what do you think of the plan?" Long Mingyi asked: "After all, this is today's topic."

"Why do you think so?" Wang Xiaoqi asked.

Long Ming smiled: "At the beginning, I said, 'I will never return'. I can give you back a thousand or 1 meat buns, but it is impossible to give back to Long Mingyi who is under your roof. It's the same with you, Wang Xiaoqi from back then has long since disappeared. Because I can no longer see that innocent light in your eyes."

Back then, Wang Xiaoqi would have liked Long Mingyi who had nothing.

The current Wang Xiaoqi only likes Long Mingyi who has everything!

Wang Xiaoqi leaned back on the back of the chair, with a professional smile on her face, "Then let's talk about this business. Why did Mr. Long introduce this Haoyao company, just to help us get out of trouble?"

"Of course..." Long Mingyi also leaned against the back of the chair, "No."

The distance between the two naturally opened.

"You are honest." Wang Xiaoqi said: "But this honesty is because you are not afraid of us at all. In your eyes, we are like lambs waiting to be slaughtered."

"Frankness is a good and excellent character." Long Mingyi said: "Cooperation between the two parties requires frankness."

"Then please tell us your purpose."

"It's very simple." Long Mingyi said: "First, dilute the shares and marginalize the two vice presidents. You have already thought of this. Second, the company needs to be repositioned. Get rid of the two vice presidents. In terms of design, there is almost no advantage. You have also thought of this."

"What about the third one?" Wang Xiaoqi asked with great interest.

"No matter where you go, you won't be able to raise funds." Long Ming leaned forward and said seriously: "Although it can be valued at 8000 million, the valuation of this kind of enterprise still has future risks. To put it bluntly, the income cannot be determined until the day of cashing out. With your current situation, you can't raise that fund at all. Even if you get the money, you will sign a rather harsh gambling agreement and exit terms. Digging a grave."

Wang Xiaoqi had nothing to say.

"Gu Yunqian is too domineering and centralized." Long Mingyi said: "Just talk and pay, and those two workers end up drinking the northwest wind."

"Mr. Long, do you want to control?" Wang Xiaoqi no longer called Long Mingyi, but changed her name to Mr. Long.

"It's not." Long Mingyi said, "I'm just capital after all. During the period of be precise, I will let the company develop rapidly. This is also our common interest. When it comes time to withdraw, I will leave with the money I deserve. Gu Yunqian and you are the masters. You can do whatever you want, but this is after I leave. I don't care what you have."

Long Mingyi added: "Your company is so small, I don't have time to keep an eye on it every day, and I don't have any interest in staying here for a long time. You don't have to be nervous."

"The person Hao invited..." Wang Xiaoqi said, "I am very worried about this."

"Hao invites those people who are engaged in technology. Their core team ideas do not agree, and they must be separated. Some of them contacted Li Fei and hoped to find a next home. I believe that letting them join Yasheng It is not difficult to be an innovative enterprise." Long Mingyi explained: "I will ask Li Fei to send you the information."

Wang Xiaoqi nodded in agreement, "Boss Long really has the ability."

Long Mingyi said: "Actually, you didn't come here to raise money, you wanted to borrow some money. If you want to solve this problem, Gu Yunqian's father can still come up with some money."

Long Ming took a sip of his wine, "Since you want to use your strength, you have to bear the pressure brought by this strength. After all, there are not many people who are willing to help others."

"I will take your words with you." Wang Xiaoqi also raised her glass.

When Long Mingyi returned home, he saw Xu Chen and Shen Yiren "registering" their trophies.

"Come back so early?" Xu Chen said badly, "It seems that the old relationship has not been revived."

"Old relationship?" Long Mingyi said, "The two of us haven't even spoken."

"Then I made up for the regret today!" Shen Yiren looked at Long Mingyi coldly, and nodded slightly.

"I have no regrets." Long Mingyi said: "The present Wang Xiaoqi cannot be the former Wang Xiaoqi. The present Long Mingyi cannot be the former Long Mingyi. Moreover, at that time it could only be regarded as her unrequited love."

"What a big face!" Xu Chen complained about Long Mingyi. "School belle's unrequited love, how many men can bear it?"

"What?" Long Mingyi said, "I'm telling the truth."

Shen Yiren came over and asked, "How do you feel today?"

"It feels like a meat bun beating a dog." Long Mingyi said, "That's the feeling."

Time, gone forever.

After each change, they are no longer the people they were back then.

Wang Xiaoqi lost her innocence and became realistic.

Long Mingyi, on the other hand, was even better at calculation.His feelings had already been given to his lover Shen Yiren.

(End of this chapter)

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