Chapter 287
The top restaurant along the river in Haishi is the first choice for business banquets.In addition to being close to the river, the scenery here is good, but also because it already has a brand effect, which is the affirmation and respect for the identity of the guests.

This is especially true for the box with the highest specification.

It's just that here at this moment, "striving in the open and in the dark" is happening.

Zhang Yueqian and Liu Manli said caring words on the surface, but they were actually testing each other's bottom line.Wang Bozhao and Wang Ziqiao next to him bowed their heads and remained silent.From time to time, Liu Manli even gave some sarcastic remarks to their father and daughter.

Wang Bozhao could face Liu Manli's sarcasm with a smile, but Wang Ziqiao didn't have such a big heart to face Liu Manli's sneer, her face was very ugly.

"Manli." Zhang Yueqian said: "Talking today, I found that we talked too little in the past."

"Really." Liu Manli also expressed the same feeling, "I hit it off very well. It's a pity that we didn't have a deep friendship in the past."

Zhang Yueqian pointed at Wang Ziqiao, "Without her, I wouldn't have had the chance to sit at the same table and talk for so long."

"Then I still have to thank her?" Liu Manli gave Wang Ziqiao a look.

Wang Bozhao kicked Wang Ziqiao under the table.Reluctantly and helplessly, Wang Ziqiao picked up the teacup and said, "I'm sorry, it was my fault that day."

Liu Manli just smiled.

Wang Ziqiao was cruel, and she slapped herself.With an astonishing "snap", five finger prints were left on the left cheek.Wang Ziqiao's face was hot, and she had never been beaten so hard since she was a child.The tears in her eyes could no longer hold back, and fell down.

"What's this for?" Liu Manli said with a light smile, "A good face is swollen. It's scary."

Zhang Yueqian said in her heart: Liu Manli is ungrateful.This Wang Ziqiao is too young, the fight was too early, and it was for nothing.

"Manli, she is young, she doesn't know the depth of this."

"I can't be tolerant." Liu Manli asked the waiter to bring a bottle of high-strength liquor.She poured the wine into a wine dispenser and placed it on the table.Liu Manli smiled, picked up the chopsticks and turned the table to grab a bite of food, and the wine dispenser happened to be right in front of Wang Ziqiao.

Because of the density of wine, this 1ml of wine is not a catty.Even so, this amount is too much for Wang Ziqiao to drink in one gulp.Wang Bozhao stood up with his waist down and wanted to pick up the wine, but Liu Manli's chopsticks "slapped" loudly on the chopsticks pillow.

Wang Bozhao had to retract his body.

Liu Manli didn't say a word during the whole scene, but the meaning was already clear, Wang Ziqiao had to gulp down the wine.Even if Wang Ziqiao drank to death, no one could say that Liu Manli forced her to death, because Liu Manli didn't say a word.

Wang Ziqiao picked up the wine dispenser, closed her eyes and took a deep breath, then opened her mouth and poured it into her mouth.The father next to him, Wang Bozhao, turned his head and closed his eyes, not daring to look.

Which father would want his little princess to suffer such a crime, but he is also helpless, incompetent and helpless.

How easy is it to destroy a person?
It's actually very easy!
Wang Ziqiao's face was burning, her throat was burning, and her stomach was burning.It's like the whole upper body is burning with a ball of fire, but the fire in the heart is the one that burns the most.

Wang Ziqiao, who was drunk to the stomach, blushed completely.The handprint on the left face has been wrapped in red around it.Delirious, she even emptied Liu Manli's wine glass.

"Why did my sister just drink up like this?" Liu Manli said anxiously: "How can your body bear this kind of drinking? Eat some food to suppress it." Liu Manli turned a plate of pork knuckles in front of Wang Ziqiao.

At this moment, Zhang Yueqian understood why Liu Manli, who cared so much about her figure, ordered such fatty food.

Wang Ziqiao who eats very little all the year round, not to mention drinking, will vomit even if she eats this without drinking.

Late vomiting and early vomiting are both vomiting, early death and early birth.Wang Ziqiao grabbed a piece of meat and put it in her mouth. The spicy wine had already made Wang Ziqiao lose her sense of taste. She chewed the meat like chewing a tasteless soft mass.

Zhang Yueqian said to Liu Manli: "Manli, are you happy to make some money?"

"That depends on how much it is." Liu Manli smiled at Zhang Yueqian and said, "I'm not interested in a few copper coins."

Liu Manli glanced at Wang Bozhao, "After all, Boss Wang doesn't have many coins in his pocket."

Zhang Yueqian's heart tightened, she didn't like it.

"Then what kind of things can catch Manli's eyes?" Zhang Yueqian asked back.

Liu Manli said with a smile: "I heard that sister Zhang is very interested in Xinfeng, and I want to participate in it too. Can you give me some of the Xinfeng shares that my sister holds? I will accept it at a high price."

Zhang Yueqian tapped her leg with her fingers, she was wondering what Liu Manli was going to do.The shares transferred by Diao Li are in her own hands, and Liu Manli also knows that this woman is not simple.

"This is a big deal. I need to think about it." Zhang Yueqian will not influence herself for Wang Bozhao, who has nothing to do with her.

"It should." Liu Manli said: "Thinking about it, I should. I still have something to do, so see you next time."

Zhang Yueqian nodded, "Then Manli, go slowly."

"Goodbye." Liu Manli, Wang Bozhao, and Wang Ziqiao also waved goodbye.

"This..." What did Wang Bozhao think Liu Manli meant by this?

Zhang Yueqian knew that Liu Manli had decided on her.

Zhang Yueqian came forward to mediate, and Liu Manli made a condition. The high-priced acquisition condition is not considered to be an advantage of Zhang Yueqian in the eyes of others.If you don't agree, Liu Manli doesn't have to accept the mediation.

Wang Ziqiao couldn't hold back and vomited in the private room.The thing he vomited was a black mass, probably all the bile was vomited out.After throwing up, she fell over, lost consciousness and needed first aid.Wang Bozhao and Zhang Yueqian rushed Wang Ziqiao to the hospital.

The daughter almost drank to death, but the matter was not resolved. Wang Bozhao clenched his fists tightly.

Liu Manli was a bit too much to kill without nodding her head.

Shen Yixin came to the hospital in Jin Shengyan's car.Jin Shengyan is Fujiwara Takumi at this moment, her car shuttles through various lanes, and does not slow down when turning right.Entering the entrance of the hospital, he drifted into the parking space.

Shen Yixin would vomit without drinking.The dizzy head made Shen Yixin feel that she also needed first aid.

Jin Shengyan ran all the way to the ward.Wang Ziqiao was on an intravenous drip, had just had her stomach washed, and was lying on the bed with her eyes closed, not knowing what was going on.

Wang Bozhao tightly held his daughter's hand, and his wife was getting water aside, waiting for her daughter to wake up and take a sip.Zhang Yueqian was on the phone at the end of the corridor outside the ward.Shen Yixin came out of the ward and came to Zhang Yueqian's side.

"Sister." Shen Yixin asked, "Zi Qiao..."

"Look at her." Zhang Yueqian said, "I'm leaving first, there are important things to do."

It's useless to talk to Shen Yixin about these things.

Wang Bozhao personally sent Zhang Yueqian away, and the two came downstairs to the hospital.Wang Bozhao said sincerely, "Thank you."

"You're welcome." Zhang Yueqian said, "It's not what I wanted."

"You did your best." Wang Bozhao said, "It's Liu Manli who is aggressive."

"I advise you to remember what Brother Long said, 'There is no retreat, no advance'." Zhang Yueqian instructed: "Don't waste Ziqiao's sacrifice in vain."

"What's wrong with this?" Wang Bozhao asked, "I'm in a mess right now."

"There is a way." Zhang Yueqian said: "Tell this matter out, the more people know the better. Wang Ziqiao and Liu Manli were hospitalized after drinking alcohol, and everyone can guess what's going on. If Wang Ziqiao has anything to do, ask more Stay for a few days, the more serious the better... Maybe Liu Manli will be lenient, consider her own face, and won't do anything too extreme. It's just you..."

"Daughter drank desperately because of this mistake." Wang Bozhao said, "Don't lose face, Dad."

"That's right." Zhang Yueqian nodded and drove away.

On the way, Zhang Yueqian contacted Long Mingyi, "Brother Long. This matter is beyond our imagination."

"I'll be waiting for you at the company." Long Mingyi said, "Let's talk about it here."

(End of this chapter)

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