Chapter 303
Hu Fei was very busy, flying around non-stop.While continuously disposing of assets, Xinfeng's cash reserves are also continuously increasing.

Long Mingyi's inaction left Hu Yuan and Hu Fei at a loss.Long Mingyi let Hu Fei continue to sell assets to withdraw funds.

At night, as soon as the plane landed, Hu Fei received a call from his father.

"Ninny." Hu Yuan asked, "How's the situation?"

"It's okay." Hu Fei and the secretary came out carrying the boxes and got into the car that came to pick them up. "I'll get in the car, let's go home and talk."

When he got home, Hu Fei put his suitcase at the door, threw off his high heels and walked in barefoot.

Hu Yuan in the hall was reading the newspaper.A habit he has developed over the years.Read the morning paper for breakfast and the evening paper after dinner.The news in the newspapers is actually lagging behind the Internet. Hu Yuan usually reads the news online, but he can't get rid of the habit of many years.

"What's the situation?" Hu Yuan asked.

"The contract is signed, and the payment will be made in a few days." Hu Fei sat on the sofa with her legs crossed, picked up a pear and ate it.

"This is a good thing." Hu Yuan put down the newspaper and said, "It's Long Mingyi, why doesn't he care?"

"I don't know." Hu Fei said: "No one knows how he will play. It's like guessing fists between the two sides. We don't know what he will do, so let's make our own moves. We don't have to guess what he wants to do. That’s it, be yourself.”

Hu Fei's trick is that there is no other way.

What is Long Mingyi thinking?
Even Mi Ming didn't know.

Zhang Yueqian made a slightly mushy scrambled egg in her kitchen.This is already a very good dish for Mi Ming.

Some people can go to the hall but not the kitchen.When I went to the kitchen, the chickens flew like dogs.

"What are you waiting for, Brother Long?" Zhang Yueqian also brought the cooked vegetables to the table.

"Who knows the plan in his head?"

Mi Ming picked up a piece of egg with his chopsticks.Zhang Yueqian stretched out his chopsticks and knocked off the egg that Mi Ming picked up.

Mi Ming put down his chopsticks and said helplessly, "I really don't know! This is not a secret. What secrets do we have?"

"He never forgot, did he? The urge for revenge has passed?" Zhang Yueqian asked, "No way?"

"No." Mi Ming said: "Boss has made such a big commotion, there is no time to give up halfway."

"Ask for me tomorrow. Remind him." Zhang Yueqian put the beaten egg back into Mi Ming's bowl.

"Then can you use chopsticks to hit this 'one click' next time?" Mi Ming said, "It's going to be cold."

"Your home is the North Pole?" Zhang Yueqian said, "So easy to get cold?"

"My heart is cold." Mi Ming pretended to sob and said, "You hit me for a piece of news."

"Sleep in the living room again tonight." Zhang Yueqian said, and started to eat by herself.

"Today my wife's cooking is really delicious." Mi Ming picked up the bowl and started to eat, his state switched in a second.

Yang Xifeng boiled soup for Chu Meimei for several hours.It arrived at Chu Meimei's door.He knocked on the door, and it was answered by a young man in a basketball uniform.

"Is something wrong?" the man asked.

"I'm her neighbor." Yang Xifeng said, "I made some soup, please drink it deliciously."

"Thank you." The man took it with a smile, "Smelly, the neighbor brought the soup."

Chu Meimei came to the door and smiled at Yang Xifeng, "Old Yang? Have you made soup? Thank you."

Chu Meimei turned to the man and said, "Why didn't you get the takeaway you ordered?"

"Soon." The man said, "It's raining outside, the road is slippery and it's hard to walk."

"Then let's drink the soup first." Chu Meimei waved her hand to Yang Xifeng, "Thank you, Lao Yang." This was to drive Lao Yang away.

"Well, goodbye." Yang Xifeng turned around and went to his home.

Who is this man?Boy friend?This made Yang Xifeng somewhat unexpected.

Boys and girls are dating too fast now.Especially an extrovert like Chu Meimei.Maybe they met last night, but today they are in a relationship, and there are not a few flash marriages even after a few days.Yang Xifeng felt that his speed was slow.

Chu Meimei opened the lid and took a sip of the soup. "It's time to stew this soup."

"He is Lao Yang?" The man sat on the sofa.

"Yes." Chu Meimei said: "It turns out that Yang Xifeng from Linghai Securities. He went to that one ten years ago."

"When he went in, were you still a brat? You knew it so clearly?"

"Han Ling." Chu Meimei said: "Sister, I have a brain, okay? I have contacted him a few times, and I checked the news online."

"Yes, you are the smartest." Han Ling pushed Chu Meimei away, grabbed the spoon in her hand and took a sip, "Uncle has a heart. Why, use a beauty trick?"

Chu Meimei said: "I still need to use tricks? I am full of charm."

"Cut." Han Ling asked while drinking the soup: "Have you thought about it, are you really going to do it?"

"Isn't this nonsense?" Chu Meimei said, "Why does the stepmother take everything? Give me some and just send it away? If we take Lao Yang, we can get a lot of money from Lao Chu."

"There's no good way." Han Ling said, "Who made your second uncle belong to Zhan Dao Capital?"

"He and my dad wear a pair of pants." Chu Meimei said, "What do you think? Just by myself, can I beat them? Don't you know what my stepmother did?"

Chu Meimei's stepmother, Huang Liju, turned out to be Chu Tianfang's most powerful sales force.The city she is responsible for, the city champion, the region she is responsible for, the region champion, and when she is in charge of the sales of the whole company, the growth rate is 40% a year.Now she is still the vice president of the company, in charge of sales.

Such a strong woman, how could Chu Meimei be her opponent?
Therefore, when Yang Xifeng appeared in front of Chu Meimei, Chu Meimei felt that this person seemed to have a problem.After checking around and chatting, I knew what Yang Xifeng was doing.

In "Chance of Vengeance", the most important "person" was sent to Chu Meimei by God.This is called a godsend.

Therefore, Chu Meimei will meet Yang Xifeng in the morning and evening.It's not because both of them appeared at this time, but because Chu Meimei adjusted the time.It was because Chu Meimei took the initiative to talk to Yang Xifeng that they got to know each other.

As for Chu Meimei coming out wrapped in a bath towel to repair the lock, that was also carefully planned by her.Calling Chu Tianfang was also requested by Chu Meimei.Returning the shirt, inviting me to dinner, I walked into Yang Xifeng step by step.Yang Xifeng's routine to her, Chu Meimei seems to be out of tricks.

When Yang Xifeng was playing tricks on her, Chu Meimei was also playing tricks on Yang Xifeng.

Who exactly fell into whose trap?
Chu Meimei drank the soup and said, "My father doesn't care, and my stepmother doesn't love me, so I'll fight for something myself."

"I support you." Han Ling said.

"Then don't just move your mouth." Chu Meimei said: "Show some sincerity."

"My IQ must be the one that slows me down." Han Ling said, "My sister-in-law was able to talk to Mr. Long of Zhan Dao Capital, but it's just such an ordinary relationship. Your second uncle Chu Tianbai is his right-hand man. . How does this relationship compare?"

Han Ling's sister-in-law is Han Yun, the vice president of Gravity.

"It would be great if he was your uncle." Chu Meimei said helplessly.

"If he were my uncle, I would go for a swim in the river, and then run around the sea market again." Han Ling said: "With this uncle, do you still need to struggle? What a struggle! Only his sister-in-law, Shen Yixin. In the first few days, everyone knows who she is. I will go, and live like a queen in gravity. Some people buy coffee, some give snacks, and some people rush to help her with endless work. She is better than my sister-in-law Later, my sister-in-law had no choice but to get Uncle Du to do it."

In real life, most of the people in the company would try to curry favor with Shen Yixin, rather than hurt Shen Yixin behind their backs.Talking bad about her to her face or behind her back?That's TV!In the face of such "relationship households", doing so is no different from committing suicide.You have no way to ensure that everyone has a brain. If you say bad things, someone will inform you immediately, do such a thankless thing, and tell everything you said.Your result is to pack up and leave.

(End of this chapter)

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