Chapter 319
Zhang Shujian had to worry whether this project was related to whether he could gain a firm foothold.

But I ran into trouble at the beginning.The renovation funds will not be available immediately, he needs to pay part of the funds first, and the progress of the project is full of inexplicable complaints.

"Why don't you build it in front of my house?" Those who didn't build the road in front of the door were dissatisfied.

"Roads will be repaired. It's just that sooner or later, there is not much difference." Zhang Shujian had to explain.

"The noise of road construction is too loud. The children can't even take a nap." Road repair in front of the door was not satisfied either.

"Crush work, try your best not to affect your normal life."

Zhang Shujian originally wanted to come to the scene to make a show, but he almost died of anger here.

Back in the car, Zhang Shujian was still angry.

"Is this group of people sick?" Zhang Shujian said, "I'd better drive the muffler to fix the road? It's a good thing to build the road. Why do you still have so many ideas?"

The people next to him advised him, "It's still good. You haven't heard their sarcastic remarks these days. When the workers are resting, they say 'stay every day'. When the workers are working, they say 'little Be careful, my cat is scared'. When the workers started eating, they said, 'Eat so much, but I haven't seen it repaired'. It's only been two days since we started, and we have to repair the road, is it possible? Another aunt stopped Look at us and tell him not to spoil his newly planted grapes."

"The property fee, I think it is very difficult to collect." Another person persuaded: "Mr. Zhang, you have to think about it."

This person just discussed the property fee with the community and residents committee.People here unanimously said that it will be repaired first, and we are deciding whether to hand it over or not.What if you ran away after paying the money?
"Run?" Zhang Shujian was speechless, "I will run for this little money?"

"They think that what you usually eat is cabbage tofu, but it's just boiled in chicken soup."

Zhang Shujian was speechless. "Can't I have some broth?"

In Zhandao Capital, Mi Ming told Long Mingyi, "Zhang Shujian was devastated when he went to the scene. The conditions proposed on the scene were simply outrageous. I feel that Zhang Shujian was wronged."

"Two days?"

"Yes." Mi Ming said, "The video is sent to you."

Long Ming watched the video of the scene, he covered his mouth and tried his best not to laugh out loud.

"Whoever goes will die." Mi Ming pouted. "Oh my god, these people are really weird. When the engineering team started work, it seemed that they came to the countryside for a performance. The neighbors around were lying on the balcony and the window, and gathered at the entrance of the building to watch, while watching and making sarcastic remarks. 'I want to do it, and I will do it soon. It's over.''If I have money, I will demolish them all.' I don't understand, weekdays. Do you spend a lot of time in the daytime looking at road construction? Are they all night shifts?"

"If you are poor, you want to change!" Long Mingyi said: "The 'change' is thinking. That is to accept 'change'. Why is it like this here for 40 years? Because they have been 'waiting', waiting for others to help them change , instead of 'thinking to change' by yourself. And this process of 'changing' will inevitably encounter various resistances from them."

It was rare for Mi Ming to become serious. He sat down and asked, "Why? I'm an orphan, and I always want to change. They..."

"Let me have two hectares of land in Luoyang, and Ann can wear the seal of the six kingdoms." Long Mingyi said: "This sentence makes sense. Mi Ming, you must know that although the people who lived in the building 40 years ago were not necessarily rich, they It won’t be too bad. This land used to be a dormitory area of ​​a big factory. The comfortable life has changed the thinking of many people.”

Mi Ming nodded.Long Mingyi was right.Both of them are people who are full of desire to eat, and the hunger has left a memory in every cell of the body.Mi Ming thought about Xu Chen, and Xu Chen's state was completely different from theirs.She's motivated not by hunger, but by the way I'm meant to be.

So in many cases, Long Mingyi and Mi Ming would show their demanding nature to their prey, while Xu Chen was calm and calm even when hunting.

This is the gap brought about by the family of origin.

It was rare for Xu Chen and Xu Yuan to go shopping together.Xu Chen didn't want to go shopping, and Xu Yuan didn't want to shop because she looked good in everything she wore.When the Xu family sisters go shopping, they must drag Shen Yiren along.Shen Yiren is the trinity of staff, command and decision.

The two servants behind Xu Yuan were carrying several shopping bags.Shen Yiren was in front, instructing Xu Yuan which store to enter and which set Xu Chen should buy.

Entering a famous brand store, Xu Yuan asked Shen Yiren: "I heard that the renovation project that Ming Yi was in was withdrawn?"

"We won't do it." Shen Yiren handed over a piece of clothing, "Try this one."

"That factory turned out to be Mr.'s partner." Xu Yuan compared it in front of the mirror, "The color and style are both good." He passed it to Shen Yiren.

"What about now?" Shen Yiren took it and handed it to the salesperson to wrap it up.

"The factory is gone long ago. People have changed." Xu Yuan looked at his clothes and said, "It must have been decades since I had contact. I haven't seen them anyway. But I'm sure these people are not easy to deal with. "

"It can be seen." Shen Yiren said.

"I guess Zhang Shujian can't do it." Xu Yuan said.

"Beibei is sure that Zhang Shujian won't be able to do it." Shen Yiren smiled brightly.

Zhang Shujian really couldn't do it.

The person who repaired the balcony had just finished one family, and four or five families made the already cracked balcony worse overnight.These five companies have just drawn lots to determine the order of maintenance, and more than a dozen "copy the model" to do so.

Zhang Shujian's head hurts when he heard the situation.Although part of it was given by financial funds, he only participated in it as social capital, but the execution effect was not good.

Now to renovate the building, it needs to be approved, and the project is also large.If everyone learns like this, it will cost money.And what about the foundation?Repair or rebuild?Apart from financial support, there is no way to break even here.This is an attempt to introduce social capital.

There are more and more here, and Zhang Shujian can't continue. He repaired the road with his own money and added a few facilities, but he also retreated.

The residents here scolded Zhang Shujian badly!

"Dare to take it if you don't have the ability."

"Scalper shoulders (irresponsible)."

Fortunately, the road is smooth and the environment has improved.But some people still said sarcastic words: "I don't think it has the original smell. The car runs back and forth, and I have to inhale the exhaust."

It turned out that the road was potholed, and my car was parked outside.Now that it is convenient, they are all driven to the front door, and people without cars start to complain about inhaling exhaust gas.

"You can complain about this?" Mi Ming and Long Ming came to the site for investigation, and they were all irritated when they heard this.

Long Mingyi told Mi Ming, "In the eyes of such people, the best time is to use food stamps. I don't make money, so don't you. If I don't have it, you don't have it either."

"The restaurateur said 'no pain'."

"It's like this." Long Mingyi said, "I made this matter simple. Zhang Shujian didn't achieve enough excitement."

"It's hard to get back. After decades of life, it's not enough for Zhang Shujian's short-term stimulation. Whatever you do, they will ask for more. If it requires hard work on your own, it's better not for others. If it's like It fell from the sky, I'd better have it."

"Do you want the bricks that fell from the sky?"

"Forget it." Mi Ming asked: "At present, whoever picks up will throw it away. What are you going to do? One person will send a junior?"

"Shall I take [-] million?" Long Mingyi said, "Then I must be crazy."

"Boom..." The balcony of a third-floor resident collapsed. Fortunately, no one was killed, but the car parked downstairs was smashed.

"I'll go!" Mi Ming said, "Are you kidding me?"

Someone in the crowd started whispering.To say this is to imitate other families who break the balcony and wait for repairs.As a result, it wasn't my turn yet, and now the balcony has collapsed.Other balconies and buildings are dangerous.

Long Mingyi told Mi Ming: "Now the opportunity has come."

There are special funds for the renovation of old communities.This place has become a dangerous building, which has attracted enough attention.People here are starting to pay attention to their own safety.Long Ming could do what he had in mind.

At this time, Long Mingyi chose to take over.

(End of this chapter)

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