Chapter 327 Showdown
Yuan Qingqing went to work the next day and went home normally at night.She disguised everything very well, without any emotional changes.

When she returned home, she didn't find Lin Subaru who was supposed to stay at home.

Lin Subaru is not here?This person is not sociable, even if there is entertainment, he will tell himself.Where can he go?It can only be that the design institute has something to work overtime.But overtime should tell yourself?
Yuan Qingqing didn't want to think about it too much, because Lin Subaru would never go wrong.

Lin Subaru did not go to work today.He has been at Wang Hui's home.

After Wang Hui put on her shirt and skirt, she combed her long hair.Lin Subaru poked his head out from the bed.

"Go to Work?"

"I have an appointment with an important person today." Wang Hui came to Lin Subaru and gently cupped his face, "It's really something."

"It's time for me to go home." Lin Subaru said, "I've already asked for leave today."

"Go home..." Wang Hui was a little sad.

Lin Subaru didn't know what to say. "I have to go back. Will you stay with me? If I divorce her..."

Wang Hui nodded, "Sure. Why don't you go back tonight."

If Long Mingyi knew that he was going to wade in such muddy water, he would have already run away.What the hell is going on?
"Reschedule?" Long Mingyi felt quite surprised.Wang Qiwen is also a little unimaginable.

"Yizhu notified me just now." Wang Qiwen said: "According to Yizhu's description of Wang Hui, although it is not 'one promise, one thousand gold', he will not break the contract easily."

"I see." Long Mingyi said, "Then wait until tomorrow night."

After Wang Qiwen left, Long Ming called Zero. "Take a good look at what's going on with 'our friend' today? Does he need our help?"

Long Mingyi was very worried that Mu Jingsheng's ability to cut off beards would improve day by day.

Yuan Qingqing promised Mu Jingsheng that she would make an appointment with Wang Hui tonight, but she didn't make an appointment.Wang Hui no longer wants to have contact with Yuan Qingqing.It doesn't matter if you have a guilty conscience or look down on it, the two of you can't be friends in the future, right?
At nine o'clock in the evening, Lin Subaru still didn't go home, nor did he give Yuan Qingqing any news.Yuan Qingqing couldn't sit still.If nothing happened, Lin Subaru should be home by now.This man does everything well, and he won't be unable to contact him for such a long time.If Lin Subaru really had an accident, it would not be a good thing.After Lin Subaru died, his immediate family members all had the right to inherit the inheritance. Yuan Qingqing's divorce was less than the widow's share. She didn't want Lin Subaru to die unexpectedly.

At ten o'clock in the evening, Lin Subaru dragged his tired body home.

"Why did you go? Why are you like this?" Seeing his listless look, Yuan Qingqing thought he was exhausted from working overtime. "Working overtime every day, don't tell me if you don't make money, and don't get promoted."

A good wife will definitely worry about your fatigue.Yuan Qingqing is already tired of Lin Subaru, so no matter what Lin Subaru does, he will be hated.

"It's nothing." Lin Subaru lay on the bed ready to sleep.

"You go to take a bath, you smell so bad." Yuan Qingqing smelled the fragrance of flowers when she pushed him.Lin Subaru didn't stink at all, this faint fragrance seemed familiar.

Yuan Qingqing was suspicious: Have you taken a bath?he……

"Where have you been?" Yuan Qingqing called out, "Get up and tell me clearly."

"Hehe." Lin Subaru turned around and squinted at Yuan Qingqing from the corner of his eyes, and asked her, "Where did you go yesterday? Where did you go the day before yesterday?"

Lin Subaru had already guessed everything.

"I..." Yuan Qingqing was thinking about how to get the lie out of the way.

"Don't waste your brain cells." Lin Subaru got up and said, "Yuan Qingqing, you are not as smart as me."

"Now let's talk about your problem." Yuan Qingqing thinks this theory is good.Many women will use this theory to avoid problems that are not good for them.

"Then let's get a divorce." Lin Subaru said, "Isn't this what you have been thinking about? The car that picked you up the day before yesterday had a foreign license plate. The car that picked you up yesterday had a local license plate. You are so busy, don't give it to me because I gave it to you." delayed."

"Lin Subaru..."

Lin Subaru smiled and said, "That's right. Even if you divorce, you can't take this house away."

Yuan Qingqing stood up from the bed and asked, "Why?"

"Did you forget? You are at fault. I can provide evidence to demand compensation." Lin Subaru said, "Yuan Qingqing, do you really want to go to court for this?"

"Lin Subaru!" Yuan Qingqing said, "You have no evidence."

"It's a pity." Lin Subaru said, "Your mobile phone is the evidence. I said you are not as smart as me."

The night before yesterday, when Yuan Qingqing was sleeping, she didn't notice that Lin Subaru had connected her phone to the computer and restored the chat history.

A man can look like a fool, or he can be Sherlock Holmes.Especially technical nerds, who have inherent technical advantages.

"Lin Subaru, you are hiding deep enough."

"Yuan Qingqing, it's because you don't cherish the opportunity enough." Lin Subaru got up and said, "Once, there will be a second time. I gave you a chance, but you didn't cherish it. At that time you came back to me crying, My heart softened, and I also have feelings for you. But..." Lin Subaru shook his head. "I'm not getting the life I want."

Yuan Qingqing said: "I don't have anything. Even if the words are a little bit leaky, it's okay. Some customers are like this. They are just 'cheesy' and want to take advantage everywhere. Do you have actual evidence?"

Lin Subaru smiled, wryly. "Yuan Qingqing! Think about it, a woman who relies on her face for food, what will she do if she loses her face? I am an honest victim. You are a shameless woman. As long as this thing becomes big, you think you can still do it This job?"

Lin Subaru turned around to put on his clothes, and took his key. "You can sleep here one more night. Get your stuff tomorrow, we're divorced. I'll give you part of the money. I'm a good man after all."

With the sound of closing the door as Lin Subaru left, this small room had never become so big and empty to Yuan Qingqing, even she could feel the cold wind coming in from the collar, cuffs and trousers of the pajamas, piercing her bones. cold.

In the hall of Wang Hui's home, she does yoga following the program on TV.Her 300-square-meter one-story mansion is also very empty, but not so cold.There are neatly stacked books everywhere, and there is a potted plant or flower within a few meters.People living in such an environment are especially prone to have a faint fragrance on their bodies.

"Dingling." The doorbell rang.Wang Hui came to the door wearing a sports vest and shorts, and glanced at the camera.What appeared was Lin Subaru's face.On Lin Subaru's face, there was no cowardice in the past.His temperament is very masculine, very strong.

"Ding." Wang Hui opened the door for him excitedly.

Lin Subaru took the elevator to the front of Wang Hui's house. Seeing that Wang Hui just took a deep breath, he put Wang Hui on his shoulder.Wang Hui was like a "little sheep" being hunted, and he was held on his shoulders honestly and brought into the bedroom.

Every man, because of his natural masculinity, will have a wild side hidden in his heart.It's just that the ones that were "captive" lost their wildness later.I always feel that he is not manly, is it because the "breeding" method is wrong?

Under Yuan Qingqing's "breeding", Lin Subaru is an introverted and weak man.Beside Wang Hui, Lin Subaru became a brave man.

Yuan Qingqing and Lin Subaru divorced.

The two received a divorce certificate and divided their property.Yuan Qingqing got 100 million.Lin Subaru was fairly fair.

At the gate of the Civil Affairs Bureau, Yuan Qingqing and Lin Subaru waved goodbye.Lin Subaru turned and left, walking towards a car in the distance.

Yuan Qingqing had only seen this car once.When the car Wang Hui often drove was sent for maintenance, she saw Wang Hui drive it once.

"Che, Wang Hui..." Yuan Qingqing was stunned.She recalled the scent on Lin Subaru, which was the one that Wang Hui often had.

Yuan Qingqing walked towards the car in small steps, faster and faster. "Wang Hui, Lin Subaru..."

Yuan Qingqing didn't come to the front, the car had already started.But she was sure that it was Wang Hui in the car.

Fire prevention, anti-theft, anti-girlfriends, anti-enthusiasm, but also anti-honest ones.

Yuan Qingqing called Wang Hui, but Wang Hui didn't answer.

Lin Subaru, who was driving, asked, "Why didn't you pick it up?"

"Why did you pick it up?" Wang Hui asked, "Let her scold me? Or should we fight on the spot?"

Yuan Qingqing called Lin Subaru again.Lin Subaru smiled and said, "She is determined."

"Okay." Wang Hui answered Lin Subaru's call: "Qingqing."

"Don't call me 'Qingqing'. What's your relationship? I divorced him, why is he in your car?"

"Us?" Wang Hui looked at Lin Subaru and smiled, "Friendship."

"Wang Hui! Do you think I'm stupid? I won't just let it go." Yuan Qingqing said, "You bitches."

Wang Hui said with a smile: "Think about yourself first."

"Look at who of us is ashamed."

"Look who of us has evidence."

Yuan Qingqing hung up the phone.She has no proof.But she can find any evidence.

(End of this chapter)

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