Chapter 33 Blind Date
Shen Yixin's blind date, people from the Zhuo family have already arrived.Zhuo Xuan, the head of the Zhuo family, used to be Shen Guangyuan's neighbor. It turns out that the two families are very good.

Zhuo Xuan was a university teacher, but later he was transferred to Haishi.Since the move, Zhuo's family and Shen's family have less time to see each other, and they have become more distant.Now that the Shen family also came to Haishi, they started to walk around again.

When Long Mingyi and the three of them came up, Shen Guangyuan, Liu Juan, and Zhuo Xuan were all there.Next to Zhuo Xuan sat a clean and white man.

The man's face was a little fat, and his jaws were sticking out.Every time I move my arm, the fat on my arm shakes.

Shen Yixin pulled Shen Yiren's hand vigorously, and said in a low voice: "Why is Zhuo Haoran like this?"

Shen Yiren also bit her lower lip.There is a big gap between this person and when he was seventeen or eighteen years old, right?

At this time, a handsome boy came by, stretched out his hand to Shen Yixin and said, "Shen Yixin, hello!"

Shen Yixin turned to look at this man.He has neat short hair, delicate features, and a friendly smile.Wearing a well-fitting casual suit, the suit can be supported by the strong figure that can only be maintained through perennial fitness.

"Hello." Shen Yixin recognized at a glance that he was Zhuo Haoyou who was on a blind date with her.The reason is simply because he is much more handsome than before.

After everyone was seated, Zhuo Xuan pointed to the fat man and said, "I haven't introduced him to Yiren and Xinxin yet. This is an orphan I adopted in Haishi later, a member of our family. Just like my own son, I also came today .”

Zhuo Haoyou put his arms around the fat man and said, "My brother, Zhuo Haofei."

Zhuo Haofei nodded to the crowd, looking very introverted.

Long Mingyi really admired Zhuo Xuan's ability to name names, one for "fuel consumption" and the other for "expenditure".

After some pre-dinner salads were served, the main dishes such as foie gras and lobster were served one after another. Everyone was talking softly while eating.In this case, the tone is very low.

During the chat, everyone knew that Zhuo Haoran worked in a marketing planning company, and he was already a middle-level employee with good performance and high income.

"Mr. Long, nice to meet you." Zhuo Haoyou raised his glass to Long Mingyi.

"Me too." Long Mingyi responded.

"Sister Shen and I haven't seen each other for many years." Zhuo Haoyou said, "Sister Yiren took good care of me back then, and Yixin was..."

"What's wrong with me?" Shen Yixin's arrogant expression flashed, "I'm fine too."

"The one who moves the most is you." Zhuo Haoyou said, "Innocent, lively and cute."

"I'm so sorry." Shen Yixin blushed instantly. "You are not bad either! You have both good character and learning, and you can exercise. You still have the record for running 400 meters in school, and no one has broken it."

Long Mingyi and Shen Yiren looked at each other and smiled, what kind of relationship is this?There should be no objection between the two of them falling in love.

During the whole meal, Zhuo Haofei hardly spoke, at most he laughed with him a few times.

When Shen Guangyuan went to the bathroom, Long Mingyi followed him.

"Dad, why is that Zhuo Haofei so weird?" Long Mingyi didn't hide it, and asked Shen Guangyuan directly.

"Not sure." Shen Guangyuan wiped his hands, "It's been a long time since Zhuo Xuan's family came here, and we haven't contacted each other for a long time. A while ago, our original friends built a bridge, and we got in touch."

Long Ming smiled, "The Zhuo family is quite interesting."

"Son-in-law, what do you think of Zhuo Haoyou?" Shen Guangyuan liked Long Mingyi's suggestion very much.

"It looks good at the moment. His temperament and conversation are good. Some of his views are correct and he has certain abilities. He is now in the middle of the company, and he is in the prime of life. There are no major problems in his career. In terms of character, we need to investigate further."

Shen Guangyuan nodded, "Yes."

After returning, everyone talked for a while, and then they were about to leave.Shen Yixin and Zhuo Haoran decided to take a walk by the river.

Everyone said goodbye, Long Mingyi was in charge of sending his parents home, and Shen Yiren went home first to take care of Long Youfeng.After sending the Shen family away by car, Zhuo Xuan's family drove away.

"Ming Yi." Liu Juan asked Shen Guangyuan's question, "What do you think of this Zhuo family boy?"

"It's okay, I don't have a business background, and I can rely on myself all the way, which is not bad among young people." Long Ming said with a smile: "Don't worry. Xinxin is not a child anymore."

The car drove all the way to Shen Guangyuan's house. After Long Ming saw the two elders go home, he took out his mobile phone and called Ling.

"Give me a good look up Zhuo Haoyou, who planned the company wisely."


Long Mingyi thought for a while in the car, and recalled Zhuo Haoyou's entire performance. "There's really nothing wrong with it. And because there's nothing wrong with it, there might be a problem."

Zhuo Haoyou is too perfect, temperament, image, knowledge, everything is in the upper class, and it is possible to enter the upper class in one step in the future.Zhuoxuan's family is too natural.Long Mingyi felt a little uneasy in his heart, but he hoped that he was worrying too much.

Long Ming's cell phone rang, and it was a voice message from Xu Chen: I made crayfish, you can take it home and eat it for the whole family.

Long Mingyi put the phone to his lips and said, "I'll be right there." He turned the car around and drove towards Xu Chen's house.

Xu Chen lives in a well-known exquisite apartment in Haishi, but she is not exquisite in private.She came out in pajamas, a coat, and slippers, holding a large food box in her hand.

As soon as Long Ming parked the car at the door, he lowered the window and asked, "Spicy?"

"Thirteen Fragrances." Xu Chen said, "Don't pick and choose things that are free."

"Yeah." Long Ming nodded, and said with certainty: "I really shouldn't pick and choose things about 'idiots'."

"Long Mingyi, I think you want to be beaten." Xu Chen patted the car window.

"It's so violent." Long Mingyi said.

"The law firm gave me feedback." Xu Chen said with a smile, "Yu Wei has performed well. He works hard and is very down-to-earth."

"It's good to be steady." Long Ming waved his hand and drove away.

When he got home, Shen Yiren was waiting for him in the living room.

"so late?"

"The house girl made crayfish and brought them back along the way."

"Are you fat or not?" Shen Yiren said, but walked towards the refrigerator and brought ice juice and a cup.

Long Mingyi put the food on the table and went to wash his hands.After returning, the husband and wife sat at the table and ate crayfish.As soon as Long Ming ate crayfish without gloves, he said he liked the touch of peeling the shell.Shen Yiren didn't do that, she wore thin disposable gloves and ate slowly.

After a while, Shen Yixin came.Instead of going back to her parents' house, she ran to her sister's house to ask for opinions and report the situation.

Shen Yixin washed her hands, and also joined the ranks of supper.She ate like her sister, slowly, and Long Mingyi poured her a glass of juice.

"We are waiting to hear." Long Mingyi and Shen Yiren looked at Shen Yixin together.

"It's nothing." Shen Yixin lowered her head shyly. "I chatted with Jiangbian for a while, talked about the past and the present, and then went home."

"Then what do you think?" Shen Yiren asked her sister.

"It's good. We have a lot to talk about."

Long Ming got up together and said: "That's good. The meeting is over." He walked away knowingly, and the rest of the content is suitable for the two sisters to whisper.

(End of this chapter)

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