Chapter 345
The work of Zhan Dao Capital is very busy every day.Even on weekends or holidays, most people will only choose to travel around to relax.

Last weekend Li Fei and Tai Xingfei went to XM for fun.It was because Taixing drew a prize for XM Shuangfei Tour for himself when he was shopping.They will come on Monday and bring back a lot of delicious food for everyone.

Qian En asked Li Fei very puzzled: "What can we do in two days? See the sea view?"

Qi Xin said: "Maybe what people see is the sea view outside the hotel, and they never left the hotel at all. The ones they brought back were all from the airport store."

"Hi." Li Fei reminded the two of them, "It's speeding."

Qi Xin and Qian En laughed loudly.

As soon as Long Ming entered through the gate, Li Fei hurriedly handed a box on the table to Long Ming.

"What is this?" Long Ming took it over and took a look, "Peanuts with fish skin?"


Long Ming smiled and said, "Thank you. I like it very much."

"Hi everyone!" Mi Ming also appeared in the office in the morning.He held several large packages of presents in his hand. "Think about me? Everyone has one, don't take more."

As soon as Long Ming walked out of the office, Mi Ming opened his arms to him: "Miss me?"

"Think." Long Ming waved his hand, "Get out of here."

Mi Ming said: "My suit is very expensive. I won't leave." After speaking, he took a gift and trotted into Long Mingyi's office.

Mi Ming put the things on Long Mingyi's table, "Boss, here it is for you. Excellent seafood."

"Thank you." Long Ming gestured for Mi Ming to sit down, and then he leaned forward and asked, "I'm more concerned about the 'superb' news. Tell me, small town, bond, horse racing, gambling. Can these words be connected together? ? Can there be an ending that I like?"

"Yes." Mi Ming said: "We went to that small town. I have to say that some simple foreign people are really friendly and hospitable."

"What?" Long Mingyi asked, "What do you mean?"

Mi Ming said: "The people there speak good English, I think they should have memorized a lot of words. They are very enthusiastic, regardless of skin color, and everyone can dance and sing together. The town's economy is mainly based on agriculture, with few enterprises. The environment Well protected. There are local specialties, the tomato pizza is very 'pizza', and there is a $3.99 burger set."

"It sounds good." Long Mingyi said.

"Yes." Mi Ming said: "It just 'sounds'. The consumption is low there, and there are few out-of-towners. The economy is relatively behind the surrounding cities and towns. The food is good, but such a cheap price is like a 'Great Depression set meal' ’ (The economic crisis is the hot dog and Coke combo).”

Mi Ming said with a look of surprise and helplessness: "A beef burger that is bigger than our four Big Macs, plus a large glass of Coke and French fries and other snacks is only $3.99. Can you think of the local What's going on with the real estate. It's cheap even if it's close to where the beef is produced."

"Real estate prices and shop rents are too cheap. The income of residents should not be very high." Long Mingyi said: "What the hell. The local economy is really mediocre."

Mi Ming said: "Your words are too conservative. If there is no horse racing, there will be nothing. Our money will be like floating in the water. It is still the kind of 'boom' that sinks to the bottom."

"No good news?"

"Yes." Mi Ming said in a low voice, "There are indeed rumors that the horse racing license might be here."

"Who said that?" Long Mingyi said: "If the streets are known, then forget it."

There is no room for profit from the news that is heard on the street.

"That's not true." Mi Ming said: "My friend Ye Zhiqian has a close relationship with the local state congressman. That congressman hinted at me, and there is a high probability that I will fall in this town."

Ye Zhiqian was the man who took four days off when Mi Ming was about to get married and flew back to congratulate him.He is now the CEO of a well-known company in his state.The relationship between Mi Ming and Ye Zhiqian is equally deep.

Once it is wrong, the capital loss of Zhandao will be huge.In a small town like this, Zhan Dao Capital may lose everything.

Long Ming thought for a while, "It seems that I still need to see Zhang Lu."

In Zhang Lu's gallery, a new batch of paintings were hung.It can be seen that the shots are all masters.

Long Mingyi walked slowly to Zhang Lu who was standing in front of the painting.Zhang Lu quietly looked at the painting in front of her.The painting shows a Western-style epee and a large cup filled with red liquid.

Zhang Lu smiled and said, "I like this painting. "Warrior"."

"Where is this 'warrior'?" Long Ming asked.

"In the hearts of those who look at this painting." Zhang Lu said: "A sword and a cup of red liquid. You can understand that it contains the blood of the enemy, or it can be understood that this is the wine of victory. But no matter what, The warriors have won."

Long Mingyi said: "It's too artistic."

"Of course." Zhang Lu said: ""Warrior" does not paint 'soldiers', but 'courage', a kind of temperament."

Long Ming smiled and said, "Where did you find so many paintings?"

Zhang Lu said with a smile: "What I found was not a painting, but a painter. When a potential painter becomes a great painter, this gallery is full of 'golden light'. A good painter will bring me hundreds of millions benefits, although it is too difficult to cultivate one.”

"It's good to have one out of a hundred. You really know how to invest." Long Mingyi said: "By the way, it's better for a painter to die and make money, right?"

"Don't worry." Zhang Lu said with a smile: "I hope they die well. After all, they can sell 10,000+ pictures even if they are alive. It's a pity to kill them."

Zhang Lu sat down and asked, "What do you want me to do? About bonds?"

Long Mingyi said: "Mi Ming went to see it, if there is no license plate..."

"It's worthless." Zhang Lu said: "My people have also gone to see it. No matter how likely it is to get a license plate, after triggering the 'Black Swan', it is [-]% worthless."

"So, this is the problem." Long Mingyi said, "I hope I am like a warrior."

Zhang Lu said: "Ming Yi. If it is a [-]% situation, then there is only one possibility, and that is the moment of announcement. Once it is announced, there will be no room for us to arbitrage. I also invested [-] million US dollars, my money You have also invested a lot. You are Zhandao Capital, with a big family and a big business, and you have made a lot of money this year. You can afford to lose! I may go bankrupt. If something really goes wrong, if you run fast, you may have a little money left to enjoy your old age."

"You are the warrior."

Zhang Lu looked at the painting on the wall and said, "I hope that the blood in the cup will not be yours or mine."

"Same." Long Mingyi said, "I hope it won't be our blood."

Zhang Lu said, "That's right. I want to meet Liu Manli. Make an appointment for me."

"what's up?"

"It must be a good thing. She won't be allowed to return to her old job. Don't worry." Zhang Lu smiled and said, "It's really 'brother and sister love'."

"This is sour." Long Mingyi said: "Liu Manli is not easy, there are many pitiful places."

Zhang Lu looked at Long Ming and said with a smile, "Who are you? Sometimes you are too kind, and sometimes you are terribly cruel. I will ask him to draw you for the next theme."

"What content?"

"Angels and Demons. Kind of like Lucifer."

"I still want to be a good person." Long Ming left together.

Zhang Lu looked at Long Ming's back and said, "Maybe this is a warrior."

(End of this chapter)

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