The Situation of Merchant Killing

Chapter 35 The Secret Meeting

Chapter 35 The Secret Meeting
Long Mingyi did have another ball game.

He drove to the Senyuan Basketball Stadium. Today there is a game for the home team.He went through the security check to the box, opened the door and walked in.

The private box is very spacious, with round tables, sofas, chairs, food and beverages, and LCD TVs on the walls.Push open the door, and you can step outside to watch the game in the comfortable plush seats without crowding.

Long Ming put his coat away casually, sat at the table drinking water, and waited for the game to start.

"Ding." The door opened, and a beautiful woman walked in wearing a pink coat, jeans, and high-heeled boots.

Long Ming looked at the woman and said, "Where's Boss Jin?"

"Mr. Long, it's like this. Our boss specially asked me to come over to watch the football game with Mr. Long."

The woman means that Boss Jin will not come.

This is simply an insult.

"I don't think it's necessary." Long Ming wanted to leave together.He picked up his coat and put it on. "Hope you had a good evening. Good game."

As soon as Long Ming walked to the door, he happened to run into the person he was going to meet today, Jin Xuemin, one of the directors and shareholders of Baotian Industrial.Jin Xuemin accounts for 8% of Baotian shares. His Jin Group has two main businesses, one is transportation and the other is chemical preparations.

Long Ming looked at Jin Xuemin and then at this woman, showing a rare strange expression.

"Mr. Long has been waiting for a long time." Jin Xuemin took the initiative to extend his hand, "I met a friend just now and chatted for a while, and my daughter came here ahead of time. You should have met, right?"

"Daughter?" Long Ming glanced at the woman. At the age of 25 or [-], she inherited the only advantage of Jin Xuemin's appearance, double eyelids and big eyes.From this point of view, it must be biological.

"Haha..." The woman smiled happily.After she took off her coat, she wore a collarless T-shirt underneath.She obediently stood beside her father.

"You haven't met yet?" Jin Xuemin said, "This is Long Mingyi and Mr. Long from Zhan Dao Capital, and this is my daughter-in-law Jin Shengyan."

"Hello, Mr. Long." Jin Shengyan extended her hand generously.

"Hi Miss Jin." Long Mingyi shook her hand.

"I was angry with you just now, I'm sorry." Jin Shengyan still couldn't help laughing.

Long Mingyi could only smile helplessly.

"What's wrong?" Jin Xuemin asked about the situation.Jin Shengyan told her father what happened just now.

"Nonsense!" Jin Xuemin scolded Jin Shengyan sharply, "How can you be so nonsense?"

"It's okay." Long Mingyi still had to generously persuade the father to calm down. "She was just joking."

"Going to study abroad is a mistake. No one cares about it." Jin Xuemin apologized to Long Mingyi again, "I'm sorry, Mr. Long! This child is too much."

"Life needs some fun." Jin Shengyan bowed seriously to Long Ming and said, "I'm sorry."

"It's okay." That's all Long Mingyi could say.

"I'm really sorry." Jin Shengyan bowed twice.

"Boss Jin, your daughter is going to send me away." Long Mingyi said.If he didn't say anything else, Jin Shengyan's three bows would definitely come.

"Haha. Mr. Long is so interesting." Jin Shengyan came over and patted Long Mingyi on the shoulder, "Just kidding, dude! (Just kidding, buddy!)"

This was the first time Long Mingyi was called "dude" by an unfamiliar girl.

"Don't mess around!" Jin Xuemin couldn't hold back.

"Just ok!" Long Mingyi said.

Jin Shengyan smiled happily, and ran to the seat outside the box to watch the stadium.

"Mr. Long don't mind."

"At this age, it's good to be innocent." Long Mingyi said, "It's the same as my sister-in-law. Presumably Mr. Jin has the same headache as me. It's too noisy!"

"Oh? Let them get to know each other one day." Jin Xuemin said politely.

"I'm sure they'll be good friends."

Of course, Long Mingyi and Jin Xuemin didn't come to watch the game today.

"President Long." Jin Xuemin drank water and said, "Ma Zhiyuan is really annoying. He is Zhang Yu's confidant, and he is used to being arrogant. We will definitely support him if he is fired. But..." Jin Xuemin changed the subject, "It's not easy to let Zhang Yu come down."

Long Ming looked at Jin Xuemin and waited for him to speak.

"Zhang Yu has been able to stand in Baotian these years. Although he may not have no shortcomings and mistakes, he has led well. Baotian has made a lot of money in these years. If it is someone else, he may not be as good as him. This is me One of the worries. The second point is the problem of turbulence, in the process of dealing with Zhang Yu, how can I live and work."

As soon as Long Ming heard it, Jin Xuemin was really worried about the latter.What good is it for him to offend Zhang Yu?Zhang Yu is here, Jin Xuemin's wealth has increased, so what is Jin Xuemin's motivation to deal with Zhang Yu?

"It is of course good to pull Zhang Yu down." Long Mingyi said: "Zhang Yu has led Baotian these years. To be honest, although he is powerful, he has also made many enemies. Now is the time when the wall is overthrown. But I also I didn't expect to pull Zhang Yu down immediately."

"Boss Long means..." Jin Xuemin didn't understand.

"I want to join Baotian's board of directors." Long Mingyi said, "You just need to support me."

"Of course there is no problem." Jin Xuemin agreed immediately.

Ma Zhiyuan's director position is definitely gone, and a by-election of directors is required.

According to regulations, shareholders who individually or jointly hold more than 3% of the company's shares can propose non-independent director candidates to the current board of directors, which will be reviewed by the board of directors and submitted to the general meeting of shareholders for voting after approval.

Of course, Jin Xuemin would not ask Long Mingyi why he joined the board of directors.He just needs to know that Long Ming will enter the board of directors soon, and that once Long Ming enters, he will definitely not come here for nothing.

Sometimes it's better to be confused.

"Will it be troublesome when nominating the board of directors?" Jin Xuemin reminded Long Mingyi, "Most of Baotian's board of directors support Zhang Yu."

"There will be directors who will support me." Long Mingyi said, "Ma Zhiyuan is Zhang Yu's 'Achilles heel', that tendon."

Jin Xuemin nodded.Ma Zhiyuan is such an arrogant person, there must be negligence, maybe a big negligence.Once Zhang Yu is involved, it will drag Zhang Yu into the quagmire and cannot extricate himself.

"Come on." Long Mingyi and Jin Xuemin drank a glass of water.

"Kick-off." Jin Shengyan opened the transparent door and said, "How about taking a gamble with Mr. Long? If I lose, you can make a request. If you lose, promise me a condition."

"Yes." Long Ming smiled, he knew that Jin Shengyan was already invincible.

It is impossible for Long Mingyi to be serious with her, so even if he wins, the request will not be too much.

"It's settled." Jin Shengyan nodded. "I support the home team."

"I will buy the club." Long Mingyi said, "Of course I have to support the home team."

"Alright then." Jin Shengyan agreed. "I support the away team."

At the end of the game, Jin Shengyan won. "Yeah!" Jin Shengyan was bouncing and celebrating with her father, as if she had won the championship.

"You can talk about your conditions." Long Ming said with a curl of his lips.

"My condition is very simple." Jin Shengyan came to Long Mingyi and said with her hands behind her back, "It's super simple. There is a banquet the day after tomorrow..."

"The day after tomorrow? Celebrity dinner?" Long Ming thought for a while, "My wife and I will go to it."

"I knew there must be you." Jin Shengyan said: "I just follow you. It's too boring to follow my dad."

"Where are your friends?" Long Mingyi asked.

"They? It's hard to get in. Little Rich's House, I can't get in." Jin Shengyan shook her head.

"Just right." Long Mingyi said, "I can introduce you to my sister-in-law. You two will be good friends."

"Really? Very good." Jin Shengyan said: "This trip is worthwhile."

(End of this chapter)

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