Chapter 369 Two Tigers
Zhandao Capital Weibo, run by Li Xuerong, posted a video of Long Mingyi and Cheng Shi's "confrontation" with a picture, "Is this the next Mei Xinda?"

Zhuang Jingyuan's media account was also reprinted, and introduced in detail the situation of the European company that provided reagents for Cheng Shi.In fact, Zhuang Jingyuan could not get such complete information, and it was Long Mingyi who gave Zhuang Jingyuan these two materials.

After the plane landed, Long Ming took out his mobile phone, and he was pleased to find that Weibo had reached 8 views.

"A good start." Long Mingyi said.

Li Xuerong flipped through the comments and pointed one of them to Long Ming. "Some people say that rich people like you should care about the poor people in the mountainous areas, instead of looking for a sense of existence there and playing the game of slapping faces."

"Moral kidnapping?" Long Mingyi didn't take it seriously.

"Under this article, there are more than 1 likes. This is to change the topic. If your image is not good, it will be much easier over there. So many people agree, it is definitely not an individual behavior."

Long Mingyi said: "The reaction over there is fast enough."

Li Xuerong said, "Leave it to me."

Early the next morning, Long Ming checked his phone after waking up together.This Weibo has already received 30 views, and the one about moral kidnapping has been scolded miserably.

"Is it wrong to reveal the truth? Do we wait until everyone invests? Don't change the subject. Squad!"

"The stock market has been pitted every step of the way. We need people who tell the truth like this."

"If I have enough money, I'll put it into Zhan Dao Capital."


"Xue Rong did a good job." Long Ming went upstairs to the gym for a run together.

This morning, Yang Xifeng was not having a good time.He gently pushed away the hand of the woman beside him and got up from the bed.He turned his phone to silent last night, and only saw Guo Minghao's call this morning.

Yang Xifeng put on his clothes, went to the bathroom with his mobile phone, and called Guo Minghao back.

"Hello. What's going on?"

"Long Mingyi exposed Cheng Shi."

"Cheng Shi? He..." Yang Xifeng became sober all of a sudden, "How much does Long Mingyi know?"

Guo Minghao sent the address of the video to Yang Xifeng, and Yang Xifeng dropped his toothbrush after watching it.

Inside Zhan Dao Capital, Long Ming came in humming a song.

Tai Xing, who passed by him, heard the tune of the song very familiar, and it was quite nice.She hummed too.

"Tap, tap, tap, tap, tap..." Tai Xing felt that she was humming a song, and she relaxed.She continued to hum as she picked up the orange juice.

"Childish or not?" Li Fei came in to pour coffee and heard Tai Xing humming a song, "He's so big, he still hums "Two Tigers"."

"Yeah." Tai Xing clapped his hands and said, "It's really "Two Tigers."

Li Fei smiled, "You are so cute."

"But you are brave." Tai Xing said, "This is the boss's humming."

"Pfft." Li Fei spit out a mouthful of coffee.Tai Xing hurriedly pulled out a piece of paper from the side to help Li Fei wipe it clean.

Mi Ming came in and asked, "What's wrong? The child spit up milk?"

Tai Xing and Li Fei looked loveless.

Tai Xing said: "Have you ever seen someone who vomits black? I drink milk, he drinks coffee."

Mi Ming said, "Perhaps it was too nauseous, and I spit out bile."

Li Fei said, "I'm in a hurry to drink."

Tai Xing said: "I was humming "Two Tigers" just now, and he said I was childish. But the boss just hummed it."

Mi Ming said: "With such a wife, you can't be an undercover agent." Mi Ming told Li Fei with a cup of coffee, "Drink less."


"Tap, tap, tap, tap, tap..." Mi Ming hummed "Two Tigers" and left the tea room.

Tai Xing lowered his head and looked at Li Fei out of the corner of his eyes. "I got into trouble, didn't I?"

"Hehe." Li Fei said, "It's okay. Brother Long is not a stingy person."

After the opening of the market, Cheng Shi's company's stock price took an upward turn and then began to plummet.

Mi Ming came in and said, "Tai Xing said in the morning that you were humming "Two Tigers"."

"Yes." Long Ming said with a smile: "Today is the proof of the lyrics. 'One has no eyes', 'One has no tail', 'It's so fun', 'It's so fun'."

Mi Ming asked, "Is that the original word?"

"Just as long as I'm happy." Long Mingyi said, "Today, Yang Xifeng and Zhou Jinkun must lose something. 'One has no eyes', 'One has no tail'."

Yang Xifeng's book has a floating loss of 7%. If he hadn't made money on Taixiang, he would definitely be in trouble today.Zhou Jinkun was not much better.

Guo Minghao came in and said, "Cheng Shi doesn't answer the phone."

"Dare to contact him at this time?" Yang Xifeng said, "It's useless to find him."

Guo Minghao said: "What Long Mingyi said is true. Last night, there was already a thunderstorm in Europe."

Yang Xifeng said: "This is standing in an absolute dominant position. All the bells and whistles are useless in the face of absolute power. As soon as Long Ming gets the information, we can't get it. Even if he sits there and waits, there will be a lot of information Find the door."

But the process of going from nothing to waiting for news at home is an extremely difficult process in itself.Many people work so hard that they never have a chance.

Guo Minghao asked: "Is it a coincidence? Long Mingyi did this?"

"Looking at the video, Long Mingyi is fully prepared. He must have been prepared long ago." Yang Xifeng said: "He didn't operate this stock, so he has nothing to do, and he can pretend not to know in front of us."

"It's really ruthless, even cheating myself."

"Hit yourself?" Yang Xifeng shook his head, "He's already done it."

Inside War Knife Capital.

Long Mingyi, Mi Ming and Xu Chen ate the tropical fruit sent by Liu Manli's people.Long Mingyi had indeed done his calculations.Yang Xifeng's funds are there, except for Taixiang, the remaining half will be invested in Cheng Shi.Even if it is a loss, it is still Yang Xifeng's money.Summit Capital can afford to lose.

Xu Chen praised Long Mingyi, "Knocking the mountain and shaking the tiger is really great."

Mi Ming said: "He is no longer just 'shocking', but directly attacking. As a member of the Wildlife Conservation Society, I think you are 'a bit' cruel."

Mi Ming is indeed a member of the Haishi Wildlife Protection Association. Together with Zhang Yueqian, he is committed to protecting endangered animals on weekdays.

"Then I can only say 'sorry'." Long Ming said with a smile: "But those two beasts, 'somewhat' deserve it."

Xu Chen crossed his legs and said, "I think it's very reasonable. After all, those two people are really annoying. Not very, very annoying."

Long Mingyi said: "There is also a small one. It's even more annoying!"

The relationship between Zeng Yang and Lin Jianwen heated up rapidly.Shen Yiren said: "Women in love are just different." Now Zeng Yang is very energetic even after teaching for a day.

The only uncomfortable point is that Guo Minghao always sends flowers to Zeng Yang and comes to pick her up from time to time.

Zeng Yang rejected Hua, and also rejected Guo Minghao's pick-up.But Guo Minghao just didn't give up.His persistent spirit may only be praised if he uses it differently.

If Lin Jianwen was in Haishi, it would be Lin Jianwen who came to pick up Zeng Yang. He came to protect Zeng Yang.

In the evening, Zeng Yang came out of Yiyang School with his bag on his back.The front desk who came early on weekdays closed the shutter door, and she and Zeng Yang left together.

Guo Minghao's car appeared in front of Zeng Yang again.

"Mr. Guo." Zeng Yang said, "I have a boyfriend."

"It's possible we'll break up."

"We have a good relationship."

"Why don't you give me a chance?"

"How can you give up?"

"You can still get divorced after you get married." Guo Minghao said, "Why should I give up?"

Zeng Yang was helpless, "You are very unmannered like this. I don't like this kind of thing either. This kind of stalking only happened when I was in school. In the end, usually the effect is not good. Feelings, you should still be affectionate. Happy."

"A good girl is afraid of pestering her husband."

"I have nothing to say, it's better not to see you again." Zeng Yang and the receptionist took a taxi and left.

The receptionist said, "Actually, Miss Yang, if someone chased me like that, I might be touched."

Zeng Yang said: "Movement is not the same as emotion. When you are moved, you can accept flowers for a moment and try to date. Feelings are not like this, it is a long process. You are still young. It’s okay if you don’t know."

(End of this chapter)

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