Chapter 379

The city of Barcelona has a strong football atmosphere.In the football field, Barcelona is playing against Real Madrid at home, and the players have already begun to prepare for the warm-up.

Although Long Youfeng in the stands was very excited to come to watch football, he still asked Long Ming a question.

"Dad, you said you were going to take me to the Chase Center to watch the Christmas fight this year."

"That's a good question." Long Mingyi said, "I should have gone, but there was a foolish manager who annoyed people in our country. Everyone. He still hasn't apologized."

"What does that have to do with where we're going?"

"This is an attitude." Long Mingyi said: "Son, you will know in the future. Everything can be discussed, except national sovereignty. Their game has been suspended."


Long Mingyi touched Long Youfeng's shoulder and said: "When you stand on this earth, you must have an identity. You must know that the country provides your identity. You have seen the movie, 'When you are overseas When in danger, don’t give up! Remember, there is a strong motherland behind you. Whenever and wherever you are, you should also know that there is a strong motherland behind you. Just because there is a country, We have safety and respect, so you make her stronger."

"I remember." Long Youfeng nodded.

Long Ming smiled and said, "That's right."

Shen Yiren looked at the father and son with a knowing smile.

The score ended at 0:0.Both Benzema and Messi failed to score.

After watching it, Long Youfeng smiled wryly and said, "I might still like scoring games."

"Football is a game where you don't know when you will score a goal." Long Mingyi said: "It means he is full of infinite possibilities."

"That's right." Long Youfeng said: "I really hoped to see a goal just now. The whole field was boiling when the players entered the penalty area."

"This is anticipation, which is the power of hope." Shen Yiren said: "You are like a 'player' who may score goals at any time, and will always bring us various miracles."

"Really?" Long Youfeng asked Long Mingyi, "Am I?"

Long Mingyi pointed to where they were and said, "My mother and I have already bought drinks and popcorn, and we are sitting in the auditorium. We are waiting for your wonderful performance in life."

Shen Yiren raised her arms and waved, "Mom and Dad will cheer you on. You will be the one who can do everything on the court."

Long Ming jumped up and made a shooting motion, "Long Youfeng, be ready to play at any time. You will lead the team to victory at the last minute and throw in the most crucial goal."

"I will." Long Youfeng said confidently, "I will definitely win."

Long Ming hugged Shen Yiren's waist, very satisfied.

"But Dad." Long Youfeng blinked, "Can you stop playing basketball on the football field?"

"My fault." Long Mingyi said, "Next time I will do this on the baseball field."

Long Youfeng said: "I hope you won't do this on the ice hockey rink. Otherwise, if you fall down... I feel pain."

Long Mingyi said: "The child needs to be disciplined."

Long Youfeng threw himself into his mother's arms...

A family of three came to the restaurant, Long Youfeng liked the sausage stewed beans, Long Mingyi and Shen Yiren ordered paella.The three of them were sitting in their seats, talking and joking when Long Mingyi's cell phone received a message.Mi Ming sent a message in the middle of the night domestic time.

There were five words written on it: something happened to Xiaobai.

As soon as Long Ming came outside the restaurant, he called Mi Ming.

"Haven't slept yet?" Long Ming asked.

"I just woke up." Mi Ming said, "I was woken up by the news. I wanted to watch it with you on the same frequency in time and space."

"It seems that he fell asleep in front of the TV." Long Ming smiled.

"Kicking around, there is no result, it's not suitable for me." Mi Ming said.

"What happened to 'Xiaoxin's dog (Crayon Shinchan's dog named Xiaobai)'?"

"I was caught 'stealing' 'dog food (funds)' and didn't return it."

"Is it related to the big (big data) and tree (environmental protection)?"

"Maybe." Mi Ming said, "I was caught 'peeing' on a tree."

"Poor dog."

"Very poor."

"Masters should be careful with puppies and keep an eye on their 'dog food'." Long Ming asked Mi Ming to keep an eye on it.


After finishing the call, Long Mingyi felt that something was wrong.Bai Angxi, who is not human inside and out, was caught by Zhang Lu for misappropriating funds?Is the Bai family's money not enough for him?How much will he use?

The old-school Bai Jiyong will leave a lot of funds in order to deal with risks.Long Mingyi conservatively estimated that [-] million could be called in a short period of time.These are things that are easy to liquidate, precious metals, bonds, stocks (not Baishan Group stocks), and some easy-to-mortgage items, and even bank accounts in the Cayman Islands.

Do the two companies need Bai Angxi to spend a lot of money?Even if it is used, what about Bai Jiyong? As for embezzling the group's money?

What Long Ming feared was that Zhang Lu fell into Bai Jiyong's trap.But after he thought about it, Zhang Lu definitely wanted this, and she must have verified it.I really don't need to worry about it.

So who was at fault?Long Mingyi didn't know either.

"Hehe." Long Ming smiled wryly, "It's good to stay out of the matter. You don't have to worry so much, and you don't have to worry so much."

In the hotel suite, Long Mingyi had a good night's sleep.Shen Yiren, who was sleeping next to her, turned over and continued to sleep.Long Youfeng in the other room didn't get up either.After getting up and washing up, he insisted on running.Only this time, he was running in the city.

Looking at the rhythm of a city, it is more accurate to look at the morning in many cases.At six o'clock in the morning, the big cities in China are already busy.The night shift goes home, and the day shift debuts.Some slow cities may not have done well earlier.

When Long Ming stepped into the city, there was an artistic atmosphere everywhere.Every building is like a work of art, and the ancient city wall full of history can better explain its past.The surroundings made Long Ming's jogging not feel monotonous.If summer comes, it is more suitable to go to the beach. Of course, the winter here is not cold. It is also good to go for a walk on the beach and see the scenery of the Mediterranean Sea.

When Mi Ming called, Long Ming dialed the headset.

"I've had breakfast." Mi Ming said, "It's time for lunch."

"I just got up for a run." Long Mingyi said, "What happened? On the grounds of Xiaobai's misbehavior, a vote was initiated to expel him from the pet shop (board of directors)?"

"No." Mi Ming said, "She didn't do anything. She didn't even mention that she was going to hold an impromptu meeting."

"She doesn't do anything?"

"She didn't do anything."

Long Mingyi stopped in his tracks. "No. If she stops, she will be counterattacked. Unless she has already won, she will not stop."

Zhang Lu already has the support of three directors, why doesn't she strike while the iron is hot?

Zhang Lu's behavior is always beyond Long Mingyi's ideas.Long Mingyi was also looking forward to Zhang Lu's performance.

Zhang Lu is the most venomous spider. She has woven a web and must wait to "receive the goods".Bai Angxi might not be able to escape.

Long Ming walked back while looking at his phone.At this time, a message in the circle of friends came into view.

Wu Meng released a message: Mengyu Cosmetics Company received a capital injection of 5000 million from Baishan Group.

Why did Baishan suddenly invest in Mengyu?Foray into the cosmetics business they've never been in?Long Mingyi felt that there must be something behind this...

(End of this chapter)

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