The Situation of Merchant Killing

Chapter 392 The Destruction of the Peak

Chapter 392 The Destruction of the Peak
When Guo Minghao operated a sci-tech company, Xin Cheng also operated it.Linghai's capital capacity, channel speed, and personnel operation ability are three things that Pinnacle Capital cannot compare with.

Within a day, Guo Minghao's cost of purchasing stocks increased a lot, and he had no room for profit in an instant.

There is no comparison between Peak and Linghai.

灵海的资金量大兼而需要稳定的获利,他有2%的收获就不错。巅峰资本要是2%, 他的收获就太难受了。这个项目就几乎成了“鸡肋”。这种小资金,需要快速打响名头。要是处处这么1%和2%的扣着收益做,那就不用做了。毕竟没有人保证出现亏损的时候是1%或者2%。

Long Mingyi will also give Guo Minghao a knife,

In addition to divestment, Peak's investment strategy has also been criticized by Zhan Dao Capital.Especially for the technology company he and Linghai operate, the profitability of Summit Capital is very problematic.

Inside Summit Capital, Guo Minghao was watching the trend of the stock he was concerned about.

"I'm so easy to kill?" Guo Minghao smiled coldly.

Two more companies have put part of their idle funds and occupational annuities into Summit Capital.And these two companies are the ones who completed the succession last year and this year respectively.

This incident made Xin Cheng very annoyed, and Long Ming was also uncomfortable.

Xin Cheng wants to finish Guo Minghao as soon as possible.

Xin Cheng's car passed through a bleak factory area and stopped at the entrance of a warehouse.He pushed open the car door and stepped on the somewhat muddy ground with his spotless leather shoes.

Two people came out of the warehouse. These two people were one of Guo Minghao's traders and Li Shi, a director and executive of Xinyang, one of the new capital injection companies.

Xin Cheng said to the two of them, "Thank you for coming here."

"Boss Xin thinks highly of us."

"You all know what I want."

"So what can we get?"

"A position with a company and a large company."

On the trading day, the stock price of Hongyun Industrial, which was bought by Summit Capital, rose 5% from the opening to a 4% drop in the afternoon's close.

Guo Minghao asked the trader: "What's going on? It stands to reason that this should not happen."

The trader looked "innocent". "It's your business to analyze what can be bought. You can see the timing of my buying. I don't know about this kind of problem. There is a sudden large amount of selling funds in the market."

"Go out." Guo Minghao could only say so.

Seeing Hong Yun's fall, Xin Cheng's joy was beyond words.He just liquidated his Hong Yun position, which caused Guo Minghao to suffer heavy losses.

When the trader gave Xin Cheng Fengfeng's stock holdings, Xin Cheng found a very good opportunity.Hongyun, which was held in September last year, has already brought Linghai a 16.7% profit, and it is time to take the profit.

Summit Capital lost more than 9% in one day (including handling fees and stamp duties).This gave Li Shi of Xinyang a chance to attack.

"Should we reconsider investing in Summit Capital? Is this a good investment?" Li Shiru, who had a secret meeting with Xincheng, said during the executive meeting.

Although there are two said: This stock has rises and falls.It's just that this point of view is completely untenable.

It is normal for the financial market to go up and down, but there is also fierce competition.The good ones are kept, the bad ones are eliminated.

Li Shi proposed to change to another company, which was responded by some executives.Investment losses are not easy to account for at the board of directors and shareholder meetings, and they will also be criticized by minority shareholders on the Internet.

The small shareholders involved in buying and selling in the secondary market are also quite powerful.Because they are the ones who take over, and they are also the ones who are fanatical.Without them, the people who operate are not easy to hype.

The young master of Xinyang couldn't stand it anymore.Most executives don't like Zenith, because there is nothing special about Zenith, and the directors also discussed with him to see if they could change.

Public anger is hard to offend.

Summit Capital's funds were withdrawn again.

Guo Minghao called Bai Angxi to explain the situation, but Bai Angxi, who was in a foreign country, could do nothing about it.

"You have lost money and committed a big taboo." Bai Angxi said: "How much money will I give you now, can you guarantee to make money?"

"This time it's Xin Cheng from Linghai playing me."

"Then it's even more impossible to send the money to you in a short period of time." Bai Angxi said: "Think about it, how do you make money under the pressure of Linghai and Zhandao?"

"Then I'm done?"

"Wait and see for a while." Bai Angxi said: "Don't affect our plans. If it goes well, we have the strength to influence many things. Whether it's Xincheng or Long Mingyi, don't dare to trouble us easily."

Guo Minghao hung up the phone.Bai Angxi's attitude shows that he can "lose the car and keep handsome".The important position of Pinnacle Capital he mentioned cannot be compared with the big things in his mind.

"Forbearance?" Guo Minghao sneered, "Now that I'm hiding, will they let me go?"

Yang Xifeng has already gone fishing.He sat by the river and waited for the fish to take the bait.The original Yang Xifeng could still be regarded as a handsome uncle, but now he can only be regarded as a sloppy uncle.

"Didn't you catch too many fish?"

Yang Xifeng turned his head and saw Long Ming pulling the side of the bucket and looking into the bucket.Facing the amount of fish in the bucket, Long Ming was quite disappointed.

"I don't expect to catch fish now." Yang Xifeng said, "It's just to kill my retirement life."

Long Ming smiled and said, "Catching shoes and garbage here is harder than catching fish. It can be seen that you still hope to have fish."

"What can you do with me?" Yang Xifeng looked at the water surface, calm on the surface, but turbulent in his heart.

"Get rid of Guo Minghao." Long Mingyi said: "Then when you can return, Linghai will still be your "home". Or, you can go to the Southeast Asian market and other markets. Even if you invest by yourself, you can also invest in Linghai." Some benefits."

"It's hard for me to get him right now."

"I believe you have a solution." Long Mingyi said, "It's impossible for Zenith Capital to have no one."

Yang Xifeng smiled, and Long Ming turned around and left.

Yang Xifeng's two friends chose to withdraw the funds.As an uncle, Yang Xifeng said some things in his capacity as an investor, among which was the fact that there were flaws in the operations of Summit Capital.

Shareholders of Mingye question the wisdom of the new chairman's investment in Zenith.Mingye, like Xinyang, had to withdraw funds after the lock-up period.

"Guo Minghao must be crying now." Mi Ming said.

"I guess I passed out from crying in the toilet." Long Mingyi smiled happily.

All the funds that were later signed with the summit were not required to be locked up for a long time.These people are not fools and they cannot accept a long lockup period.Yang Xifeng's contract has a guarantee for himself, that is, if the loss reaches a certain percentage, for example, only 40% of the initial fundraising is left, and Summit Capital will stop operating.

With the subsequent withdrawal of funds, Summit Capital's funds are no longer sufficient.I'm afraid Long Mingyi's [-] million won't be able to get back the entirety, and it's also difficult to get back all of Yang Xifeng's.

But this didn't stop Long Mingyi and Yang Xifeng from being happy, tens of millions was insignificant compared to what they would get in the future.

Xin Cheng invited Long Ming to dinner.A family banquet, a specially hired chef, and specially prepared ingredients.

Long Ming looked at the seafood on the table and said, "It's a waste of money today."

"No, no." Xin Cheng said, "It helped me a lot."

"It seems that the matter is settled?" Long Ming asked with a smile.

Xin Cheng just nodded his head. "War Knife Capital will have a series of preferential treatment."

Xin Cheng and Long Ming raised their glasses to celebrate the staged victory.


(End of this chapter)

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