Chapter 397
AC is ready to complete Ye Zhiqian's order at a high price.Although it is expected to be completed on schedule, the cost is certainly not low.

This news still caused market volatility.

Investors began to doubt the production capacity of AC.Even with a good design, the production process is constrained.Whether it is a "pseudo-whole industry chain" needs to be carefully demonstrated.This caused NLB's share price to start falling.

No matter how well you design, without execution, it will always be something on paper.

After this incident, Bai Angxi immediately went to find a suitable foundry.He couldn't let Long Mingyi choke his neck all of a sudden.It’s not easy to do in China, so go to Southeast Asia.Now the manufacturing industry in Southeast Asia is developing well, and labor costs are also low.The only downside is the lack of technology.

In the general manager's office of NLB, there is a large white boss desk and relatively bright decorative items.The whole room is full of vigor, not the solemn and heavy office in Bai Angxi's home.Bai Angxi is discussing the production with John, the person in charge of AC.

"This time, Mike helped us through the difficulties." Bai Angxi said: "John, we may need to build our own factory in Southeast Asia or find a stable factory. In terms of technology, we still need our help."

"Okay," John said, "I'll try."

"It's not as much as possible." Bai Angxi said: "It's necessary. It's a bit more costly to find local OEMs. We declare to the outside world that it has always been a whole industry chain."

John said: "I was very opposed to this formulation at the time."

"I know." Bai Angxi said: "However, it has become an established fact. We need to do our job well."

John nodded and went out.

As soon as John left, Michael Lee walked in.

"He's still the same," Michael Lee joked.

"That's his rigor and seriousness, and I like that about him."

"Really want to do it in Southeast Asia?"

"The cost in other places is not low." Bai Angxi said: "That is our important project."

"I'll think of a way." Michael Lee said, "There are also some connections over there."

Long Mingyi liked the trend of NLB very much.

NLB, which has no price limit, can fall by 6% at the opening, all the way down to 9%, and after more than ten minutes of sideways trading, it continues to drop to 14%.

Long Ming sat up on the bed excitedly.

Shen Yiren was already sound asleep, but was woken up by Long Ming, and glared at him resentfully.

"Go to sleep." Long Ming touched Shen Yiren's face.

"It's really annoying." Shen Yiren said, "Are you short selling?"

Long Mingyi said, "A little bit."

Of course, Long Mingyi would not miss this opportunity.

Shen Yiren sat up and asked, "Is this manipulating the stock price?"

"I just bought a factory." Long Mingyi said, "What does the short sale of other funds have to do with me?"

This time, it was the "people" from Mount Qi who made the move.The two funds turned a blind eye to this, and even carried out a partial reduction of their holdings earlier.

In the financial market, there are always some people who eat people without spit out their bones.

Looking at the stock price, Bai Angxi was heartbroken. 5% of the 14 million US dollars, 7 million US dollars disappeared in one morning.

Bai Angxi contacted the investment bank manager when NLB was listed.

"What can I do?"

"Nothing. Gentleman."

"Don't gentleman me!"

Bai Angxi hung up the phone angrily.After calming down, he seemed to understand that the man just now was right.

Right now, what can Bai Angxi do?
Buy support?Good news?They will all put a curse on themselves.Buy now, once the new factory is put into use, it will be an excuse for others to question it.

Hold on!Now as long as Michael prepares the factory, then everything is not a problem.

Bai Angxi can only comfort herself in this way, the short-term loss is for better development in the future.

John got on the plane and was about to fly to Southeast Asia.Michael's parents have built the bridge.This factory is the best foundry in the local area, and its technical reserves are also very good.

Before leaving, he received a call.Michael said to John: "You have to talk. Opportunities don't always come."

"I will," said John, "this time, though I don't like to say it, but I owe it to you."

"Haha." Michael said happily: "I like your 'had to' tone. You owe me, man. So, don't be arrogant in the future."

John hung up the phone.

Ye Zhiqian contacted Mi Ming, and it was two o'clock in the morning in Haishi.

"Brother, there is nothing I can do." Ye Zhiqian said: "This is the world's top foundry. I can't fight against them. They will deliver the goods to me on time."

"Thank you very much." Mi Ming said: "Although I didn't get the best results, it has already forced Bai Angxi to bleed."

"Okay." Ye Zhiqian hung up the phone.

Mi Ming lay back on the bed, and Zhang Yueqian beside him had already woken up.

"Aren't the rest of us a bit behind in the current combat in this dimension?" Zhang Yueqian said full of thoughts.

"It's not just you." Mi Ming said sadly: "I thought the 'battle knife' wielded by the boss was omnipotent, but now it's really not our territory. We can do very little."

Zhang Yueqian sat up and said, "I don't know what we can do."

"I don't know either." Mi Ming said, "We can only wait for Bai Angxi to make a mistake!"

"That's quite difficult." Zhang Yueqian said: "Bai Angxi just needs to keep a good watch."

Mi Ming nodded, he didn't know what to do.

Bai Angxi can have a global layout, set up factories in Southeast Asia, design in North America, and manufacture high-end products in Europe.

As long as Long Ming can't fight globally, he can't chase after Bai Angxi because of where he invests.

Mi Ming couldn't fall asleep.

Long Mingyi couldn't sleep anymore.After a small victory, he had to think about how to achieve a bigger victory.

Bai Angxi's company is healthy, that will be a particularly difficult point to attack.It's just that there are really no loopholes for this group of energetic young people?
After a long flight, John's plane landed.He changed into short sleeves and carried the luggage.He called a car and drove to the factory introduced by Michael.

The coconut trees and scenery along the way did not make John feel better.Especially Michael Lee's condescending attitude.

John is a rigorous man, a man with rules and frameworks.He is a good professional manager.It's just that he doesn't fit in with the guys in the NLB.

Like Michael Lee.

This Michael doesn't seem to be very useful, especially unruly.But he can always find some way to bring the dead back to life.Let John look down on him, but he has to shut up.

John, who was born in a middle-class family and worked hard all the way on his own, and Michael Lee, who was born in the elite class and seemed to have everything going well, had a hard time following the same "rules".

Michael's father is a Chinese, his wife, Michael's mother Rachel is a woman who was born with a golden key.

Having a good mother turned out to be a turning point in Michael's life.

John thought so too.

Because he worked hard for a long time, he saw that Michael, who was less than 30 years old, was on an equal footing with him, and even overwhelmed him.And Michael Lee's life has just begun.

The poor are poorer, the rich are richer (the poor are poorer, the rich are richer)!
Matthew Effect!

John's heart was not balanced.Even though he has been working for a long time and has seen many unimaginable things, he still cannot accept a child dictating in front of him.

However, he must help the company through this difficult time.Because it's his job.

After meeting with the factory, when parting, the factory said: "Say Rachel for me!"

Rachel is Michael's mother's name.

John finds himself living under the influence of the Michaels.

(End of this chapter)

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