Chapter 399

It is against local laws to directly find out the shareholders of WM Company.So Zhang Lu's people took another approach. Since one person is not clean, then she will not be clean in other places.It's just that when you can catch it is not certain.

Some of AD's executives will need the news.Many people hope to get her this overseas position.In addition to power, there are many "unclear" things.

It is very difficult to move Rachel, who is deeply rooted in AD.

The harder things are, the more valuable they are, and the bigger the rewards.

Zhang Lu gave the news to two familiar fund managers.This is a very valuable opportunity. If the important senior management of AD makes a huge mistake, AD's stock price will plummet.

"What is the benefit of offending AD?" one of the managers asked Zhang Lu.

Zhang Lu said calmly, "My friend told me the answer to this question."

Long Mingyi told Zhang Lu that you are not persuading them or begging them, but saving them.You should tell them that once Rachel really has a problem, it is impossible to determine how deep the problem is and how far it involves.Then there will be a "nuclear explosion" centered on AD, and many technology companies will be involved.Now is to give them a chance, who will grab this "nuclear button".

"Determines who pushes the 'button'?" the man asked.

"Determine whether you have time to escape." Zhang Lu smiled, smiling so strangely.

Once someone else finds definitive evidence first, it's hard to guarantee that it won't start.

Zhang Lu said: "After all, Rachel has made many people jealous."

"Yep!" the man relented.He knew what impact all this would have. Whoever decides first will withdraw first. If it is Rachel's enemy, then it may not be the result. They may not care about other things at all.

Inside War Knife Capital.

Mi Ming asked: "I thought we would start a business war and just end up buying and selling."

Long Mingyi said: "We only need to short the US stock futures index when the time is good."

Mi Ming said: "This is also a sum of money."

"Mickey." Long Ming said with a smile: "The essence of a business war is to fight with people. Human nature, people's tendency to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages, and the strength of a group of people are the most powerful weapons."

"Like now?"

"For example now!" Long Mingyi said: "Most people are here, and 'shi' is here. These people will try their best to find the news to confirm. We enjoy the benefits. If not, we have no loss, on the contrary Will know what's in the WM company."

"Super fire reconnaissance."

Long Ming blinked and smiled wickedly.

"They can't say no. Because they have to know what's going to happen, whether the news is true or false, and if it's false, they can feel at ease, and if it's true, they need to run away," Mimin said.

"This is a 'run fast' game." Long Mingyi said: "Not everyone can run. Let them run. We need to keep an eye on the other."

"Bai Angxi?"

"Bai Angxi's money is transferred back and forth, and there must be loopholes." Long Mingyi said: "We are equivalent to returning a big gift to Mo Qi."

"Moqi and the others will know the value of this news." Mi Ming said: "They can save a group of people, and they can also destroy a group of people. Save those who have development potential and make money for Moqi, and destroy those who have the potential to make money for Moqi. nasty people."

Long Mingyi said: "That's their business. I just hope to get them done years ago."

"Did we do anything a year ago?"

"The market has become a bit weaker." Long Mingyi said: "I have a bad feeling. Let's hold positions first, or reduce some positions."

"Is this 'Soros' backache'?" Mimin asked.


"Premonition? Do you believe in premonition?" Mi Ming said in surprise: "Isn't this aspect Taixing's specialty?"

"My premonition is different from hers." Long Mingyi sat down and said: "I have participated in this all the year round, so I have an almost instinctive reaction. It's like a hunter hunting. He can feel some danger. I will not step into the trap of other hunters."

"The super 'bellwether' (leader)." Mi Ming said: "It's time to prepare for the annual meeting again. Is it still the same?"

"You have a family and a business now. Maybe you don't like playing too much." Long Mingyi said: "We can charter a flight to the island. The Zhengda people over there have started to work, and Li Ang's big data is already being prepared. We You can take advantage of the vacation to see the situation. I am going to bring all my family, and you should be ready too."

"This..." Mi Ming said, "Although we have made a lot of money this year, we don't need to spend it like this, do we?"

"There are also the main family members of all the employees." Long Mingyi said: "So many year-end bonuses are thrown away, why not change it to this this time."

"It seems that they are planning to book a hotel." Mi Ming said.

"It's nice to have an island..." Long Mingyi said.

"Your heart is getting bigger and bigger."

"It's always been like this." Long Mingyi said.


John, who loves to work overtime, was invited into a commercial vehicle as soon as he walked out of the company building.

The hook-nosed man opposite John introduced himself briefly. "Thompson. Vice President of AD."

John knew Thompson very well.

This man was John's idol.A rich man who came out of a slum.One started from the bottom and became the vice president of AD of a world-class company all the way.A philanthropist who is dedicated to serving and improving the living environment of the poor.

This person's energy is no less than that of Rachel, who has everything going smoothly and her ancestors have accumulated virtue.

"Are you looking for me, what's the matter?" John felt that Thompson was far away from him, but at this moment he was very close.

"I want to give you a chance to come to my side to help." Thompson said enthusiastically, "There is a very high position in AD."

"what can I do?"

"Tell me..." Thompson said with a smile: "Tell me about Michael Lee and Bai Angxi. I believe some things will be 'interesting'."

At home, Bai Angxi was thinking about his problem.How does he run the company well.

Michael came to Bai Angxi's residence in the middle of the night, and he wanted to see Bai Angxi.

"There are no women here today?" Michael came in and said.

"Just me."

"It seems that you also need to rest." Michael smiled and patted Bai Angxi's shoulder.

"What's the matter?" Bai Angxi said: "It's nothing, I won't come here so late."

"You are a smart guy!" Michael said.

"You don't need to praise it."

Michael said: "The factory that John talked about requires us to invest a lot of money in renovation. The production line will be done by the company we designated."

"Designated? Us?"

"You know."

Bai Angxi understood, and Rachel began to reach out her hand.If you still clicked until the end before, then this time you are going to play for real.

"Also." Michael said: "John's position must be taken by our friends."

"Which friend?" Bai Angxi's expression became a little unhappy.

"A middle-level member of AD." Michael said: "Why do you have this expression? He is also your friend."

"Aha." Bai Angxi was perfunctory.

Bai Angxi kept John because although John was very different from himself, he had a sense of responsibility, and he was a force that could fight against Michael.

Now that John is going to be pulled out, AC and SC are equivalent to Michael's decision, so what else can Bai Angxi rely on.

Inside the business car...

Thompson tells John, "Rachel has a 'good gift' for you. You and Michael are at odds."


"Fire," Thompson said. "That's why I was given a chance."

"No!" John said, "You gave me a chance!"

John knew that this was a good opportunity to leave the 'thief ship'.

The traditional and upright John doesn't like that kind of indulgent people, but Bai Angxi and Michael Lee are both.If it weren't for the salary of this job, John would have left long ago.John had heard for a long time that Michael and the company's female employees would do ridiculous things when they were working overtime.

"I'll tell the whole story," John said.

John can betray them like this, I have to thank Bai Angxi.It was Bai Angxi's swimsuit party that completely lowered John's moral bottom line.

All causes and effects are destined.

(End of this chapter)

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