The Situation of Merchant Killing

Chapter 403 Ready to Fight

Chapter 403 Ready to Fight
Who is Marco?

He was Bai Angxi's best friend when he was young, equivalent to Bai Angxi's elder brother.Ma Ke has been doing business abroad with his father for many years, and he just came back this year.

"The situation abroad is developing too fast. This is because I came back to hide." Long Mingyi said.

When Long Ming thought of Bai Angxi, his heart felt heavy instead.

Bai Angxi is hateful and pitiful.

When the body was brought back, there was only a handful of ashes left.His mother scattered his ashes into the sea, knowing her child loved freedom most.

Last month, Bai Jiyong also passed away.Facing the successive deaths of two relatives, Bai Xueqiang couldn't afford to be ill, and now she barely relies on medicine to maintain her vital signs, which is the most recent thing.

Now the Bai family's family has finally become the head of the house with this woman who can't talk much all her life.

Is this retribution?Or heaven?
A generation of wealthy families has just fallen.

Ma Ke's return is not scary.Because Ma Ke's information shows that he is not a terrible opponent.But why did Wang Canhui care so much about him?

With this question in mind, Long Ming called Wang Canhui to inquire.

"Ma Ke is the person you have to be careful about." Wang Canhui said, "This person is more affectionate. Although Bai Angxi's death was his own fault, and it will not be blamed on you in the end, it does not mean that Ma Ke will not pester you. This person His toughness is high, you will understand when you see it. Moreover, he has a bit of appeal among some children."

"I see." Long Ming smiled and said, "You didn't mention his strength. That means he doesn't have much strength either."

"Hehe." Wang Canhui said: "Talking to you is both easy and scary. You don't have to say it easy, you know it's scary."

"Thank you for your kindness."

After Long Ming hung up the phone, he looked at the market situation, then turned off the computer and left the study.

In the hall, the Shen sisters continued to enjoy the lovely animation.As soon as Long Ming returned to his room, he took a shower.

The newly opened nightclub strictly controls the flow of people.A muscular man with a height of 1.9 meters came to a table.His slightly long hair, fair face, and the famous brand all over his body made him look extravagant, and he immediately attracted a stylishly dressed young lady across from him.

"handsome guy."

"Hello, beauty." The man said, "I never thought I'd run into you as soon as we open."

"Yes. Maybe it's fate."

"Let's have a drink." The man said, "What's your name?"

"Ada," the woman said.

"Mark." The man said, "The Chinese name also 'coincidentally' is Ma Ke."

The corners of Ma Ke's mouth slightly raised, there was a handsome feeling, which made the woman a little drunk.

"You seem to be stronger than wine!" The woman looked at Ma Ke, twirling her fingers around the rim of the cup, her heart beating extremely fast.She's on top.

"My family has stronger wine." Ma Ke said.

"Is this an invitation?"

"This is an opportunity for us to get to know each other better." Ma Ke said, "Actually, I didn't tell the truth."

"Oh?" Ada asked.

"Actually, there is one better one in our family."

"What is it?"

“Chef's breakfast is better.”

"Hehe." Ada smiled coquettishly, "You are an interesting man."

"Whether a man is interesting or not mainly depends on whether he is facing an interesting woman." Ma Ke's words are always on point, and his eyes are a kind of melancholy blur.

"Wow." Ada turned her head immediately, "You made my heart beat so fast."

"That means, your heart is telling you something..." Ma Ke said, "You should accept this man's invitation."

"Why?" Ada asked with blurred eyes.

"Because of your heart." Ma Ke pointed to Ada's heart and said, "It also wants to taste how delicious tomorrow's breakfast is."

Ada smiles, red lips and bright eye shadow add charm.

Ma Ke stretched out his hand, his hand was slender and soft, very beautiful.

Ada also stretched out her hand naturally, and placed it on Ma Ke's palm.

Only two half-drunk glasses of wine left on the counter...

Waking up in the morning, Ada came to the dining table after washing.Ma Ke had already washed up early and was sitting at the dining table waiting for her to have breakfast together.

Ada said, "I hope you're not lying."

"I think tomorrow, you will still want to eat." Ma Ke said.

"Delicious!" Ada tasted it, and it was really good. "After breakfast, I'm leaving first."

"Usually no one is willing to leave." Ma Ke said, "This makes me doubt my charm, and whether it's time to change to a chef."

"No." Ada said with a smile, "I have business to do. I have to go to work. I will contact you later. You have my phone number."

Although it is not the day when all the staff go to work, there are already people busy in Zhan Dao Capital.

The notice is that everyone will go to work on the 23rd, but some people can no longer hold back their thirst for serious work.

Like Chan.

He wished he could live here.When he came in the morning, he brought a bunch of things in big and small bags, only toothbrush and toothpaste were missing.

"I miss this place so much." After Qi Xin came here, he touched the table and said, "In a few months, some employees may have a second child."

"I thought you were already taking care of the child at home." Qian En said, "Wang Lei hasn't moved yet?"

"We're not married!"

Qi Xin saw that Qian En took out another pillow from his bag as if by magic.

"Pillow?" Qi Xin was about to go crazy, "Do you want to live here?"

"I've found that I'm more productive when I'm leaning on a pillow. It's my lucky pillow," Chain says.

"Let's analyze it." Qi Xin said: "I think when leaning on it, it's because the nerves are oppressed. As a result, the virus can't go from the two highways of the nerves to the head. This is because the smart IQ has occupied the high ground again... ..."

A pillow flew over and was lightly caught by Qi Xin.

Qian En said: "Are you going to 'sell the car'? Shall I give you two steps?"

"I think it's better to sell stretchers. Your problem can't be solved by a wheelchair." Qi Xin threw the pillow to Qian En.

A figure of a lady in a suit came between the two, and she handed the two documents to Qian En and Qi Xin respectively.

This woman is Ada.

"Han Huan." Qi Xin asked, "What information?"

Ada's Chinese name is Han Huan.She is a new recruit of Zhan Dao Capital and has just started working here.

Han Huan said: "The boss asked me to give it to you. I haven't read the details yet. He said it was very important."

Qian En and Qi Xin stopped fighting, and when they heard that it was Long Mingyi who told them to read, they sat back to their seats and began to study seriously.

Long Mingyi's strategy during this period is still based on prudence, the domestic market is gradually stabilizing, and the foreign market has become somewhat unstable.The disease in foreign countries has become serious.

International oil prices and airline stock prices fell particularly severely. Long Mingyi gained a lot by shorting these two items in advance.

Mi Ming came to Long Mingyi's office and knocked on the door and said, "A few colleagues communicated with me just now, and some funds have been liquidated."

"The impact this time is huge." Long Ming turned around and said, "The impact may exceed the subprime mortgage crisis."

"It seems that our chance to make money has come!" Mi Ming said.

"Don't be too aggressive." Long Mingyi said: "The market will fluctuate greatly. We must focus on the domestic rebound and the downward trend abroad."

Long Ming looked at a group of suffocated "beasts" outside and said: "Opportunities always favor those who are prepared! If you are all prepared, then be the one who is most prepared!"

"You are a philosopher!"

"I am a 'hunter'." Long Mingyi said: "Let everyone be fully prepared, our swords are about to start fighting."

(End of this chapter)

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