Chapter 408 Whispering
"Financial Compass" is a talk show where three people sit together. It is a self-made program of the video portal issue has a fixed topic, and invites investors, executives, makers and senior media people to communicate around the theme.

The host is a suave guy.He usually hosts the show "Slow Talk", which is often mixed with wit and humor.On weekdays, he feels that his ability to grasp the rhythm is particularly good.

It's just that today, his pressure is extremely high.Rhythm is not on this side either.

As soon as Fu Jinhui opened his mouth, it was a detonating opening. He said that oil has played a role in the history of nearly 100 years, and it is still an indispensable and important resource.This is also the reason why there are wars between many countries.It also counts the measures taken by various countries during the economic depression, especially during the Great Depression of country M.

"M country's highways and railways are so developed, perhaps it should be thankful for the economic depression."

"Hahaha..." The online "cloud viewers" laughed.

Fu Jinhui said with a smile: "The other thing is the importance of oil. This is why the rise and fall of oil affects investors so much. The price of oil will affect the stock indexes of various countries, and even affect the US dollar."

After Fu Jinhui finished speaking, it was Long Mingyi's turn.

Long Ming thanked the program team, and then expressed his opinion: "Most of what Mr. Fu said is correct."

After Long Ming's attitude, the host and Fu Jinhui didn't turn around.

"Don't be surprised, oil is indeed very important. It is very important at this stage. He is right, and oil has a major impact on the world." Long Mingyi said: "But that can only represent the past. Have you noticed? Mr. Fu said Everything is in the past. How about the depression in the past? We used to rely on oil. Since oil cannot be replaced, why should we develop natural gas, shale gas, and why are we looking for new energy sources?"

"That's because of the environment!" Fu Jinhui said.

"Yes." Long Mingyi said: "He himself talked about the disadvantages. Besides the environment, what else? There is another major issue, which is the reserves. Oil and coal, according to the mainstream organic origin (oil is produced by living things) It is non-renewable. Shouldn’t oil become more and more expensive? In fact, it is not. Oil prices are still fluctuating. Once new energy replaces oil, the past production methods will change. What we said’ The 'car' is going to become a 'tram'. Those who use the tram now please raise your hand."

One-fifth of the [-] audience members on the big screen raised their hands.

"With the development of charging stations and battery technology, cars will really become trams in the future." Long Mingyi said: "Also, the infrastructure construction Mr. Fu talked about. I have already said that there is indeed some excess capacity. "

"Give me an example!" Long Ming glanced at the audience on the screen, then set his eyes on Fu Jinhui. "My hometown is a small city in the north. The high-speed rail ticket to the provincial capital Yancheng is 76 yuan, and the high-speed bus ride is 49 yuan. It takes 10 minutes by high-speed rail and two and a half hours by car. Which one do you choose? And the amazing thing is, Yancheng, the provincial capital The city’s high-speed rail station and the bus station are only a kilometer away.”

The host finally interrupted, "Then let's look at the raised hands of the audience on the big screen. According to the statistics of the staff, it seems that most of them choose the high-speed rail."

"27 yuan, buy you nearly two hours, is it worth it?" Long Mingyi said, "It's obvious."

A viewer asked via video link: "But what about those who lack money and time and have to drive?"

"Thank you for your question." The host asked Long Mingyi, "What do you think?"

"For those who are short of money and have time, there are still two green trains passing by. Three hours, 27 yuan for a hard seat." Long Mingyi said: "As for those who need to drive, there are already expressways."

"Thank you." The audience nodded.

Long Mingyi said: "Actually, I am not opposed to infrastructure construction! There are still some backward areas in our country that lack investment in infrastructure. We should target these areas, have goals, and plan to increase. Let these people get out of the mountains and out of the mountains .But investing in new infrastructure is more effective.”

The host took over the words and said: "In the past, apart from infrastructure, we also had real estate. Now, do you think real estate will rise?"

Long Mingyi said: "The first-tier cities may still rise a little bit. How much space do you say, in my opinion, it may not be very big."

"I don't agree." Fu Jinhui said: "In my observation, real estate will be reshuffled. Some small companies will be eliminated, and some 'leaders' will continue to make money. Everyone, pay attention to a phenomenon. Real estate is no longer just relying on Acquisition of land, construction, and sale of residences is a complex. Many real estate projects have supporting follow-up. Residences are in it, and a business district is forming around it. A community of four buildings, surrounded by various types of clothing, food, housing and transportation Some houses are old and demolished; some families have a second child; some people's living conditions have improved. These people may change houses. Improved housing and rigid demand will become the two major pillars supporting the real estate industry in the future The main force."

The host smiled and said, "It's true that the public is justified by the public, and the mother-in-law is reasonable. Then Mr. Long, do you agree with Mr. Fu's two support points?"

"He definitely agrees." Fu Jinhui rushed to say, "The real estate under Mr. Long's name must be several hundred million."

"Wow..." There was a shout from the field.

Long Ming nodded, "What Boss Fu said is true. It's true, almost all of them were bought three years ago. These houses, after a while, are not bad. Except for one storefront I bought for my lover in the past three years, Didn't buy any real estate. Has Mr. Fu sold it in the last three years?"

"I..." Fu Jinhui was at a loss for words for a moment.He has not bought a house in the past three years.

"It seems that you missed the opportunity to make money in your mind." Long Ming said with a smile: "Before letting others sell it next time, buy some yourself."

"I know." Fu Jinhui said: "Mr. Long said that because of his layout, big data and high technology. This is his position and cannot be shaken."

"Oh." The boos of the audience came through the microphone.This was not Chong Long Mingyi, but Chong Fu Jin Hui.

Fu Jinhui already belonged to uncovering other people's investment strategies.Distorting the content of what Long Mingyi said, it shows that Long Mingyi is talking about new infrastructure in order to promote the investment he has already laid out.

"Thank you for recommending me." Long Mingyi said, "So I am a person who looks the same."

"Wow..." The audience on the screen applauded, and the applause came out.

Fu Jinhui didn't like it, so he pointed to Long Mingyi and said, "Don't be fooled by him..."

The host hurriedly said, "Boss Fu didn't mean that."

This is already a personal attack.Fu Jinhui had already lost his grace.

"Is this called cheating?" Long Mingyi said, "I have invested in these types of stocks, but I don't recommend stocks. Could it be that you haven't invested in the fields you are optimistic about?"

Fu Jinhui kind of dug a hole for himself.What should he say now?
"Of course I put money into it. We have it in our program."

Long Ming imitated Fu Jinhui's appearance, pointed at Fu Jinhui and said, "Then don't be fooled by him."

"Hahaha..." The audience also laughed when they heard it.

Long Ming stood up and said: "Everyone, all the outlets are at the forefront of technology and on the wheel of historical progress. Look at the world's famous companies for more than 200 years, Coke, Coca-Cola, Petroleum, Rockefeller, Steel, Carney Base, automobiles, Ford, computers and mobile phones, a hundred flowers are blooming. You find that the leading companies of each era are related to the technology of this era. The current BAT is related to the era and technology. We must look forward to Looking at it from a distance. Each era has its own economic driving force. In the past, oil, real estate, and infrastructure, so this time, it will be new infrastructure.”


For the first time, "Financial Compass" did not use a host to end the show.

(End of this chapter)

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