Chapter 419

Fu Jinhui has many infrastructure investment projects.His strategy is a fairly conservative one.Although it's not worthless as Long Mingyi said, it doesn't make much money either.

Zero is back with some news.He came to Long Mingyi's home study to report the situation.

Ling said to Long Mingyi: "Fu Jinhui invested in these infrastructure projects for two reasons according to the investigation, one is stable, and the other is that no one is available."

"No one available?"

"The importance of Li Fei." Ling said: "Without Li Fei, Kaixin would not have much ability to engage in high-tech investment. The rest of them are some of the original people. What these people are best at is now These. That is a mature model, you only need to change the numbers and change the label.”

"Kaixin is indeed not 'new'. He is sorry for the name." Long Mingyi said: "I don't think it's funny anymore."

Ling said: "The situation of the two real estates is basically clear."

"As expected?"

"It's a bit more complicated." Ling said, "The real estate in the new district is indeed short of funds. After the construction started last year, several suppliers have not yet settled the payment. They have not paid the money after the Chinese New Year. Many workers have been owed three months The salary should be paid in advance by the foreman. The people who developed the real estate in Baixing said that they would pay it after the next year, and they have been waiting until now. The workers can’t come back because of the epidemic, and it’s hard to get it now, so we can only wait for the start of work. The people around said that last year In August and September, the construction site was in a semi-suspended state. Many people suspected that the construction of this building did not continue because the new district did not have such a strong new attraction.”

"What about Linhai?"

"The construction over there is fast. Many of them are sold off-plan. Now it is during the shutdown period, and it seems to be preparing to resume work."

"The off-plan house is sold? Doesn't that prove that there is no shortage of money?" Long Mingyi was thoughtful.

Ling said: "It's actually not like this. Sufficient money may be an illusion. Some real estate consultants seem to describe it as an aunt handing out flyers at the door. They said that a group of people came and bought a lot of real estate. I think There must be exaggeration in their words, but they are conservative at about 5.00%."

"Real estate speculators?" Long Mingyi asked: "Is there still such a team staring at this real estate in Linhai?"

Ling said: "The accents of those people, according to their description, are very similar to the accent of Baixing's headquarters."

Long Mingyi said: "It's the people from Baixing who hype their own market!"

Ling said: "Common moves. This time it's just a detour."

Long Mingyi said: "The transaction of real money will indeed be more decent. Did they use the money from the real estate in the new district?"

"It's hard to be sure." Ling replied: "It's hard to find out. But one thing is certain, the price of this real estate in Linhai is now higher than before."

Some tricks are still commonly used and often new.

Long Ming asked, "What about Baixing's capital chain?"

"He is a non-listed company." Ling said: "It is a bit difficult. It is certain that the capital chain is tight, but to what extent, it is hard to say."

Long Mingyi said: "His financing is quite difficult. The bank doesn't seem to give him a particularly large loan."

Ling said: "This is because Baixing's real estate projects in other places seem to have defaulted on loans."

Long Ming walked a few steps together, thought for a while and said, "What guarantee did Fu Jinhui give Baixing? It will allow Baixing to receive financing from several companies and individuals."

Ling said: "The income of the two funds is given priority to these companies and individuals. Kaixin is the last beneficiary. Baixing has given a lot of income to the real estate. If the income is not reached, Baixing will pay Insufficient funds."

"In addition to this, there should be more. Why is the asset management company the top priority of the two real estate?"

"I've checked this asset management company." Ling said, "here is the information. This dead rich man is inextricably linked to Baixing."

Long Mingyi took a brief look at the introduction, and said with a sneer, "This Kaixin is really a financial innovation."

This asset management company is nominally the top priority, but is actually the "leader" who guides other companies and individuals to invest.Because it provides about a quarter of the funding for each project.If there is Kaixin's capital backing up, there will be risks in the project, but the whole process is controllable.

"The priority is for outsiders to see." Long Mingyi said: "Guarantee the robustness of this trust."

Zero nodded without speaking.

"Who is operating the asset management company?" Long Ming looked at the person in charge of the company and asked, "Is it called Ma Dongming?"

"Yes." Ling said, "Ma Dongming is from Haishi. This person is quite interesting. He doesn't drink, doesn't smoke, and doesn't approach women."

"His name is Ma Dongming?" Long Ming thought for a moment and said, "Does it have anything to do with Ma Donghuan?"

Zero said: "This needs to be checked."

"Then go and check." Long Mingyi said: "Check it out."

In Long Mingyi's mind, he began to prepare a plan to wipe out everything.

As long as there is something tricky between the two real estates, it will be particularly easy to handle.There must be something wrong with the real estate in that new district.At that time, just ask those fund investors to talk to Kaixin and Baixing.

Long Mingyi said: "The three important points are the relationship between Ma Dongming and Ma Donghuan, the relationship between this asset management company and Baixing, and the two real estates, especially the one in the new district."

"I'll go check it out."

After Ling left, Long Mingyi looked for news about the asset management company that Ma Dongming was looking for.There was no useful news on the Internet. Three minutes later, Long Mingyi found a problem in a message.In the news five years ago, Ma Dongming was interviewed at a trade fair, and he expressed his confidence in international trade.Explain that Ma Dongming used to be the head of a trading company.If this Ma Dongming is really Ma Dongming of the asset management company, this matter is really deep.

"The trading company jumped to the asset management company?" Long Mingyi said: "This cross-bank operation is not small."

Long Mingyi called Zhang Yueqian again: "Xiao Qianqian, I have to trouble you."

"I haven't stopped for a minute or a second. I am still busy." Zhang Yueqian said, "It doesn't matter if you are pregnant, Brother Long."

"I think you should know whether Ma Donghuan and Ma Dongming are brothers, right?"

"Ma Donghuan does have a brother named Ma Dongming." Zhang Yueqian said: "Almost everyone who is in business or trade knows the Ma brothers. For a while, they could come in with any kind of goods. But then it didn't work. Ma Donghuan took The business has gone to Europe, mainly for foreign trade. Ma Dongming seems to have changed careers."

"Maybe he's engaged in asset management." Long Mingyi said, "Are the two of them separated?"

"I don't know about this." Zhang Yueqian said: "So I'm not familiar with their family. The one who is familiar with their family seems to be Bai Jiyong, but now he's dead. And..."

"Where's Wang Canhui?"

Zhang Deyi answered the phone and said, "Mingyi, I'm Zhang Deyi."

"Uncle Zhang."

In private, Long Mingyi and Mi Ming are like brothers.Zhang Deyi is an elder, so it's normal to call him uncle.

"Do you know anyone who is familiar with the Ma brothers? For example, Wang Canhui."

"I don't know. Wang Canhui looked down on the two brothers," Zhang Deyi said: "Ten years earlier, Wang Canhui scolded them. He said that they were not upright."

"Okay, then I'll ask someone else."

After the call was over, Long Mingyi felt that this matter was much more interesting.

(End of this chapter)

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