The Situation of Merchant Killing

Chapter 427 Psychological Dilemma

Chapter 427 Psychological Dilemma
The money Yang Jiang Company lost went into Ma Ke's "pocket", and Ma Ke was quite proud of it.

The batch of parts that Yang Jiang took over was originally intended to be used in the latest design of bearings.Now Ma Ke needs to find a manufacturer to make it again.

Several Haishi companies that were interested in it all said they would not do it and withdrew.

There was no need for them to offend Jiang Shengguang and the others for a small bill.

Ma Ke naturally knew what was going on, he sneered, thinking that Long Mingyi was nothing more than that.This proves that Long Mingyi has no good way to deal with himself, so he has to use force to suppress others.

Now that there is so much information on the Internet, is there no place to produce it outside Haishi?

The company with production capacity is there, and Ma Ke sent someone he trusted to contact.

Mi Ming came to Long Mingyi's office and said, "Ma Ke's people have set off."

"Let him look for it." Long Mingyi said, "What about your 'coincidence' with him?"

"It's already 'meeted'. I'm sure other people around Ma Ke must have seen it."

When Ma Ke's right-hand man was about to drive out, he met Mi Ming by chance, and the two chatted for a while.

A person who has been in business all year round must be more talkative, and Mi Ming's ability to fool around is unmatched by anyone.The two chatted as if they had met each other lately, and they might buy three cigarettes and stick them in the soil at any time to prepare to be sworn brothers.

Since someone around him saw it, Ma Ke naturally received the news.Long Mingyi wanted Ma Ke to see it.

Ma Ke had a helpless expression, and still felt that Long Mingyi's level was limited, "I will be fooled by such a divorce? It's too childish. Long Mingyi, it's just too ordinary."

It's just that when another person stepped forward, Ma Ke panicked a little.

Because another person from the company here, when Ma Ke was not sure whether this person witnessed it with his own eyes, said with certainty that "seeing" Mi Ming was just asking for directions, and the two of them just chatted for a while. It won't matter.

One person talks about the hot chat, and the other person only talks about one or two sentences.

Two answers from two people, it's like wearing two watches on one hand!Ma Ke didn't know "which watch" had the correct "time".

Why did the later person, who had no stake in him, defend his assistant so much?

This suspicion began to take root in Ma Ke's heart!

Before Ma Ke could figure it out, at this moment, the factory that originally planned to let his assistant go to contact him took the initiative to come to Ma Ke to ask about these parts and see if the two parties could cooperate.

Ma Ke was not sure again.He has to choose carefully.

The seeds of doubt are beginning to germinate!
He wanted to seek justice for Bai Angxi.

He firmly remembered that Bai Angxi almost fell to the factory. The strong stimulus of "processing factory" kept churning in Ma Ke's mind.

Ma Ke, who was swaying left and right, fell into a blind spot of thinking.Confined his thinking in the trap of whether this factory is Long Mingyi, and whether he wants to do business with this factory.

At this time, another factory that had been interested came to the door.He was so enthusiastic that he was even willing to give up some of the profits.

Ma Ke didn't dare to move a step now.Which is true?Which is fake?Has Long Mingyi already opened a trap, and is so impatiently waiting for himself to slip in?
Amateurs should not challenge others' ability to eat.

Ma Ke may be able to formulate a more insidious plan for attacking the mind.Xie Jiahan will formulate a chain plan to wrap Ma Ke in a ball of "cotton".

Long Mingyi's family prepared sumptuous meals to celebrate Xie Jiahan's achievements.

Long Mingyi's family, Mi Ming and his wife, Xu Chen and Xie Jiahan gathered around the table to eat hot pot.

"It's really wonderful." Mi Ming raised his glass and said, "It's easy to imagine that Ma Ke should be hitting the wall at home now. Or tearing up paper."

"What's the reason?" Zhang Yueqian asked, "Is it just because Ma Ke keeps doubting the situation?"

"Almost." Xie Jiahan said: "When a person is in crisis, the more rational a person is, the easier it is to protect himself by closing himself off when facing opportunities. Because he thinks he is 'sensible'. He needs Go and see if there is really any problem, whether you can analyze the problem in a rational way, solve the problem, and choose the correct answer. In fact, this is just the inertia of thinking in the past. Everything has inertia. Ma Ke just I believe that rational analysis can lead him out of the predicament. Whether he can analyze it is not certain."

Long Youfeng clapped his little hands, "That's right."

Long Ming asked, "Do you have any experience?"

"Yes." Long Youfeng said: "A few days ago, I played a 2K basketball match with Yan Xingxian online. At the last moment, I was going to end the match. I kept thinking about tactics in my mind, and finally chose Kobe's fadeaway jumper."

"What's the matter?"

Long Youfeng blinked, "But actually, this is the first choice in my mind. It is also the choice I have won against Yan Xing. I have ruled out all the high-position pick-and-rolls."

Xie Jiahan said: "You are really great parents. The child's spirituality is great and he has not been suppressed. He understands the inertia of thinking."

Xu Chen said: "When a person encounters danger, the most instinctive thing is to use the move he is best at. Ma Ke thinks that he is good at thinking and psychological analysis, so he is guessing whether it is a move designed by us."

Xie Jiahan said: "It's like an infinite loop. Let's say guessing. For example, Xu Chen played 'cloth' last time, and I played 'stone'. Suppose Xu Chen guesses that I will change this time, and I will play 'cloth' and 'rock'. 'Scissors', then Xu Chen should play 'Scissors' and won't lose. If I guess Xu Chen will think so, I will play 'Rock'. And if Xu Chen thinks that I will think so, then she will play 'Cloth' 'Won the stone, if I ever think again..."

Shen Yiren supported his head and said, "I'm already dizzy."

Xie Jiahan smiled, very successful.

As soon as Long Ming understood, "This is Ma Ke's current situation. He used his mind to guess and fell into a cycle. And in the cycle Jia Han mentioned, he must know what level of intelligence the opponent can reach before he can make a move. And Ma Ke can't accurately estimate our intelligence."

Xie Jiahan said: "A rational person will eventually choose to stand still or stop playing this game. Because he is afraid that he will not be able to control the situation. Because if the result goes wrong or not as he expected, it will prove that he is irrational. That is fatal. .It will make him doubt his past, become more and more suspicious, and eventually break down."

Mi Ming said: "And his time will be almost consumed. After all, this batch of products is to be delivered."

Shen Yiren touched Long Youfeng's shoulder and said: "And in the end, when you are in a hurry, it is a time to attack."

Xie Jiahan took a sip of his drink and said, "I hate using psychological knowledge to deal with others, but to deal with Ma Ke, I feel like doing justice for the heavens."

"Respect 'On behalf of the sky'." As soon as Long Ming raised his cup, everyone also raised their cups.

Ma Donghuan asked Ma Ke how far things had progressed.

Ma Ke could only say that he was still looking.

"When are you going to find out?" Ma Donghuan said, "Someone filed a complaint against me. Said you were a victim?"

"No." Ma Ke denied, "It's the manager of that small company who used his wife to set me up."

"Nothing is the best." Ma Donghuan said: "Hurry up about the spare parts. Don't get entangled with Long Mingyi anymore."

"I didn't get entangled with Long Mingyi."

"Then why don't the factories in Haishi stop doing business?" Ma Donghuan scolded seriously: "Don't think that I don't know anything abroad. You can't control Bai Angxi's affairs. Look at the current state of the Bai family? No Obedient, I will call you back."

"Got it." Ma Ke said reluctantly.

"Son." Ma Donghuan said: "Survival is the first priority. The world is difficult this year, so don't make enemies anymore."

If Ma Ke values ​​love and righteousness,

Ma Donghuan will not pay the price for Bai Angxi who has nothing to do with him.

(End of this chapter)

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