The Situation of Merchant Killing

Chapter 435 Vision Pattern

Chapter 435 Vision Pattern
Xu Chen came to the ring bridge alone with his bag in hand.She put one hand on the railing and looked at the various buildings opposite.The cold wind blows Xu Chen's long hair, which has a kind of fairy air.

Her face showed sorrow and anger, and she was deeply disappointed in Long Mingyi in her heart.

"You're walking really fast." Mi Ming came to Xu Chen's side.

"Really?" Xu Chen said, "Are you sure it's not because you're too fat to walk?"

"Don't be so vicious." Mi Ming said, "Obviously I lost a lot of weight."

"Why are you chasing after me?" Xu Chen smiled: "I won't have any accidents."

"The boss is very concerned about you."

"All he cares about is money."

Mi Ming smiled and said, "How did this dialogue become like you look like a resentful woman, complaining about a man who hasn't returned home all year round?"

"Mi Ming!" Xu Chen clenched his fists.

"Actually, I understand that you are angry. I agree emotionally." Mi Ming said, "But objectively, it doesn't make sense."

"You are speaking for Long Mingyi. 'Commander of the Imperial Guard'."

Mi Ming shook his head, "You only understand half of Long Mingyi."

"Half?" Xu Chen sneered, "Is there anyone else who knows him better than me?"

Mi Ming asked: "If it were you, would you give up this opportunity?"

"Yes." Xu Chen said, "Even if someone else did it, I can live with my conscience if I don't."

Mi Ming smiled, laughing at Xu Chen innocently.

"What are you laughing at?"

Mi Ming said, "You're not neutral enough!"

"Not neutral enough?"

Mi Ming said, "Do you think they won't be poorer if they don't burst the bubble?"

"I still will." Xu Chen said: "But at least, I didn't make them poorer because of me."

Mi Ming said: "Xu Chen, you are like on the African grassland, you saw a lioness hunting a zebra, and then you artificially saved the horse."

"A bit like."

Mi Ming continued: "The zebra ran for its life, and the lion was starving. Behind the lion, there are a group of cubs who need to be fed, just like our 'waiting for food' investors."

Xu Chen said, "But what I'm protecting is a group of 'zebras'."

Mi Ming straightened his mask and said, "Then let me ask you a question. Is the world survival of the fittest?"

"Yes." Xu Chen couldn't refute, she admitted that the world has this law.

"If, I mean if..." Mi Ming said: "This country's economic development is correct, then there will be no such opportunities. This means that there must be some deviations in its development that will have such opportunities. Deviations It’s not something we can control.”


"A single zebra on the grassland is a super obvious target. Lions, hyenas, hyenas, and even hunters." Mi Ming said: "Its fate is doomed."

Xu Chen said: "We can choose to stay out of it."

"Can it?" Mi Ming said, "We can't miss the opportunity. Especially when there is a big loss on the small town bond."

Xu Chen thought for a while and understood what Mi Ming meant: "An old and weak lion will be chased away."

"Animals are more direct than us humans. They express their meaning very clearly." Miming said: "You know. 'To be or not to be, that is the question.'"

Xu Chen said helplessly: "War Saber can admit defeat, and the myth may be terminated for a while, but it will continue."

"If you follow your logic, it will be very troublesome." Mi Ming said: "According to you, those employees in Baishan are not pitiful? What about the residents of the town who have not obtained a license?"

"Nonsense!" Xu Chen said, "The people over there may not be able to eat."

Mimin said: "If you look at the world as a whole and the global economy as a whole, you will find that this small country is like a tumor, but if you don't deal with it, it will become a drag at any time. It's like the 'European bond crisis. ’ Same. Started with just one country and had a big impact! So why not fix it?”

Seeing that Xu Chen was a little shaken, Mi Ming said: "The world is a whole, and any part may affect the whole. Will this 'zebra' that escaped by chance lead the lions chasing him and discover more? What about 'Zebra'?"

Mi Ming patted Xu Chen on the shoulder and said, "A lot of times, we don't have the structure of the boss. We don't have the thinking ability like him. What we think is right may not be right."

Xu Chen asked: "Does it have to be like this?"

"If it can't be broken, it can't be built." Mi Ming said.

Zhan Dao Capital, in Xie Jiahan's office, there is only the sound of the clock ticking.

Xie Jiahan pondered for a while and asked Long Mingyi: "I have indeed been shocked psychologically. 'If you can't break it, you can't stand it'."

Long Mingyi said: "The market is like this. It will naturally select and adjust resource allocation through survival of the fittest. If Darwin is right, then who should weep for those species that will become extinct in billions of years?"

"Today, I learned a lesson." Xie Jiahan said, "You will affect my values."

Long Ming smiled.

Xie Jiahan said: "But I think you are right. We set the target small, and many people will be affected there. But if compared with the world, it is not that big. The structure, I think it depends on the structure."

Long Mingyi said: "It's like to an ant, if an apple is rotten, it will feel distressed to death."

Xie Jianhua gently rubbed his forehead, "But I don't think Xu Chen is such a small person."

"You know, women's mood swings come from several periods. Dating period, marriage period, pregnancy period, teaching children homework period and menopause."

Xie Jiahan frowned, "Isn't that almost throughout? You are going too far."

Long Ming smiled wickedly, "Xu Chen has returned to the first stage." He got up and left Xie Jiahan's office.

At the ring bridge, Xu Chen became much calmer.The phone rang, and she took it out of her bag to take a look and threw it back into the bag.

"Why are you so nervous?" Mi Ming asked.

"Very annoying." Xu Chen smiled wryly. "I'm fine. I'll stand here for a while and go back."

"Okay." Mi Ming left.

Seeing that Mi Ming had left, Xu Chen took out his phone and replied to the message.

"Don't be too tired. Sleep more when you have time." Xu Chen sent a voice.

The other side replied: "I am the only one in the nanny's car." The voice belonged to Han Yiyang.

"I'm still busy."

"Then you should sleep more." Han Yiyang said softly.

"How about I give you half a day off?" The voice behind him was Long Mingyi's.

"Why are you sneaking around?" Xu Chen gave Long Ming a dissatisfied look.

Long Mingyi said: "I know you have something on your mind, but it's not just for this matter. When you make major choices in life, you seem to get angry at me. It's like when you took the college entrance examination last time."

At that time, Xu Chen's parents chose to divorce. The first thing she did was to get angry at Long Mingyi, and then cried for a long time in Long Mingyi's arms.

"Don't speak out." Xu Chen warned.

"I didn't dare go back to class that afternoon." Long Mingyi said, "You smell all over me. Do you have to use such a special body wash? How can I explain the same smell when I go back? Do you say we take a bath together?"

"Long Mingyi, can you not be angry with me?"

Long Mingyi said: "We have always loved and killed each other like this."

"It seems to be." Xu Chen smiled: "If they were husband and wife, they probably broke up long ago. So 'friends are more determined than lovers'."

"Hehe." Long Ming said with a smile: "So besides this matter, what else is there this time?"

"Can I not tell?"


"you really……"

Long Mingyi said, "I support you."

Xu Chen said: "In the eyes of others, I can be a foreign aunt. Moreover, we are very close just by chatting..."

Long Ming smiled and said, "What's the problem? Mi Ming said, what is love? Pursue it? Touched? Elegant?" Long Ming shook his head.

"what is that?"

"Attract each other." Long Mingyi said: "Don't get it wrong. Attracting each other is the first step in love. You need to consult this love expert."

"I'll be there."

Long Ming touched Xu Chen's shoulder on the first floor, which was a shoulder hook between friends.

"Let's go, 'Scabbard'." Long Mingyi said.

"A good name! Something fancy."

Long Mingyi thought thoughtfully, "Gem scabbard! Hetian jade scabbard."

Xu Chen looked hopeless.

(End of this chapter)

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