The Situation of Merchant Killing

Chapter 448 Vulnerability

Chapter 448 Vulnerability
Chi Jinlei hid, and no one could find him.Many things are procrastinating like this.Those seeking compensation had to file a lawsuit in court collectively.

This was what Long Mingyi didn't want to see.

After a lawsuit, confrontation in court, and sentencing, how long will it take for so many lawsuits to be tried one by one?Especially now that no one can be found.

As time passed, both Fu Jinhui and Ma Dongming were probably out of danger.And the impact of this incident on Baixing will gradually decrease.Now Baixing is on the side of the owners, and it has also proved that it is the party that suffers losses.In particular, Baixing's public relations team has done a good job, hiring professional lawyers to provide legal assistance to these owners free of charge.

The image of Baixing gradually turned positive.

This was also what Long Mingyi didn't want to see.

Long Ming told Ling that he must find Chi Jinlei as soon as possible.He can't go far now, and he can't leave the country.

Zero finally found Chi Jinlei.

He hid in an unnamed house of his own.This house should be the property that Chi Jinlei's mother secretly hid for her son.

Zero has been staring at Chi Jinlei's secretary, who occasionally buys a large bag of food and enters a community.Zero is staring at this neighborhood.One day Chi Jinlei couldn't stay any longer, he walked out from the gate of the community and went to the supermarket to buy something to drink.

Zero took a disposable phone in the car to call the police and told the police the location of Chi Jinlei.

Chi Jinlei was caught.He was terrified, and he had nothing to resist in front of the evidence, so he confessed everything.His money in the asset management company may have to be compensated.

During this time, Ma Dongming had already prepared the money.Although Chi Jinlei's matter hurt him, it didn't hurt his bones.If Ma Dongming could withstand the blow, then the loss would not be passed on to Fu Jinhui, or the impact would be very small.

Zhan Dao Capital, a small meeting room.

Long Mingyi said helplessly: "The transmission is slow. Chi Jinlei bought them time."

"This thing he did is really more hateful than other things." Mi Ming said, "I don't know where Ma Dongming's expansion funds came from. Fortunately, Baixing is still facing difficulties."

Long Mingyi said: "At this time, anyone who can take money to help him tide over difficulties must either charge high interest, or be a real good friend."

A pen was spinning rapidly between Xu Chen's fingers, and she said, "I haven't figured it out why I entrusted my family's assets to Ma Dongming."

Long Mingyi supported the table and said, "I've been investigating this matter. Why did a trader suddenly become an asset manager and invest in it? In fact, six projects are real estate projects..."

Long Ming opened his mouth and blinked. "Intelligent network! Why is there such a company in eight projects?"

Xu Chen also suddenly realized, "We used to always focus on the connection between Ma Dongming and Fu Jinhui, but if we take a closer look, this intelligent network is actually very abrupt among these projects."

"Yes." Mi Ming said: "The one on Chengziwang is reasonable, maybe someone is looking for him. The one on Smartnet really has no contact with anyone."

Long Mingyi said with certainty: "Then we must have missed some relationship."

Mi Ming nodded and went out. Three minutes later, he came in with the information of Smart Network Company.

"Do you still need to find someone else?" Mi Ming asked: "The three of us can handle it?"

"No need, to save our brains from degenerating." Long Mingyi said: "Let them see our invincibility."

The equity penetration diagrams of many software can be created very quickly.Who is covered by the intelligent network and who is involved can be found out very quickly.But this company is very clean.Except for Ma Dongming's side, the four shareholders have nothing suspicious at all, not even one of them has broken promises, and the three natural persons don't have any other companies.

"It's too clean!" Mi Ming said, "It's almost like a few student start-up companies."

"Everything is always reversed." Long Mingyi said, "If it's too clean, it might not be clean."

Xu Chen said, "Is it possible that there is a 'shell company' that has everything?"

Left hand to right hand, right hand back.Turned around and did nothing.On inspection it was found that the company was operating.

Mi Ming shook his head, "Then what is the significance of this company? Paying taxes? Are they so generous?"

"Of course not." Xu Chen said: "I looked carefully, and there must be some reason for this company. The evidence we have so far shows that the seven projects that Ma Dongming's asset management company participated in all had reasons, or they were related to Baixing. related, or related to Fu Jinhui."

Long Ming smiled, "Check it out. Who else gave Ma Dongming the funds."

The next day, Long Ming found all the information he needed.

In the office, Long Mingyi was talking to Han Huan.Mi Ming came in and took a look at Long Ming with the documents.

Long Ming nodded and said, "Say it straight. Han Huan is trustworthy."

Mi Ming introduced: "These three shareholders have no problems at all, they are all normal natural persons, and they all participate in the company's operations."

"No contact with Ma Dongming?"

"At present, there is no connection. It seems that there is no connection with Fu Jinhui and Baixing. The background of these three people is too innocent."

"Maybe our thinking is wrong." Long Mingyi pondered for a while and said, "This company didn't invest in this company because of its relationship with Ma Dongming, but because of Ma Dongming's investment."

Mi Ming was a little dizzy. "Tongue twister?"

"See if this company has anything to do with" Long Mingyi said, "Maybe his business has nothing to do with now, but let's see if these people have anything to do with"

"I'll do it right away." Mi Ming turned around and hurried to work.

Long Mingyi handed the information to Hungry Han Huan, and then asked: "Look, let's retrieve the information in my mind."

Han Huan took it over to look at it, and then went back to his desk to recall carefully.

Suddenly, she opened her eyes, ran to Long Mingyi's office and said, "The boss's thoughts just reminded me. This man named Mao Dongda is connected to Chengziwang."

"Are you sure?" Long Mingyi said, "Can Mi Ming not find this news?"

"It may be missed at any time." Han Huan said: "Maybe what you find is only the information of the past five to ten years."

Long Ming pushed open the door and called, "Mi Ming, come back."

Mi Ming walked back quickly and asked, "What's the matter, boss?"

"Han Huan said that this Mao Dongda has connections with Chengziwang."

Mi Ming looked at Han Huan inquiringly, "Is there a connection?"

Han Huan nodded, "The name is not very common, so I have an impression."

Mi Ming said: "There is no Chengziwang content on his resume."

Han Huan said confidently: "That's right. Mao Dongda should have worked in Back then, was very popular. I watched videos and movies on In 09, It was acquired by Xixi Cinema, and Xixi Cinema was acquired by the next year, and it should be at that time that Mao Dongda left. Therefore, he has no experience in”

Long Mingyi said: "Check it out carefully. Find out why?"

After Han Huan went out, Long Ming touched Mi Ming's shoulder on the first floor.

"I have a loophole." Mi Ming was a little downcast.

"It's normal to have loopholes." Long Mingyi said, "Don't be nervous. I have made many more mistakes than you. Just fix them."

"Yeah." Mi Ming nodded in agreement. "This Han Huan is like a robot. Terminator?"

"carry on."

Long Mingyi's eyes turned from Mi Ming's back to Han Huan's.He thought about it.

(End of this chapter)

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