The Situation of Merchant Killing

Chapter 453 Good Point of View

Chapter 453 Good Point of View
Early the next morning, Long Mingyi decided to come to Zhan Dao Capital's restaurant for breakfast, hoping to hear what everyone was talking about.

When Long Ming was sitting at the table, everyone looked at him, but they didn't dare to sit down.No one thought of the point of view that met Long Mingyi's needs.

A natural barrier appeared around Long Mingyi.

"Why are you so nervous?" Long Mingyi said, "If you don't have it, then you don't. I won't treat you for breakfast."

Han Huan sat opposite Long Mingyi with milk in his left hand and an egg in his right.

"They didn't have a good idea, so they sat far away from me." Long Mingyi asked, "Do you have a good idea?"

"If you have any good ideas, I dare to sit here." Han Huan peeled off the egg skin and said, "Anything?"

"remarkably brave."

"It's because I have a bottom line in my heart." Han Huan said, "Because I happen to have a point of view."

Long Ming nodded, "Come to my office after eating."

Han Huan smiled and looked at everyone over there.These people all bowed their heads.

"Finish." Han Huan ate the egg in one gulp.

"Mutant? One egg at a time?" Long Ming saw his unique skills, "What kind of supernatural power do you have? Your mouth is so small, how did it become so big all of a sudden?"

"I am afraid of touching the lipstick, so I specially practiced the skills." Han Huan said: "This can save a lot of lipstick money."

"Talent." Long Ming sighed in admiration.

Long Ming called Mi Ming and Xu Chen to the office together, and the three of them were waiting to hear Han Huan's good point.

Long Mingyi said: "It can be said."

"Policy stimulus." Han Huan said.She called up a document from her mobile phone and handed it to Long Mingyi.

Han Huan said: "The world will be under the double stimulus of economic policy and monetary policy. Many countries will have special bonds and special monetary policies to deal with the crisis, and future funds will enter the financial market."

Xu Chen asked, "Why not other markets?"

Han Huan said: "Real estate regulation is difficult to do. The stimulus money will find a suitable outlet. I believe that the world will do strong stimulus. my country will also. There will be policy support. Bonds will be issued, etc. Let money flow into the market and stimulate the economy. In the general trend of the stock market, although there may be some fluctuations in the middle, it is a high probability event that it continues to rise. This view is very suitable for you.”

Long Ming smiled and said, "I even suspect that you peeked at the email I sent to them."

Han Huan froze for a moment.

Mi Ming said: "This is what the boss wants to say."

Xu Chen smiled and said, "Is this 'if any similarities are purely coincidental'?"

Han Huan said with some frustration: "It took me a day to figure out what the boss meant, and combined with the current situation, I came up with it."

"You still have this credit." Long Mingyi said: "Actually, I have been thinking about it for a day." Long Mingyi returned the phone to Han Huan and said: "Continue to improve this point of view, there must be data support, there must be Precedent supports it. Make it happen.”

Han Huan nodded, "I will handle this well."

Holding the phone, Han Huan nodded to Mi Ming and Xu Chen and went out.

Xu Chen said: "She is really capable."

Mi Ming asked Long Mingyi: "Will you abandon me as a 'good wife'?"

"You are the one beside me with strong martial arts skills and great resourcefulness..." Long Ming said with a smile: "The great eunuch."

Mi Ming pretended to faint.

"Both of you are indispensable." Long Mingyi said: "Talents must be retained. You and her have a different division of labor."

Long Ming looked at Han Huan's direction and said, "Besides, I'm worried that I won't be able to keep her."

Han Huan typed the information quickly in front of the computer. Her brain is like a server, and she can make this point well by citing classics.

After get off work, Han Huan still didn't leave.Long Mingyi didn't leave either.

Xu Chen passed by Long Mingyi's office and asked, "Working overtime?"

"Enrich yourself." Long Mingyi said, "My hardworking employees haven't left yet." Long Mingyi glanced at Han Huan's direction.

"She really has your perseverance." Xu Chen said, "You are really the same kind."

"Yes." Long Ming nodded.

Xu Chen said: "Today your wife has hired a female technician, let's try the technique."

"Opened? I don't even know."

"Not yet." Xu Chen said: "You have to try it out before deciding whether to hire or not. Let's go first."

An hour later, Han Huan packed up his things and left the office, and Long Ming also left after sorting out the materials.He drove home, ready to take a good rest.

Yu Wei "worked overtime" again today.

Shen Yiren invited Yu Yanyan to enjoy the massage technique together.

"You don't seem very happy?" Shen Yiren asked in the car.

"It's okay." Yu Yanyan said: "In the past few days since I came back, Yu Wei has either worked overtime or has something to do."

Shen Yiren smiled, "Do you feel left out? This is what men do when they are busy."

"But Yu Wei, I'm a bit too busy." Yu Yanyan said: "I saw that his mobile phone has a password, and it seems that there is a woman who keeps contacting him."

Shen Yiren knew that there was a woman surrounding Yu Wei.It's just that when my sister-in-law said it, it was like provoking the feelings of my uncle's family.

"Actually, you should care more about Yu Wei." Shen Yiren said, "After all, you have time now."

"Yes. It turns out that he still takes care of me when I'm busy. Now it's my turn to take care of him more."

At Tan Xueling's home, Yu Wei came out of the room wearing wine-red pajamas.The light was not turned on in the living room, and Tan Xueling was also sitting there in wine-red pajamas, shaking a red wine glass with her left hand.The pajamas for two people are couple models.Tan Xueling bought it new.

For a few days, Yu Wei already had pajamas at Tan Xueling's place.

Tan Xueling handed Yu Wei a glass of wine, "Which case are you busy with 'overtime' today?"

"A case of an affair." Yu Wei took the wine and took a big sip.

"What's the result?" Tan Xueling asked, "Are they separated or not?"

"What do you want?" Yu Wei said, "I never thought about divorce."

Tan Xueling frowned, "Yu Wei. You can't 'possess' me while loving your wife, can you?"

Tan Xueling looked incomprehensible. "Could I be your gentle supply station? I just ran away after refueling? You lost your composure once, and you couldn't control it twice. But now you are walking around my house in pajamas. Should I say, 'Thank you for your visit'?"

Yu Wei put down his glass and said, "I love Yanyan very much."

"I thought you were a good person?" Tan Xueling said: "It can be seen that 'the world is as black as a crow'. While enjoying my enthusiasm, I also need a confidant at home. This is very greedy."

Yu Wei has love for Yu Yanyan, but it is really a lot of pulling and pulling, which gradually reduces the love a lot.

Yu Yanyan has love for Wei, but she can't express it, and she has a little temper in many things.Especially Yu Yanyan's family, although they stopped looking for Yu Wei when they were very busy, they never stopped when they were busy.Show this one the law, and answer that one's questions.Fewer people borrowed money from him, and more people followed suit.There are a lot of people in the family. Although the wedding cannot be held during this period, the money must be paid first.

It's different in Tan Xueling.Tan Xueling "worships" Yu Wei, takes care of Yu Wei, and makes Yu Wei love to listen to her words.Yu Wei became more and more addicted to Tan Xueling's gentle package.

Like those of high rank, these men can see through Tan Xueling's disguise at a glance.

But Yu Wei can't.

He is only 25 years old.His life experience is too little.

He likes to be here with Tan Xueling, comforting the "delicate and pitiful" Tan Xueling.A "victim" Tan Xueling.

Yu Wei likes Tan Xueling's enthusiasm and gentleness.

He fell into this illusion disguised by Tan Xueling, unable to extricate himself.

(End of this chapter)

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