The Situation of Merchant Killing

Chapter 459 Crisis and Opportunity

Chapter 459 Crisis and Opportunity

"Too big to fail", everyone here understands this meaning.When you are strong enough, even if something goes wrong, you must be saved first.

You are a node of many links and an important piece of dominoes.If you don't fall behind, you won't fall.

"How to do it?" The person who provoked just now continued to ask.

"Currently," Long Mingyi said, "it is unrealistic to rapidly expand business capacity and all assets in the short term. Then what is needed is to expand your influence. When you are inextricably linked with more people, you will The safer."

The heroic woman nodded, "I like this point of view. We really shouldn't be too pessimistic. Crisis and turning point go hand in hand."

Long Ming already had supporters from the beginning.

Long Mingyi said: "Everyone, everyone should know that in the current situation, all countries must 'open the gates'. Economic vitality requires the inflow of money to stimulate. Just like a waterwheel, water drives the wheels to turn, so the links are interlocking. Only then will the mechanism be turned. After the money flows out, which 'waterwheel' will it flow to? Or which 'tributary', that is what we need to pay attention to."

Everyone was waiting for Long Mingyi's high-spirited speech.

As soon as Long Ming judged through his eyes, he already knew that apart from this woman, two other people had fallen for him.

"Real estate?" Long Ming shook his head, "Regulations are there. It might be okay to seek anti-inflation. Industry? There will be a part. New infrastructure, this is a hot spot. I also said it earlier. But the most likely inflow It is the stock market and the bond market. In addition to the fierce competition in the industry itself, the situation of domestic trade and foreign trade is there, and the economic demand is there. The stock market and bond market may be able to accommodate these inflows of funds, and the realization is quite flexible. In this financial market In fact, funds are equivalent to being able to enter and exit freely. This is a liquid asset. Moreover, in these two markets, a reasonable investment portfolio is to diversify risks. There is only one 'point' that you can deploy, but in the financial market it is a 'point' Face'. Under such circumstances this year, many people will choose hedging tools. They will outline a relatively risk-taking portfolio."

"It turned out to be an advertisement for myself." The provocative man smiled and said, "This advertisement is not very good."

"Really?" Long Mingyi shook his head and said, "I didn't mention a word about Zhan Dao. I just gave you a suggestion. All of you should know friends in the financial circle. You can choose any friends you trust."

"What if I lose?"

Long Mingyi asked in surprise: "This question is really amazing."

After the provocative man asked, he wanted to slap himself twice.

This question is simply demeaning.

As an entrepreneur, your ability to control risks and your awareness of risks are at such a low level, but what happened?

First ask what to do if you lose money, it is not the same as ordinary people.Is what you talked about just now sitting at this table still tenable?
Long Mingyi's "make up knife" began.

"Everyone here is a sensible person." Long Mingyi said: "This is just a suggestion. Everyone will have their own judgment. When the crisis comes, we have to shoulder the responsibilities of large companies and industry giants. Of course , we have to survive first. Quantitative easing and increased liquidity in various countries are inevitable. No matter how accurate it is, it will actually produce "a little" inflation. The money in hand will be equivalent to depreciation. Everyone understands this truth. So how to ensure that everyone Everyone has their own choice."

Everyone nodded, "What Long Mingyi said is not unreasonable." The first person to speak affirmed Long Mingyi's point of view.

"Someone said just now that crises accompany each other. I support this point of view. Everyone is not the first in the industry. In fact, everyone thinks carefully, is this an opportunity for us to shorten the gap with the industry's first? Is this our continued Opportunities to increase our own leading capital? Is this an opportunity for us to start approaching the center of the world stage? I think this is an opportunity, an opportunity for us to truly become stronger. It depends on who can firmly grasp it."

Long Ming opened his arms and said firmly: "We should embrace this opportunity, instead of hiding in tree holes or nests and shivering like other weak guys. Are we afraid of the storm outside until we starve to death? Like the king of the forest, he has already started looking for food in the ice and snow? We giants should start to act, while those weak ones are still waiting for the winter to pass. And we have already begun to prepare for the sunrise.”

The meeting is over……

A full moon came out of the dark clouds, emitting light.The moonlight sprinkled in the small river, and the stars were dotted.The moonlight also shone on the stone bridge.The small bridge under the moon and the scenery in the south of the Yangtze River seem to be in a painting.

Long Mingyi and Shen Yiren stood on the bridge arm in arm.

Shen Yiren smiled and said: "It can be seen that you are very satisfied today. Do you want to say something?"

"The moon is really round tonight." Long Mingyi said with emotion.

"Annoying." Shen Yiren said with a smile: "You seem to be the only one with a family."

"I told them that you are my secretary. I took the secretary with me, and we lived in the same room grandly."

"Why?" Shen Yiren asked in confusion: "Isn't this just looking for trouble for yourself? Are you afraid of causing trouble?"

Long Ming smiled and said, "In this way they will think that I am very rich."

"Annoying." Shen Yiren gave Long Ming a blank look.This was obviously Long Mingyi's joke, and he praised Shen Yiren's beauty in disguise.

On the other side of the bridge, the heroic woman from the meeting just now came over.

"Boss Long."

"Boss Lin." Long Ming smiled and said, "Haven't you rested yet?"

This woman's name is Lin Lin, and she is the chairman of a famous home appliance brand in China.She is the famous Iron Lady with a full personality.She admired what Long Mingyi said at the meeting just now.

"After the meeting, I felt a lot of emotion. I couldn't sleep." Lin Lin looked up at the moon and said, "The moon scene is good today, come out and have a look."

Long Ming smiled and said, "It seems that in addition to the common viewpoint, there is also a common aesthetic."

"President Long's point of view is a courageous point of view. I really appreciate this kind of tolerance. You see opportunities in times of crisis, and see dangers in times of madness. It's not unreasonable for you to be so successful in this business."

"Boss Lin is over the top." Long Mingyi said: "Boss Lin's demeanor is undeniable to a woman. I admire it very much."

Lin Lin said: "Actually, I looked down on those few people who called for difficulties just now. In the business competition, everyone has their own talents and skills. If you are difficult, he is also difficult. Why are you crying so much?"

"Me too." Long Mingyi said: "Many people see danger, but powerful people see opportunities."

"In two days, I want to visit Zhan Dao Capital in person. We will have an in-depth discussion then."

"When the time comes, welcome in the lane."

Long Mingyi did not expect Lin Lin to be so straightforward and forthright.At the meeting just now, there were a few tempted people, and they would decide whether to contact Long Mingyi's Sword Capital after careful examination.

"Don't bother President Long and Mrs. Long." Lin Lin shook hands with Long Mingyi and Shen Yiren, then walked past them to the other side.

Shen Yiren said in a low voice: "I really wanted to say something just now, pure man."

"Indeed, she is a character." Long Mingyi looked at Lin Lin's back in admiration.

(End of this chapter)

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