Chapter 46 Incentives

Zhan Dao Capital, the day of "hunting" has begun again.

One of their corporate cultures is: don't rest on the laurels, and don't shrink back in order to keep the existing achievements.Do what is rewarding, even if you make some mistakes.

Long Mingyi encouraged them to make some risks and mistakes they had to take in order to advance and gain, but they must not make low-level mistakes.

"Boss." Mi Ming knocked on the door and came in, "This is the case of Zhang Deyi you asked me to find."

"Okay." Long Mingyi said: "If we don't do anything, Bailao won't move either."

"You want to do it first?"

"I don't like Zhang Deyi anyway." Long Mingyi said, "And it's also for Xinxin. Bai Angxi is not bad."

"When I mention her, I feel sad." Mi Ming cried, "My favorite. But she is with that little idiot from the Bai family."

Long Mingyi said badly: "The most suitable one for you is Zhang Yueqian. An open marriage, and neither of you will dislike each other."

"Maybe I should give it a try." Mi Ming said, "Maybe the two of us are a match made in heaven."

"Get out." Long Mingyi said: "But I hope that one day, you will have a lover and get married."

"Thank you."

Mi Ming bowed and left.

Mi Ming went out and Xu Chen walked in, "I have a question for you."

"what's up?"

"Do women look better in long, slim skirts, or in miniskirts?" Xu Chen asked Long Mingyi without hesitation.

"It's a good thing you didn't ask Mi Ming." Long Ming thought for a while, "Which occasion are you looking at? We just met or are we ready to get together?"

"I want to go back to my house! My beautiful debut. What are you thinking?" Xu Chen hit Long Mingyi's brains. "I have to take back that house of Liu Feng. There is still 80 yuan in that house that has not been returned to me."

"It's been eight years, and there's still 80 that haven't been returned to you?" Long Ming was taken aback for a moment, "You really are the 'cutest' ex-wife."

"The size of the house was not big when we bought it, so we regarded it as an investment." Xu Chen said, "Repay me one hundred thousand a year."

"Let's go on leave. Take back everything you own." Long Mingyi said, "My plane is waiting for dispatch at any time."

"Thanks, bye."

"Like the moon." Long Ming greeted the secretary, "Call Li Si here."

Xuan Siyue went out, and after a while Li Si came in and asked, "Mr. Long."

"Analyze this company." Long Mingyi said, "Take a good look."

"Mr. Long, are you in a hurry? Mr. Qi also has an online retail store..."

Long Ming looked at Li Si, frowned, and said nothing.

"I'll go right away." Li Si knew that he had said something wrong again, so he hurriedly took the materials and prepared to return to his post.After walking a few steps, he turned around and took out a piece of paper from his pocket, with a lot of words printed on it. "It's 'aftertaste.'"

"Ah?" Long Ming laughed angrily as soon as he took it over. "You are the only one in the company. Thank you for your loyalty. Go get busy."

Long Ming took a look at the entire "Feelings After Eating", and it was written very rigorously.All the food that was handed out was tasted.Steamed stuffed buns, dumplings, quick-frozen surimi food, and even a comparison with other brands of taste, as well as quoted data, this is an analysis.

"Like the moon." Long Mingyi called out, "Come in."

"President Long." Xuan Siyue asked, "What's the matter?"

"Send Li Si's 'feeling after eating' to everyone's emails. Let them take a good look at what it's like to do things seriously."

Long Mingyi gave the A4 paper to Xuan Siyue.He walked out of the office and came to Li Si.

"Mr. Long." Li Si stood up as soon as Long Ming walked over, his body trembling a little.

"Very good." Long Ming nodded to Li Si frequently.

Long Ming clapped his hands. "Everyone. Li Si handed me a copy of 'Food Feedback'. The only one in Zhan Dao Capital. It is very well written! It will appear in each of your mailboxes. Go and see how to analyze it. Don't worry about it. Eat anything for nothing! Our opportunity may be event-driven! It may be in your next meal; in the window you pass by; in the gift you give to your boyfriend and girlfriend. Don’t just think about pleasure, Tap into all your senses to find our opportunity."

Long Mingyi returned to the office.The people outside looked at each other and curled their lips.

Li Si felt that he was the one who had offended everyone.

"Hey, don't be nervous." Qi Xin sat next to Li Si in a swivel chair, "People here won't exclude you because of this."

"I think I'm done." Li Si said dejectedly, "It's like a small report in the class."

"Stupid boy." Lei Xiong said: "We are like this. A group of beasts, but there will be times when they doze off, and when necessary, they need to be refreshed passively. The 'breeder' just whipped us, but that's all. That's all."

"Our corporate culture is that the strong is king, and there is love." Qian En said: "Don't get angry, it's a good thing that Brother Long likes you. You should be fierce."

"By the way, Mr. Qi." Li Si said, "Mr. Long gave me a task..."

"Are you a fool? Brother Long's affairs are always the highest priority." Qi Xin died of worry, pointing to himself, "He is your boss, my boss."

Li Si nodded.

"Also, no matter what is entrusted to you, don't tell anyone." Qi Xin instructed again.

Li Si hurriedly covered his own information and observed everyone from left to right.

"Stupid boy." Qi Xin, Qian En and Lei Xiong were killed by lightning, and the three broke up.

Xu Chen came to Long Mingyi's office and said, "Is the scene a little too much?"

"These guys are like lions taking a nap after a big win. They need to be poured some cold water."

Long Mingyi's method does not apply everywhere, it must be based on the unique authority of the leader, and he has the ability that everyone must obey.

"I'll deal with the house the day after tomorrow." Xu Chen said, "Do you need me to bring anything?"

"It's nothing. Do you need someone to help you?" Long Mingyi asked: "After all, you have already said that it is a 'single cell', which makes no sense."

"Would Xinxin want to play? Find a woman to be my companion."

"Then what you bring is a burden."

"I like difficult things."

"You can call her, but she is in love, and I'm afraid you will be stimulated."

Xu Chen nodded, turned around and left without saying anything.

"Boss." Mi Ming came in and said, "The new star technology company we want to invest in doesn't need us anymore."

"What do you mean?" Long Mingyi asked, "What do you mean we don't need us?"

"Someone invested in them." Mi Ming said: "They have funds. And it is said that the conditions are better than ours."

"Do you know who it is?"

"I don't know." Mi Ming said, "I'll have someone check it out and call me back."

The panoramic image production software developed by Xinxing Technology is very good. In the future, it can be used in virtual reality technologies such as online house viewing, online shopping, and online travel.

Mi Ming took out his phone and looked at the message and smiled, "Ha, boss, who can you think of."

"Zhou Jinkun?"


"Finally counterattacked us." Long Ming nodded, "Alright, we are looking for other projects."

"The Nova project is gone?" Mi Ming asked strangely.

"Technology is changing every day, and the market is full of opportunities." Long Ming smiled, "Don't take it too seriously."

(End of this chapter)

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