The Situation of Merchant Killing

Chapter 500 No one's youth is perfect

Chapter 500 No one's youth is perfect
Next to the shrimp shop, Long Mingyi and Xu Chen laughed when they talked about this past.At that time, Long Mingyi was extremely embarrassed.

Shen Yiren, who ate a big melon, asked: "At that time, how did you escape? You didn't even tell me about this."

Long Mingyi said: "It was Xu Chen, the silly girl in front of me, who saved me."

20 years ago...

Long Mingyi was taken to the Liangpi shop.Yang Jiang was not humble at all as a guest.He pointed and said, "Five people, one serving of Liangpi, one serving of Roujiamo."

The female classmate next to her reminded Yang Jiang, "Where's the food?"

"Don't go too far." Yang Jiang said, "Pork-wrapped pork, fish-flavored shredded pork, braised prawns in oil. One bottle of soda per person. Master Long treats you, right?"

When Long Ming saw the menu, his heart bleeds.Because the last one-on-five fight had a great impact, although the school didn't investigate Long Mingyi deeply, if Long Mingyi fought again, he would be expelled.

He could only endure.

When the food was served, the four of them, Yang Jiang and the others were toasting to each other, and the meal was full of laughter.

Long Mingyi tightly clenched his fist, unable to speak a word.To prevent him from running away.Yang Jiang and the others blocked Long Mingyi at the table and prevented him from coming out.

Including that girl, who ate so much that her mouth was dripping with oil.

When paying the bill, Long Ming thought about running out while they were not paying attention, but was held down tightly by two people.

Yang Jiang said in a "squeaky voice": "Young Master Long, thank you. Sayo Nala (bye)."

The boss and the waiter looked at Long Mingyi, afraid that he would run away.

Long Ming thought wholeheartedly, if it doesn't work, he should call his mother.Nothing more than a meal, or two hits.He picked up the phone and called home, but the tone kept busy, but Long Mei didn't answer.

At that time, the family had a landline, but Yu Hai had a mobile phone.At that time, Long Mei was cooking, the range hood was booming, and the phone could not be heard at all.

As soon as Long Ming returned to his seat, he ate two mouthfuls of food and could only wait for a while before calling again.

At this moment, two old one-hundred-yuan bills were suddenly thrown on the table.

Xu Chen sat on the other side, panting heavily.

"You, where did you get the money?" Long Mingyi asked Xu Chen, "Did you steal money from the family?"

"Am I the same as you? Still stealing? Do I still need to steal?" Xu Chen said, "The money in my piggy bank."

"What kind of family do you have?" Long Mingyi asked, "There are hundreds of dollars in the piggy bank?"

Xu Chen glared at him.

After class, Xu Chen guessed that Long Mingyi couldn't get away.She ran home and shredded the piggy bank at home.Xu Chen's New Year's money is in the hands of her parents, and she only has the savings in the piggy bank.

Inside the broken piggy bank were five and ten dollar bills and a large number of coins.She counted, 230 six.

"Almost." Xu Chen said, "Long Mingyi. If Yang Jiang orders shark's fin, you will be lucky."

In fact, it is impossible for the Liangpi shop to have shark fins.

Xu Chen dug out a plastic bag from home and put the coins in it.Check the time, the bank is closed.I can't take this bag of money.Xu Chen took the bag of coins and went to the supermarket downstairs to exchange the whole money.

Long Mingyi said: "I borrowed this money, and I will repay you ten times and a hundred times in the future." In a good mood, he ate the leftovers.

"Gulu..." Xu Chen's stomach growled.After running this lap, Xu Chen hasn't eaten yet.

Xu Chen ordered another bowl of rice and a set of cutlery, and she didn't care about her image, so she just picked up the leftovers and fooled the meal.

I am full, and the time for self-study last night is over.

In class, the seats occupied by Long Mingyi and Xu Chen were particularly conspicuous.

It was Li Jia and Sun Tao who were having a quarrel that time, they sat on each side, and Long Mingyi and Xu Chen had to sit next to each other at the same table.Since Long Mingyi and Xu Chen were not there, there was a large space there.

The first class of evening self-study is the Chinese teacher's class. She looked at the two empty seats in the middle and said nothing.It is inconvenient for the teacher to define it like this and let the students guess randomly.

Xu Chen's grades are in the top five in his grade. Although he doesn't go to intensive classes, he must be a seedling of Beihua.If there are any bad rumors about this, and Xu Chen's personality is a bit different, if he really loses his temper, it will delay the child.Isn't it affecting people's life?

Yang Jiang started to say weird things, "Yeah. This is the study committee member taking the lead in skipping class. Do we have to learn this too?"

"Shut up." The Chinese teacher asked: "Have you recited yet? Come to Yang Jiang, "Preface to the Pavilion of King Teng."

"Ah." Yang Jiang stood up happily, "Wow! Bad luck, fate..."

"From head to back."


At that time, the teaching conditions were average, and not every classroom had air conditioning.

In summer, the doors of the classrooms are left open to form a convective wind with the windows to keep everyone cool.At this time, there was a sound of footsteps in the corridor.

As soon as Long Ming ran to the door, he couldn't stop. He slid out half a meter and pawed at the door of the classroom before barely stopping.

Xu Chen, who was running behind him, couldn't stop the car, so he bumped into Long Mingyi's arms.Long Ming hurriedly put his arms around her before standing still.It was the appearance of Long Ming with his arms around Xu Chen.

"Coax..." The whole class roared with laughter.

Yang Jiang who was standing was even more proud. "Yeah. Doesn't this mean that you don't carry people? All, all hugged."

The Chinese teacher was so angry that his face was red and his neck was thick, and there was smoke coming out of his seven orifices.It's just that after all, an old teacher with more than 20 years of teaching experience also likes these two children.She tried to hold back her anger.

"What are you doing?" The teacher couldn't bear it anymore, "Why are you two late?"

Long Mingyi and Xu Chen answered together, but the answers were completely different.

Long Mingyi said, "I sprained my ankle."

Xu Chen said, "It's late for dinner."

"You two... can you two let go first?" The Chinese teacher was so angry that he took the book and smashed the multimedia teaching table twice.

Only then did Xu Chen come to his senses, and hurriedly pulled himself out of Long Ming's arms.

"Coax..." The whole class laughed again.

Yang Jiang gloated even more. "Hahaha, the two of them are worse than me. Wait to call the parents. Oh..."

The Chinese teacher tapped the blackboard. "Quiet." Then she asked Xu Chen, "Recite the Preface to the Pavilion of Prince Teng."

Xu Chen finished his clothes and began to recite, "The old county of Yuzhang, the new mansion of Hongdu. The stars are divided into Yizhen, and the ground is connected to Henglu..."

"Go back. Let the get out of class teacher find you after class. Long Mingyi, you memorize."

After being reminded by the people next to him, Long Mingyi also memorized it verbatim.

The Chinese teacher said in surprise: "Okay. You can go back too. Let's talk after class."

When Xu Chen returned to his seat, he pushed Li Jia beside him inside.Li Jia knew that it was inconvenient for Xu Chen and Long Ming to sit together, so they moved inside.

As soon as Long Ming returned to his seat, Sun Tao also hurried inside.He asked in a low voice: "Brother, it's ok. In that class, you played two games of chess with 'Duke Zhou', did you remember it?"

"I read it twice after class." Long Mingyi said, "Also, didn't Xu Chen memorize it just now?"

"What the hell..." Sun Tao said, "You laughed at my IQ, didn't you?"

The Chinese teacher shouted: "Sun Tao, what are you talking about? Get up and recite."

"No, no."

"Stand at the back." The Chinese teacher called again, "Li Jia."

"Me, I don't..."

"Same." The Chinese teacher said, "Your class is really the worst class I have ever taught."

After class, Xu Chen and Long Mingyi were called away by the head teacher.

Li Jia and Sun Tao talked to each other behind.

"I blame you!" Li Jia muttered.

"Why blame me?" Sun Tao objected.

"Just complain, just complain!"

"Isn't that unreasonable?"

"It's unreasonable."

Fighting and fighting, the two reconciled.

"Don't do this next time." Sun Tao said.

"En." Li Jia behaved much better.

Xu Chen told the teacher the actual situation.The teacher punished Yang Jiang and the others to run laps on the playground.

"Yang Jiang!" The head teacher was a man, and he yelled, "Don't give me your social things. This is a school! Let me tell you, let me know that you do this again, and I will have a good relationship with your parents Talk about it. Give the meal money to others, do you hear me!"

"Understood." Yang Jiang didn't dare to "stab".

Long Mingyi and Xu Chen relaxed when they returned to their seats, and they clapped hands in celebration.Then it was found that their things had been moved to both sides of the seat again.

"what happened?"

Li Jia and Sun Tao said with a smile: "The beauty is the same as before, and the sound of the waves is still the same."

Xu Chen said: "You two have such little Chinese skills, let you use it?"

Long Mingyi said: "No, we are the ones who fulfilled you, right?"

Sun Tao said: "After class, each person has a bottle of soda."

Xu Chen stared at Sun Tao and Li Jia fiercely and said, "I want two bottles."

"Okay. There are two packs of spicy crab (crispy noodles)."

just now……

Long Mingyi and Xu Chen smiled like children.

Shen Yiren had a half-smile, "The days of youth are good."

Xu Chen smiled and said, "I smell vinegar, it's very sour. Did you add too much vinegar to the shrimp paste?"

After joking, Xu Chen put his arms around Shen Yiren's shoulders and said, "I'm an 'angry person', and I'm angry."

"Don't be mad at me." Shen Yiren said.

Xu Chen said: "Long Mingyi and I, the two of us, our relationship in this life has become detached from many things. I can't explain it."

Long Ming said with a smile: "So I hug you two, they are completely different. One is my lover, and the other is my family."

Xu Chen smiled mischievously: "You have been married for so many years, are you married? It turns out that I am the one you love the most."

Long Ming was so angry that his seven orifices were full of smoke like the Chinese teacher back then. "You are a relative, and Yiren is a lover."

"Haha." Xu Chen said, "This is called adjusting your life."

Shen Yiren countered, "I think it's the reason why Yiyang left. You are a bit too leisurely. You need to fill your life."

"Going to visit the class tomorrow." Xu Chen said, "Long Mingyi, I'm asking for leave!"

"Are you so casual about asking for leave?" Long Ming asked.

Xu Chen completely pretended to be deaf, and drove home on his own...

Youth has many imperfections.

Sun Tao and Li Jia back then were not together after all and became enemies.

Long Mingyi and Xu Chen were not together either, and became relatives.

It is a kind of relative who will live and die together and will never leave.

(End of this chapter)

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