The Situation of Merchant Killing

Chapter 504 Mysterious Letter

Chapter 504 Mysterious Letter
After several days of delay, Shen Yixin finally mustered up the courage to go to the bank.

Under the guidance of the staff, Shen Yixin was not happy at all after receiving the money Bai Angxi left her.

If it was the original, with so much money, she would buy her favorite things in a chic and unrestrained manner, and go on a trip.Just like a train, "shopping to eat", "shopping to eat", "shopping to eat"...

Along with the money, there was another letter left for Shen Yixin.

Shen Yixin took the letter back to her sister and opened it.Shen Yixin didn't have the strength to face the letter alone, so she came here and asked her sister to support her.

The content of the letter is very simple, it is Bai Angxi's confession of his past:
Xinxin, I'm sorry!I remember this day, and I also remember the scene at that time.It's just that I broke my oath.

I can't keep that promise.

I remember when I was a child, I said that I wanted to find a beloved girl.

It's a pity that what people think in their hearts can't be successful.

How can this person be ruthless without vegetation?I am very happy when I am with you.

It's a pity that in reality, everyone's choice can't follow the heart so much.

This is actually what my grandfather taught me.

I wish you happiness and health, and meet your lover in the future.

I bless you, we can be friends without holding hands.

"Should this be written before he died?" Shen Yixin asked.

"Otherwise?" Shen Yiren asked: "Back to life? Or in a dream?"

"Yes." Shen Yixin said, "How can such a thing happen?"

Long Ming came back humming.He listened to a method recommended by Xie Jiahan to adjust his mood.On the way home, singing or humming a cheerful song will make people feel happy physically and mentally.

"Why are you so sad?" Long Ming asked the Shen sisters.

Shen Yiren said: "Aside from the money, Bai Angxi also left a letter for Xinxin. He said that he regretted it."

Long Ming asked Shen Yixin, "Xinxin, can you show me this letter?"

"Yes." Shen Yixin gave the letter to Long Mingyi.

Long Ming looked at the letter and felt that there was nothing in it.But he was wrong when he thought about it.

Why did Bai Angxi go out of her way to express her remorse with a letter like this on a meaningful day?

Bai Angxi is not a person who is not straightforward.If he hadn't died, he wouldn't have sent such an email to Xinxin.Then why would he transfer money on this day and then tell his regret?

Didn't he send an email to Xinxin before he died?Did he expect that he would die?Or is it expected today, need to say so?say what?
Long Ming couldn't understand why Bai Angxi acted so abnormally.

When resting at night, Long Ming lay on the sofa in the master bedroom with a solemn expression.

Shen Yiren came out of the bathroom in her pajamas, and asked while wiping her hair, "What's wrong?"

"It's a bit abnormal." Long Ming jumped up from the sofa, went upstairs, and knocked on Shen Yixin's door.

"Are you asleep? Xinxin."

"No, brother-in-law." Shen Yixin said.

"Can you show me that letter again?" Long Ming pushed open the door and walked in.

"Yes." Shen Yixin gave the letter beside his pillow to Long Mingyi.

"I might need to take it away and study it." Long Mingyi said, "Lend it to me for a day."

"Yes." Shen Yixin said, "Actually... I..." She looked at the letter with mixed feelings.

"There are many things that must be experienced in life. If you can't let go, it doesn't mean that you can't let go of him, but that you can't let go of those years and memories."

"I will adjust my status well."

Long Ming took the letter back to the master bedroom and read it over and over again.

Shen Yiren asked: "There is no Morse code, right? Or what kind of potion can you use to see the hidden content?"

Long Ming smiled wryly: "Bai Angxi doesn't have this skill either. Maybe I'm overthinking."

He looked at it and felt that it was not right to read from right to left, nor was it acrostic. "what does this mean?"

Shen Yiren half-joked, "It's not Zangtou, maybe it's Zangwei and Zangzhong."

This sentence awakened Long Mingyi, and he carefully studied and discovered the hidden secret.

"Baby! You're right!" Long Mingyi said, "You're right! Look!"

Shen Yiren jumped over from the bed and looked at the place Long Mingyi pointed at.

Long Mingyi said excitedly: "Starting from the second character on the third line, read each line obliquely. The third word on the fourth line, the fourth word on the fifth line, look."

Shen Yiren looked at it and said, "Xiao, Xin, Mu, Every, Lord, Back, Hand? What do you mean..." After reading, Shen Yiren was very surprised.

"Be careful of Master Mei's backhands!" Shen Yiren stared at Long Mingyi with wide eyes. "Master Mei? How could it be? How did Bai Angxi know about Master Mei? How did he know that we would be involved in Master Mei's affairs? Is he a god? Before he dies?"

As soon as Long Ming sat by the bed, he didn't understand what it meant.He picked up the letter and looked at it again, "He, what does he mean? I suspect that he is not dead now."

Long Mingyi had never been so afraid.

Bai Angxi did die in his villa in country M.Is this a dream?

what is this?
Or, is there something else hidden about this matter?
Long Mingyi muttered to himself, "I need to talk to Mi Ming and Xu Chen. I might even talk to those smart people."

None of Zhan Dao Capital's Big Three showed up in the office.In this situation, Li Xuerong, Han Huan and Xuan Siyue have to stabilize everyone.

Qian En asked: "This is the first time that three people are not here."

Li Xuerong said: "This shows that everything in the company is running normally. They are very relieved. No one should be surprised."

Qi Xin asked: "This is very sudden. Everyone is very surprised. It turns out that there will be at least one in the family."

Han Huan said: "We are not kindergarten children? Without a teacher, we don't know how to eat and go to the bathroom? We all do our own things."

Xuan Siyue said: "The boss told me, everyone is busy with their work."

Back at their respective positions, Qi Xin proceeded to open the trading software.Li Si came over and asked, "What happened? Brother Long..."

"Don't ask around. Everything is normal!" Qi Xin said: "Do your own thing well and get the data of those offline physical stores accurate. Brother Long is not here, we have to continue to make money."

"Oh." Li Sizhi walked away with interest.

In the study of Long Ming's family.Mi Ming and Xu Chen looked at the copy of the letter while drinking morning tea.

Xu Chen said to Long Mingyi: "Your interpretation should be correct, otherwise it would be a bit too coincidental. Although this extremely low probability cannot be ruled out, judging from Bai Angxi's various strange behaviors, it is indeed very possible , Bai Angxi knows Master Mei, and knows a lot."

Mi Ming also became serious, "Besides, there is something that worries me even more. It is whether Bai Angxi knows some special inside story, so he told us this news."

Long Ming couldn't eat a single shrimp dumpling. "I just don't know."

Xu Chen said: "What is the relationship between Bai Angxi and Master Mei? Only he can know such an important matter. Can he be sure that we will have a festival with Master Mei? If he has such a great ability, he will let us play to death ?”

Long Ming nodded, "Xu Chen is right! I was affected by this mystery and lost my judgment. Maybe this matter is not that complicated."

Mi Ming asked: "Don't you already have a hypothesis?"

Long Mingyi said: "Let's switch a relationship. What if Bai Angxi didn't know something, but was an exchange like Pei Shang?"

"That is indeed much more reasonable." Xu Chen said.

(End of this chapter)

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